Taken the Exam

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'' See you guys later, Don't disappoint me,'' Izuku spoke to his group as he walked out with Ochaco. Both of them have the same exam site, Something Izuku found a little irritating was that he couldn't take the exam with multiple friends. But they all walked into their own classroom. Izuku and Ochaco sitting next to each other. A piece of paper was already placed in front of them.'' It seems we can start right away.'' Izuku said slightly confused that there wasn't a teacher in sight, It aimed to allow them to cheat. Not something most would do.

But Izuku silently chuckled to himself, as he noticed a small rat-like robot in the vent. He looked around the classroom, already seeing groups share awnsers. But just like Ochaco did, He ignored them all and fill the awnsers in himself. The questions weren't even that hard. The first couple was about moral dilemmas. A burning building trapped two people. An old woman and a young businessman, Who do you save and how? It just made Izuku scoff, It was too simple.'' Both of them or die trying.''  your next to a train track, next to you is a lever, if you don't touch the lever, the train will run over 5 middle-aged people, If you do touch it, it will swerve and only one teen will die. What do you do''

You stop the train, free the people, Or just die trying to do so. Izuku believe that was what made a hero, No matter the situation, If a person was in need you would as a hero need to be ready to give your life. The slightly harder questions were those you had to really study. These included math, Japanese, Economics, And the like. Not that those were too much of a problem.

It took him around 30 minutes to 45 minutes to fully fill out the exam. Placing a paper on top to deter cheaters, He closed his eyes and leaned back. Fully relaxed and made a mental plan of how to pass the exam with as little real effort as he could. Then again he was kinda looking forward to destroying those robots. He never had much of a chance to really let loose that much. But more important was to make sure both passed. But by the sound of it. Ochaco got done with the test shortly before the end.

as the time was over. the speaker went on and a kind slightly soft voice was heard.'' The written part of the exam has reached its end, Those that cheated, Please leave UA instantly, those that took the exam fairly, please walk outside and look for a bus that matches your card. Good Luck.'' Like Nezu expected not everyone that cheated left, Only around 10%,'' Hmm, It seems we have a lower amount of honest cheaters than last year.'' Yeah, last year was like what 45%, Wonder why.'' Gran Torino wondered as he much like Nezu checked the drones.

'' I wonder how this boy will do.'' Hound Dog said tapping his chin as he aimed at Izuku'' Yes, He showed he was rather confident during the explanation. and Most of the test, He acted asleep.'' The teachers nodded.'' I am just curious about my niece, Tho they are on the same site, I wonder if they clashed what would happen.'' Aizawa groaned as he thought to himself.'' she would get her ass kicked.''  Well, Let's see shall we.'' Nezu laughed already releasing the robots to the exam site. a nice amount of prep work,

As the bus slowly filled up with the students taking their seats a voice was heard again.'' You will now be driven to the exam site, There you must destroy as many robots as you can. Please stay in the starting area until the doors open, When the doors open, You are free to rush the site and break as many robots, However, Attack a fellow student, and you instantly fail the exam.'' Nezu said in the same tone. But the bus ride to Izuku was mostly quiet. The girls had to deal with one or two idiots believing they could seduce them.

'' Ah, now we can get to the fun part,'' Izuku said as he was the first one out the door. Spreading his arms wide and going for a stretch, allowing most to hear his bones cracking loudly.'' Eh you okay, Big guy that sounded rough.'' Nana called out with Izuku laughing.'' I ain't just okay, I am the best.'' AHAHA, I like your style man.'' A boy Izuku saw before, with black hair.'' Are you sure you can move in that? Seems a little long for this weather.'' Izuku smirked, He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt on purpose to hide his tattoo, Not wanting to deal with villain haters.

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