Beginning of the entrance exam

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'' HURRY UP SLOWPOKE, THE TRAIN IS ABOUT TO HEAD OUT.'' Mina screamed loudly at Izuku who just scanned his card and started walking up the stairs right to the train.'' I know, Mina, Just chill.'' Izuku finished as he walked toward them seeing his group waiting for him. They sat down near an area that was big enough for all of them.'' I just don't get why I wasn't allowed to sit on your lap, It's not that bad.'' Mina pouted as they walked toward UA, Izuku standing taller than all of them like always.

They walked right toward UA. Each of them was well trained for this moment.'' You better kick ass in the recommended exam, Or else I will tie you to the goddamn tree.'' Izuku told Juzo who would be the only one taking the exam thanks to an uncle of his. The rest didnt really get the chance as those that were full-time teachers at UA were unable to recommend students, as it gave an unfair advantage when they voted. Juzo would still have that, But it was a loophole of sorts.'' Yeh yeh, you just try your best and not finish last lazyard.''

Izuku pushed his shoulder softly.'' as if, I am taking the top spot without effort.'' This earned Izuku a punch to the shoulder'' As if, I will stomp your ass in the earth, and take that spot myself. You can be just below me,'' Rumi growled staring up at Izuku who just chuckled as he lifted his arm and started ruffling Rumi's hair before walking further. As he walked, many others gave him a stare, and he understood, I mean he was their biggest challenge, One they were not going to overcome. ''Let's head inside, Hanging around here is just for scaredy-cats.'' 

This received alot more stares from the ones hanging outside, mostly to indeed gain the courage to head inside, But he was however stopped.'' HEY, MIDORIYAAA,'' Izuku looked back with a smile, waving back at the person taking a jog toward them.'' Hey Uraraka, Long time no see, Ready for the exam.'' With a cheerful smile, Ochaco nodded her head, I am super ready, Gonna give it my all, and hope I pass'' Ochaco said as she started looking around the group.'' Oh hey, you, sorry I forgot your name.'' Ochaco said, her smile dropping a slight bit as she saw Nemuri. aswell as the other ladies that were clinging onto Izuku so to speak.

'' I will introduce you inside, let's go.'' as Izuku started walking, the group followed him, with Izuku introducing the group to Ochaco. As Izuku had expected there were one of the first ones in the auditorium.'' Let's sit here.'' Izuku pointed toward a corner that was pretty empty but close enough so they could hear whoever gave the presentation. And right as they were seated, the group, talked a bit, But mostly They were scoping out the competition.

Izuku took note of some students. A pretty tall woman, at least taller than most of his female friends, that looked well trained walked in and chose a seat right in the middle of what seemed like strangers, Showing she was confident and wanted to learn. same for a well-built kid with glasses, His hair combed neatly to the side, but a little messy nonetheless showing he might have rushed to be here. He was a broad build for sure, with what looked like engines sticking out of his calves. each step he took looked to be by the book.

A large man, extremely well trained, Spiky hair with thicker lips, His built alone making him stand out. He was hanging around a group of pretty loud guys, one with bright yellow hair and a clear black lightning bolt in said hair, which Izuku found funny, and kind of wished to find out, if it was done with dye, or just since birth. A dude with black hair was uncombed, But the group was loud. Countless more people walked in, yet nobody gave Izuku a feeling of worry, each seemed to be rather underwhelming. The only one that gave Izuku an unsure feeling,

Light blond hair, sort of exploding from his head. A growl-like grin on his face. his hands in his pocket and he looked bored and irritated. Izuku didnt know what it was, But there was something about that dude, that fueled something in Izuku. it was like a mixture between worry and rage. Something that caused Izuku's dragon will to activate and give those around him the feeling of impending doom. Only stopped as Shinso tapped him on the shoulder.'' Yo Izuku, what's up.'' Izuku gave an apologetic smile.'' I can't really be sure, Just something about one of those guys, That pisses me off like nothing before.

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