A look at the other side

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'' Now students, I understand the worry and shock you all must feel, Not only did a student you all trusted and rely on, Leave, But it seemed he might have attacked one of your fellow students.'' I AIN'T FUCKING SHOCKED, I AM PISSED OFF, LET US FIND HIS ASS AND KICK IT.'' Bakugo yelled. He was extremely fucking pissed. Half the school was.'' Please, refrain from such outbursts. As of right now, Izuku Midoriya's location is unknown, and so is the League of Villains.'' Nezu spoke as he stood in front of the entire school.

'' Sir, what about the villains running from us why is that.'' One of the seniors asked. one of Aizawa's old students, Mirio Togata asked with Nezu nodding.'' I am not fully aware of why, But from the information I have gathered, Midoriya has placed the entire school on a no-touch list. The reason why, we don't fully know.'' Nezu said, He tried calming everyone, as this of course brought worries and confusion. But I did not come to talk about that. Because of the recent developments and actions taken, UA will change slightly.'' This worried some, what change were they talking about?

'' UA, will change into a housing school. As of right now, the dorms have already been made. I understand it's a big change, But for the safety of both the teachers and students, I decided this was the safest course of action. We will also now enforce something else. If you want to leave UA grounds, You will need written permission from your Homeroom teacher, And depending on the matter, You will be required to bring a friend along, This is purely for protection. I understand it is a big change.'' Nezu understood their reactions, But thankfully they all accepted it. 

On the weekends they were able to head home if they wanted. But during the weeks, they had to stay at UA. And students and parents agreed. Which allowed them all to move in not a week later.'' Oh wow.'' UA dormitory was something none of the students had expected. While they expected a large brick-like building. The buildings were perfectly round. A weird, But great-looking building. As they entered the ground floor, it was a massive open space with only a couple of pillars around to support the large building

In the large area, there was a set of 4 large TVs. With them, a large couch is able to fit more than enough people. Bookcases that at the moment were empty, shelves decked out with basic plants. Dining room table and perfectly in the middle, a seating area. A large couch pit for people to sit and relax.'' Oh wow.'' Yes, welcome to UA dorms, aka the Heights Alliance.'' Present Mic said as he walked the students in.'' First floor you can see mostly the common room. Right there you have the kitchen.'' Present Mic showed the massive kitchen.'' It made for 8 people cooking, so take that into account when making food,

Most food will be delivered and taken care of by UA themselves, Snacks and extra will have to be done by all of you,  Not then, Left if the guy showers, right is the girl's showers. Keep it separate, I don't care if you dating, or not. Shower in your own area. It's just showers aswell. Then up toward the rooms. So each floor as you can see has 12 rooms. Now just because the outside looks round, that doesn't mean the rooms are, Each of your rooms is just nice and square, The balcony is roundish.''

Present Mic walked them toward the middle which was open. Now listen up, There are 12 rooms on each floor, this means, the 24 boys will be on the first and second floor, and the 20 girls will be on the third and fourth floor, The girls will have four rooms extra, But that doesn't matter, Just don't use them. Now these middle areas are not rooms, They are all the washing areas, Here you can brush your teeth and take a piss. Just keep the area clean. Now as for your rooms, Do anything you like with them, In the pamphlet given to you before, we have given you all the option to either use the basic furniture or, take it from home, So yeah.''

Present Mic started walking away.'' There is a phone at the door and at every floor right here.'' He showed the white phone.'' This is only able to call to the teacher's louche, Just use it for emergencies, aka someone getting hurt or you know fire. There are cameras in the common rooms, This is again done in case you all die by fire and are too dead to call out for help. There is no sound and only black-and-white video. Now them, Enjoy your stay.'' Present Mic walked away as the students stood looking at the amazing site

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