Two more fights.

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''YEAH, IT'S MY TURN.'' Mina cheered as she saw her name on the board. This turned into a flurry of joy as it was a full girl group of pure excitement. Mina teamed up with Setsuna, Nejire, Nemuri, and Kiniko. Each of them could be seen as nothing more than a ball of energy. And they more often than not did like to think as much. So they happily skipped down to the exam site. laughing giggling and joking the entire way. They believed they were gonna win this easily because of girl power.

The exam site was a massive industrial site. Warehouses. containers. even trucks were around the area. When they used their mind, most of the girls could make wonders. each of them skilled in their own right. But now. they were having too much fun. They should have known that Nezu would have made a match-up that would be hard for them to win. But instead.'' I DONT CARE IF IT ALL MIGHT I WILL JUST.'' Mina jumped up high a little bit before kicking her leg up.'' Heyaaaaa'' The girls shared in laughter. As they kept walking forward. No plan no idea what they would do.

'' Oh, will you now.'' Out from behind them a voice they were all too familiar with spoke. Each of them had the shared reaction of a loud scream, a jump, and spinning to face their new attacker. Aizawa stood behind them. his face emotionless and cold. His scarf relaxed around his neck.'' I GOT THIS.'' Nemuri said as she stepped forward, Aizawa took a step forward aswell. ''You're going to gas your friends aswell?'' She looked around. The four other girls were far too close, Just like Aizawa, they would be passed out.

In reality, this was the best course of action. None would die and the villain would be stopped instantly. Aizawa even allowed her to use her quirk. But she didnt want to hurt her friends. She didnt want to cause friendly fire.'' I GOT HIM THEN.'' Mina said her arms covered in acid. Aizawa just ducked low before dashing at Mina, tripping her to the floor. Before looking at Nejire who tried to charge up her quirk. Kiniko was about to blow a bunch of mushroom spores right at Aizawa. covering him completely. But He was faster. 

He threw his scarf around her hand and her head. Before pulling tightly.  The result was exactly what he wanted. Kiniko's hand smacked herself in the head and she was wrapped. Mina this time acted efficiently. She threw her acid right over the scarf. melting thru it and making sure Kiniko was freed from Aizawa.'' FASTBALL FIST.'' Setsuna yelled as she threw her fist at Aizawa. Even from his crouched position. He easily caught her hand.'' Really, the best you could do. softly throwing it.'' He was doing this while canceling Nejire's quirk. It was absolute chaos and they had no chance of beating Izuku. But Aizawa's eyes started being irritated.

'' Phase one is done, let's see how you do in phase two.'' Aizawa wrapped his scarf around a beam and pulled himself away. Right as Mina and Setsuna went for a kick. Both just kicked each other and fell on their butts.'' I hate this, I hate this, I hate this, how are we gonna win again Mister Aizawa.'' Mina whined, not liking how her exam went so far. She really hoped they would have fought for 5 minutes and ended up winning, But here they had been fighting for like 10 hours and they had their but kicked without even being hurt by Aizawa.

'' Yeah and what did he mean with Phase two, shroom?'' Kiniko added, confused by what he meant'' Knowing Aizawa, maybe a style of fighting. Phase one is close combat. So maybe phase two will be long range.'' Or gorilla warfare. Before UA he once or twice talked about it. Not sure what it really means I had more important matters at that time.'' Nemuri said with Mina rolling her eyes.'' staring at Izuku you call more important matters.'' Nemuri just nodded proudly but phase two had already started.

Aizawa stood on top of a beam. His scarf wrapped around a weaker beam that would cause a collapse. Not close enough to hurt, But close enough to scare them. He stretched his back as he stood back up. Pulling the scarf as hard as he could.'' I am getting too old and fat for this work. Inko really has to stop making those great cookies.'' Aizawa said as he petted his belly. If the other teachers just heard what he set, Aizawa without a doubt would have gotten his butt kicked. One of the highlights of the office was the fact Inko brought them cookies on a weekly basis.

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