A stain on hero society

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'' Come on Kiddo's time for partol,'' Raven said as he walked into the training area, It had been around 2 hours since Raven left the room. They left them to train fully alone with the teaching that would help them with the energy.'' Come on, We didnt even get time to rest.'' Nana asked, She was sore and covered in a layer of sweat.'' Dont care, Heroes have to keep going, So get showered, Get your hero outfit on, And move it outside, You can rest in the Bullet train Because we are going to Hosu.'' 

Raven shocked both Izuku and Nana'' What the fuck, Why Hosu, It has its own front of heroes?'' Izuku asked confused as to why this was even a thing.'' Simple, The hero killer is in Hosu, And we are gonna take him down, It's a full-blown search. I went to school with Tensei, I have just been itching to give that knife-wielding maniac some payback.'' Izuku stood up,'' All Right then, Let's do this.'' Izuku started shuffling toward the shower. The first thing he always did, turned the heat all the way up. Nearly boiling water poured down on Izuku and he loved it.

A total shower of 2 minutes, Before they got out. Then 3 minutes of getting dressed. And they were out in front.'' Sir, we are ready.'' Good, Now then let's move, we have 15 minutes to walk, I want to be there in 5, So move it.'' Raven said as he started jogging. He of course was still full of energy, Izuku and Nana however were tired, But an order was an order. Both started jogging right behind Raven. Thankfully, Raven and Izuku jogged around the same speed, So it was just up to Nana running to follow.

'' Well done, You did it in 4, Now, I am getting myself a coffee, You two want anything.'' water please.'' Nana said tiredly as hell.'' I am good,'' Izuku said as he sat down waiting for the train. Nana dropped down right next to Izuku. Raven just went to a vending machine and got what he needed. The ride over was pretty calm.'' So it's gonna be simple. You two will work together, It's simple, We are after stain. So move quickly, Move together, And call for support when you spot him. Seeing its as a sword, Midoriya takes point.''

Raven ordered Izuku. Izuku had already tested his durability. A knife wasn't really gonna do anything. Needles weren't able to break his skin, Let alone in his hybrid form. Nana wanted to say something about it, How she could face him aswell, But Izuku was just stronger in Durability.'' But that fight won't last long, The second I get word you see him, I am Rushing right over.'' Raven said with a chuckle. Right then. the bullet train came to a stop, right as a Nomu was slammed into the cart.'' RAAAAAAAH.'' The Nomu roared. Its eyes aimed right at Rush.

But Rush simply was faster. He dashed forward, with 9 single strikes all over the body, It was over in a second. The nomu wasn't even able to roar anymore, He was simply unable to move anything. '' Dammit, seems Hosu is Under attack.'' Raven looked out the hole created by the Nomu.'' Midoryuu, and Nova, Move out, Together, Save people first. Try subdue Nomu's if possible, But save the people first.'' Raven Grabbed the leg of the Nomu before jumping out. He threw the Nomu somewhere secluded. Both Nana and Izuku followed suit.

Thankfully they weren't the soul protectors. There was a multitude of heroes in Hosu right now. One of the more powerful being Endeavor.'' Shoto, follow me and look carefully, I shall show you, the perfect ability of the Fire side of your quirk.'' Endeavor told his son. They were jogging thru the city the second they figured out it was getting attacked. They saw a Nomu. Endeavor fired two small bursts of flames out his feet that raised his speed. He dashed toward the Nomu in a blink of an eye. '' FLASH FIRE FISTS.'' With a quick attack. He punched the Nomu into the floor.'' SHOTO CAPTURE HIM.'' Endeavor called out with Shoto frowning.

But he crouched down as a line of ice shot forward, It completely over the Nomu, Incasing in completely with a thick layer of ice.'' Well Done. Dont keep your quirk on that often. You will tire yourself out. Use it when you need it. My movement just now, I activated my flames only when I needed them, apart from that, I didn't use them. Learn to do that, You had your ice activated by the time we started running. If your stamina can't survive that, Stop here and stay out of this.''

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