Cleaning the Stains of society.

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'' Come on Come on Come on.'' Nana repeatedly said extremely annoyed as the phone kept ringing and ringing and ringing. Each ring seemed to take multiple hours before the next one, But no matter how long she waited, Nothing happened. Of course, Nana didn't know the real deal. Rush wasn't getting a phone call. Nobody was gonna get a phone call. Hours ago something happened. Something that started this entire ordeal. It was still bright outside. Stain stood crouched on a water tower waiting for his time to strike.

He pulled out his sword and pointed it behind himself, Aiming right at a portal that opened up a few feet behind him. The purple portal was the same portal that allowed the villains to enter the USJ.'' Excuse me, Sir, I am here to bring you toward my master for a conversation. Please.'' The purple villain covered in smoke nodded as he stood to the side and suggested to the portal. Stain sucked his teeth before seating his sword and walking thru the portal. Perhaps it would be worth it. So Stain walked thru the portal, One moment he was on top of a water tower in the middle of Hosu.

And the next step, He is in the middle of some sort of bar, completely empty apart from a TV screen that read Audio Only in a red box. And a dude, with a hand covering his face.'' So are you his master?'' Stain asked tilting his head slightly. Just like that the purple mist had formed behind the bar and started to clean glasses and observed. Out from the speakers behind the computer screen, a voice came.'' That doesn't matter, Shigiraki?'' Yes sir.'' Shigiraki stood up, Placing down the old handheld gaming device.'' I love your work, Killing heroes and crippling them for life, So fun.''

As Shigiraki spoke Stain's face showed pure hatred for him.'' Now, We here at the League of Villians, Have a goal. To kill All Might, To kill Hero society, Destroy everything hahaha.'' Shigiraki laughed crazily.'' Now I want you to join our Ranks. Join us and help us destroy society.'' Shigiraki wanted to rattle off more, But Stain spoke.'' Oh shut your mouth. You are nothing but a child seeking to destroy. I don't destroy, I cut down sickness. I cut down those that infect hero society.'' Stain pulled out two of his large blades on his sides. 

He stabbed one in the bar.'' These heroes I cut down, I simply cut down because it's a necessity. I want more heroes like All Might. Hero society NEEDS THEM.'' Stain said walking forward and dragging the blade across the bar as he walked slowly forward.'' Heroes that don't do it for fame, that don't do it for the money or just to fight, Heroes that do justice because that is the right thing to do, I cut down the infected heroes. Just like how a surgeon cuts off an arm to save the body.

Stain raised his blade at Shigiraki's arm.'' I do the same, I cut down the infected heroes so that hopefully the better ones bloom in their place. But don't get me wrong, I won't just kill them, YOU GET IN MY WAY, AND I WILL SLICE YOU DOWN JUST AS QUICK.'' Stain stared Shigiraki down, Shigiraki's eye peaking out just passed the fingers, staring right back at Stain.'' Calm down both of you.'' The voice of the screen spoke. a deep, almost demonic voice as it rang thru the bar.

'' LEAVE, LEAVE, YOUR BORING, LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE.'' Shigiraki started screaming, Stain sucked his teeth as he stood straight with his arms slack, Shigiraki seemed like nothing more than a child being told what to do by this 'master' Behind the screen.'' Now bring me back, I have work to do, And if I see you again, in MY CITY, YOU WILL DIE.'' Shigiraki slammed his hand down on one of the seats, It crumbled, He seemed to want to attack Stain, Only to change and stand calm.'' Better stay out of my way before I kill you. I will crumble you to dust, Just like I will Crumble hero society. Once he joins our rank.''

This piqued his interest.'' Oh please, Inform him Shigiraki, It might further his growth.'' The voice spoke. Stain could almost just about hear the smirk that thing had on his face as he spoke.'' Kurogiri.'' Shigiraki simple said. Right then Kurogiri shoved something over the bar, A simple picture of Izuku at the end of the Sports Festival. Stain took a glance for a moment.'' Now I will be sure to cut him down, A hero that piqued the interest of villains, Has to be cut down.'' Shigiraki did not like this and raised his hand.

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