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 Izuku had joined Aizawa in getting to UA arriving much earlier than any of the others, But he had still stuff to prepare for the class. Instead of following Aizawa into UA, Izuku went into the City and made his way toward a 24/7 convenience store where he bought 4 loaves of bread, and 8 packets of ham and cheese with some butter. With this Izuku made his way back to UA. Walking as he wondered what would happen today during the USJ as his father was rather secretive about it. Annoying but acceptable.

As he arrived at UA Izuku made his way to the class where he started making sandwiches, Nothing special, Just simply, bread spread some butter on it, place a slice of cheese and ham and finish it off with a second piece of bread, He did this forever single piece of bread, before making the small walk to UA lunchroom where he located LunchRuch.'' Hello sir,'' Oh it's you, the dragon boy, Aizawa's kid right.'' Izuku just gave a nod.'' What you need kid, Not trying to be rude but I need to make sure I got everything for lunch.''

Izuku nodded.'' I understand sir, I was just wondering If it was fine if I grabbed some plastic cups and fill them with water.'' Yeah, that's fine, If you check at the bottom of the left side there is a tray you Can use to move the cups, but why do you need so much water?'' Izuku walked in and started looking.'' I am making sure all my classmates have at least eaten something before the USJ, If they want to act their best they need a full stomach.'' This thought got Lunchrush to respect Izuku, Most people forgot how important food was.

Izuku got back into the classroom where he placed the water on a couple of tables and started waiting for the students, The first group of students was Momo, Nana, Kendo, and Ibara, who arrived while talking with Ida, Ojiro, and Shoda..'' What is this.'' Kendo asked looking at the food.'' Oh, Well seeing we have the USJ today, I wanted to make sure everyone ate something.'' Oh wow, that is really considerate, I didnt expect that from someone like you.'' Momo said with Izuku keeping a smile on his face,'' Well take a sandwich and some water if you want.''

Momo did as did Kendo and Nana. More students started to show up and took food. Some of the course didnt want it.'' Fuck you, I dont need a goddamn handout, I will kill everyone here on an empty stomach, Hell I kill everyone without a fucking stomach.'' Bakugo growled out as Izuku just shrugged.'' Eat or don't eat Bakugo, Just dont complain when you get kicked out for not giving it your all.'' Well, I will happily take one, I overslept so didnt have time for breakfast.'' Ochaco said giving an embarrassed smile.

'' I had the same problem.'' Yui said as she took a sandwich and a cup of water before looking Izuku straight into his eyes.'' Thank you for this.'' Before she turned around and walked to her seat to eat. Once all the students had walked in, sat down, and most had eaten something, Aizawa and Vlad King walked into the class together.'' Oh, Midoriya seems you have extra food.'' I do sir, You two want something.'' Izuku said offering his teachers something to eat. Both took two sandwiches each leaving Izuku with 6 or so sandwiches which he once more offered to anyone hungry but no responses so he ate them himself.

'' Now then students, Today you could count as your first real day as a hero, We are going toward the USJ was me, Vlad with two other teachers. We will act like civilians in need of rescue, You all will be the ones to save us. Now, you will be required to work together. Which you will do, I won't accept any students working alone when you're not capable of doing it alone.'' Aizawa explained before touching the button on the desk opening up the hidden locations of the hero outfits.

''I will see you all outside, We will have two busses to drive you.'' Vlad King told them before walking out with Aizawa. The students quickly followed with Himiko and Nemuri hugging Izuku's arms.'' Hey Zuki, Thank you so much for the food. If there is anything I can do for you just tell me'' Nemuri said with a wink, trying to tease Izuku who just smiled.'' No need, I am the class representative, It's my job.'' This made Nemuri and Himiko sigh before just walking with the other girls all as Izuku just walked behind them.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now