The Roar heard around the world

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'' Well done you bunch of pussies. You almost turning into kittens.'' Tiger spoke standing over everyone in the classes. It had been 3 days of training. They showed up on Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, and today Thursday had been hard training. Each student was tired and wanted to sleep for a week.'' Now you all just need one more day of hard training to be kittens. But because The other Cats believe play is just as important. You get to have fun today. BY DOING 999 PUSHUPS. SO GET STARTED.'' Tiger screamed. Many students yelled in fear before they sluggishly started. Only for Mandalay to smack Tiger.'' No. You get really play. Today after dinner we set up a fun thing. You will split into groups of 2. Half of you get to hide in the forest and scare others while the other half need to walk through the entire forest before making it back.''

The group loved this idea.'' But.'' Aizawa spoke. Each of them shook. the late-night training. The students that failed. each and every night they spent in a building studying. It was by far hell.'' The lesson won't happen today. You all improved and I am proud. I will give you this thing ONCE. Fail again and my wrath will be worse than before.

All the students yelled.'' yes sir.'' Their yell was tired. The training was molten them to the core. they were only a puddle of flesh. But thankfully they had nothing else to do apart from having fun.'' Hey Kota wanna throw the ball again?'' Izuku tried reconnecting with Kota again. He really wanted to try and connect with Kota again. He understood that hatred for heroes. At a certain point, Izuku hated heroes. But Kota ignored him.'' hang around your own loser kind.'' There ain't a loser like him here.'' Bakugo said, Mostly meaning Izuku was a loser like no loser. Kota just stared back.'' I see two of the biggest losers now.'' Bakugo nearly rushed Kota.'' COME HER YOU LITTLE.''

Bakugo was being held back by Kirishima and Tetsutetsu.'' TRY ME LOSER, YOU WEAK HEROES WANNABEES ARE SUCKERS.'' Kota ran into the woods.'' KOTA DONT RUN IN THE WOODS AT NIGHT.'' Mandalay yelled. She started chasing him, But Izuku started following.'' I will get him back. I swear.'' Mandalay nodded. Allowing Izuku to be the one chasing him instead. She went back to the group. But Izuku was at a massive disadvantage. He had no idea what was where. Kota had lived in these woods and knew the area. Izuku was having trouble figuring out which way was up.


'' Now with everyone here. Go have fun, AND BRING ME BACK MY BROTHER.'' Shigiraki screamed as they stepped through Kurogiri's portal. All 10 members together.'' Okay. We need to act smart here. Dont kill anyone. That dragon brat might be stronger than all of us. Dont fight him alone. Dont yet kill any hero. Use them hostage to get him to join us. That way we do our job and we won't die'' Muscular sighed.'' FUCK THAT I AM GONNA HAVE SOME FUN. NEED TO SCOUT IT FIRST.'' He ran away. Through the forest. He knew just the mountain to look down from to spot the fun.'' Well then. Us 9 can work smarter. Mustard. you take the south side. push the pass north but try and create a barrier around the area to lock them in. I will do the same'' Ash spoke embers sparking from his hands.

'' Twice. make a copy of me. We will close in the north and east. Compress. you hide. try and snatch that Ragdoll for the big boss. Then the rest of you are on collection Duty. Subdue and funnel them into the west. That open area. That gives us the best shot at Midoriya.'' Ash had a clear game plan.

It was the exact reason he was chosen. He liked to have a game plan to win the fight.'' Fine. I will listen only because tasting Midoriya is soooo close. I wonder how his seed feels entering my body.'' Lilith spoke. touching her breast at the idea of Izuku. But they spread out. They won't yet fight. they needed a smart plan and a correct moment.'' Keep in the shadows for now. There are way too many of those brats. We might not walk away if we fight now.''

'' Dumb losers. Thinks they are cool for being heroes. like heroes are cool.'' Kota said with his arms crossed. He had his legs dangled over the side of the mountain. It was his boy cave. He had hidden some snacks. toys and comics in the cave. Whenever the wild wild pussycats were being to hero he escaped there.'' OY brat, you know a fucker called Izuku Midoriya. I wanna kill him a little.'' Muscular spoke as he stepped up the mountain. Blocking Kota off. Kota shriveled up. He looked back. A mountain of man.

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