Dinner and dates

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'' We are back home.'' Kaminari cheered as he ran and belly-flopped in the couch pit. His body was sore and he was tired. Most of the class shared this. They felt like absolute shit. They had been fighting from the morning.'' I am hungry hungry.'' Sato said walking into the kitchen, '' Oh yeah, food, I need some food.'' Ojiro said as his stomach rumbled loudly.'' OJIRO, MY BEST FRIEND.'' Yeah yeah Mina, I gotchu.'' Ojiro said shaking his head as Mina showed her massive smile. Izuku walked into the kitchen aswell.

He grabbed one of the bags of rice.'' Let's make just some lunch for everyone.'' Ojiro and Sato nodded.'' I got veggies then.'' Sure I will peel the potatoes, You got the rice.'' Izuku nodded to Ojiro and Sato. The large sugar rush user grabbed some carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, Bell peppers, and onions. Using the peeler, He removed the dirty skin from the carrots and onion. With his own personal kitchen knife, Sato made short work of the veggies, Cutting the stem of the broccoli, Dicing the carrots, tomato, and bell peppers, And as he went over to cut the onions. He first grabbed the diving glasses. This made cutting the onion light work and stopped him from crying.

Ojiro removed the potato peels. While he wanted to throw them away, Bakugo stopped him.'' Let me try something.'' Bakugo grabbed the potato peels. Throwing them under the tap. cleaning them as best he could. Throwing them down on some towels, He dried them off.'' So what you gonna do Bakago.'' Shut it racoon eyes. I read some dude used the peels as chips and wanted to try it myself.'' Bakugo grabbed a pan and filled it with some oil.

After seeing the oil heated up to a correct temp, He threw the peels in the oil, and nearly instantly they started crisping up.'' OOOH, Can I try some aswell.'' Racoon eyes, I might share some, but fuck off out of my space.'' With the promise of food, Mina quickly followed the orders. She nearly vanished from the kitchen area, Making it seem like she had a speed quirk. Bakugo removed the peels shortly after seeing they had browned enough. removing the last bit of oil as he threw them on a paper towel he had placed in a bowl. He finished it up by adding a little salt, and garlic powder. paprika powder and spice. 

After shaking the bowl, flipping the peels around to coat them properly. and finally, he could taste them.'' Oh, these ain't bad. Here hobo's try.'' He offered them to the rest of the class..'' Not bad, love the crisp.'' Kaminari said with a thumbs up.'' You're like a super cook Bakubro, Totally manly.'' YEAH BRO, LIKE TOTAL CHAD BRO.'' Tetsutetsu yelled on to Kirishima's words.'' Using the peels is a rather smart idea, seeing they are a rich source of Phenolics and vitamins such as riboflavin, ascorbic acid, and b6.''

Ida informed them, Yet none of them listened and just gave a half-assed nodd as they snacked on the peel. seeing Izuku was done with the rice, having just washed it a couple of times, removing some of the starch from the rice. He would then start making the curry itself. Which was not that hard. at least when he looked at the notes of his mother. Using some onion, garlic, tomato, ginger, and chili in the blender, Izuku made a paste. Adding some oil to the wok. He added some flavoring such as bay leaves, green cardamons, and some cloves. This added flavor to the oil.

Izuku grabbed the bowl of onions from Sato, throwing them in the oil and browning them slightly, Turning them into a beautiful golden brown color, Turning the flames low and adding a little water in them to stop them from browning more, Now to add some color and more flavor. Izuku added some red chili powder and turmeric powder. Normally the chicken would be added right away. But with Ibara being a vegetarian, that would not be a possibility. Izuku cooked the chicken in a different pan. planning to mix them later on. As this got mixed in, Izuku poured the mix he made in the beginning into the pan. mixing it all good together. This is where he added the rest of the veggies, throwing in the carrots, Potato, tomato chunks, and broccoli. Finally, it was a cup of water and a bit of sugar. letting it simmer for around 20 to 30 minutes mixing from time to time.

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