The final fight.

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'' Now this will be extremely interesting. Tomura keep your eyes open. You might learn something useful in your quest to bring him to our side.'' The dark voice said thru the television. Tomura Shigaraki nodded his head as he looked'' Yes master, He will join me as one of my officers. He will be great in the destruction of the hero society.'' Shigaraki said with a sinister smile. He was aware that Ryuko was also a dragon. But her capabilities were just nowhere near as impressive as Izuku's. But perhaps he could use her to get him to join.

Tomura right now had a couple of scraps of paper in front of him. Each of them is written in hand by the same writer. It was a rundown of possible new members. Sort of a reference letter so that Shigaraki knew if they were worth meeting. But none really interest him as his focus was on Izuku who was making it to the ring. A confident smile on his face as the arena was silent. No booing nor cheering.  But unlike the arena, there were multiple excited people watching from home.

One group of them being Inko and the other parents. They were fully cheering at the fact two of their neighborhood kids made it into the final match. Both the parents of Ryuko and Izuku were beyond excited and worried for both. Neither wanted their child or the others child to get hurt or lose.'' KICK HER ASS OUT ZUZUUUUUUU.'' Chichi screamed as loud as she could. laughing while she did it. But they weren't the only family of UA hero students to be watching.'' Wonder If the brat has already been kicked out.'' The mother of Katsuki Bakugo said.

She was a beautiful woman that looked far younger than her skin made her look. Because of her quirk. It turned her sweat into another compound that not only gave a sweet caramel scent But also made it look young and vibrant. She sat on the couch with her husband Masaru. Who had a quick combustible hand sweat? Which in combination with his wife's quirk, turned into Bakugo's explosion. She didnt like watching the fights. She always got overly worried. But she was wondering so her husband switched the channel to look. It took but a second for her mind to connect the dots.

That bright green hair. Messy beyond belief. A large smile. and those emerald eyes.'' T-that can't be.'' Mitsuki said shocked as she dropped the book in her hands.'' What are you talking about? Do you know him?'' Masaru asked unsure who this boy was. Sure he had a tad of familiarity to him. But nothing that had alerted Marasu. It wasn't until Present Mic gave a rundown of the two that the memory came flooding back to them both. And it resulted in Mitsuki exploding into tears. The memories flooded forward for both of them.

Mitsuki remembered all of it. Meeting a woman while keeping to herself gave this feeling of power. They sort of became friends as both had a son around the same age. as they turned 4. It all started going downhill. That boy came by less and less. Katsuki spoke about him less and less. And overall. One day. They were gone. Their house turned ablaze all while Mitsuki was left in the dark as to why. She couldn't really go around the neighborhood asking why as Mitsuki just had arguments with all of them. So for some reason Mitsuki never understood. Inko left her. Her only friend left her.

But now it all made sense. Inko gave birth to a dragon quirk user. That's why they left as they were attacked. But why tell her nothing? She never gave a fuck about that sort of shit. ''That's Katsuki's classmate. Doesn't that brat think knowing his childhood friend is in his class is important?'' Mitsuki screamed jumping up from the couch and storming out of the room upstairs.'' Darling, what are you doing.'' GETTING MY COAT, I AM GOING TO U FUCKING A AND GETTING  FUCKING EXPLANATION.'' It was silent for a bit before a new scream was sent downward.'' AND YOUR DRIVING.''

'' I won't hold back Ryuko. I hope you will give it your all.'' Ryuko just rolled up her sleeves and showed that her arms were fully dragonized. Just like Izuku before. Her voice sounded deeper than normal. Showing she was unlocking more and more of her dragon abilities.'' I will win this Izuku.'' Izuku just smiled as he cracked his back. He transformed his arms aswell. It was completely silent for a moment before Present Mic gave the starting signal. Both rushed forward with the same idea. Each of them with for a straight Right jab. 

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