Randomness training

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Ragdoll smiled happily as she looked at her group. A total of 9 students are in her care. Each one had a special thing to learn from Tomoko.'' Now, You all must be wondering. Why am I training with Ragdoll. She is just a small little girl who can't fight. I would be better under Tiger or Pixie-bob.'' She spoke in a different voice as she walked around. Having absolutely no path and making turns at random.'' That's where you're wrong. You see they fight with order. Some of you fight with the order, But.'' 

Ragdoll just randomly did a cartwheel before sitting down on her butt.'' I move and act in Chaos. All my actions are done to confuse my enemy. Like engine feet kid. I want to call you, Tonta.'' She spoke. She again did this to mess with people. She knew his name was Tenya Ida with the quirk engine, She knew that he needed juice as fuel for his quirk. She knew it all, But this was more fun.'' Uhm it's Tenya Ida mam, Tenya.'' Yeah yeah, Tonta Idle. You run in straight lines. When you do that, you not only know points A and B, But your enemy also knows that.

'' With me, that won't be the case Because I might halfway sit down for a bit. I might turn around and go back to point A. Hell, I might visit point Z while I am at it. That's what you will learn. Some like Mona Lisa over there. will need to use what I teach them in their day to day. While others like Hangman Zero will need it to work better in the norm.'' So how to do train miss.'' Ragdoll jumped up from her seating position. 

This alone was an incredible feat of ability. But as she landed she then jumped again. Nearly clearing a 150 cm distance in one go. to Jump of Ida. Pushing him to the floor.'' To either attack me or not have my attacks land on you. HAHAHA.'' Ragdoll with her paws on Ida did a cartwheel of him, Face to face with Nemuri who tried to punch Ragdoll. Who just hugged her. It stopped the punch completely.'' KEEP HER STILL.'' Mina said coming from behind planning to punch normally.

But as she came close. Ragdoll, SHowing extreme power lifted Nemuri and turned around. Causing friendly fire. Before pushing Nemuri away, stumbling into Mina. all as Ragdolled rolled on her back away to her feet.'' Wrong move Ragdoll.'' Sero called out shooting a line of tape but Ragdoll just stood completely still. He didnt expect that. Normally they move. So he accounted for her to keep the momentum and move backward, Which caused his tape to miss.'' CAGE.'' Manga called out above Ragdoll. Hoping to capture her. But it was without use. She simply skipped out of the way.'' TRY AND DODGE THIS.'' Ida called out, using his super speed to rush at Ragdoll in a lightning-fast move.

Ragdoll simply jumped up. moving her feet forward slightly. Right on Ida's chest before falling and stomping both heels on his chest. Before stepping on his face and walking off.'' Come on, I thought you wanted to learn.'' Ragdoll said before randomly laying on the floor. This was perfectly timed as not a millisecond later, Reiko had thrown a branch at her. This now went over her and landed right on Kiniko who fell because of it.'' HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT THIS.'' Setsuna scread sending two of her hands at Ragdoll. This she wouldn't be able to dodge. 

And she didnt. As she got back up. Ragdoll went full sprint toward the fist. This confused Setsuna who just kept going. She was going to complete this task. But right as the fist was about to make contact. Ragdoll came to a stop and turned 90 degrees before sprinting again. Now Manga was her victim. She bashed her shoulder into him. As her shoulder made contact with her chest, Ragdoll lifted him slightly before he shot back. In the end, Manga flopped nearly 2 meters away with almost a meter of height at its peak.

'' M-maám how are you that strong.'' Nemuri said still rubbing her back from the punch.'' I don't know hihi. I just train for randomness and my body does the rest. Sure Tiger can beat me up. And I am sure some of you can do aswell in a boxing match, But I am undefeated in real fights. You all must learn to do what you do before thinking of what to do. Follow your thoughts and let's see if you guys improve.'' Ragdoll ordered. And they would.

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