The end of the second event

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Izuku stayed up in the sky, he and his group were just calmy waiting out time. It confused Ochaco a lot, she heard about Izuku's idea from the girls before. He wanted to make an impact, he wanted to show that he had everything a hero needed, and then some." Hey Izuku, is this really the best way to make an impact?" She tried her best to maintain her balance in the sky. Izuku gave a chuckle as he nodded." I am more than sure, it's all a part of my plan"

Nejire budged in the conversation." What is your plan Midoriya, you ran like really fast, which showed that you can get to problems quickly, but what about this, or the explosions, and what about the next part, are you like going to beat everyone's butt badly or what." Izuku smirked. He found his plan was smart, he knew he was going to be hated by everyone. That was a simple fact. " You see, the race, I showed that I can get everywhere faster than everyone else. The explosions were to show that I can and will take all sorts of pain to help my fellow heroes."

" and here, I am showing I can be tactical and don't just rely on brute force to fix my problems." Nejire giggled happily. Nejire found Izuku interesting as heck, from all the people she met in her life. Izuku took the top spot. A dragon user that was friendlier than 90% of the people. He was respectful and kind to everyone. Plus Izuku was a total hotty. Abs for days. A cute face he was wonderful and idiotically dense. From what she heard you could flash him and he still wouldn't get you're into him.

"well only a couple more minutes and we win with first place," Izuku assured them as he looked down at the massive war that was happening below them. It was hard to see who was fighting who and which group had the points. He was sure team Nana was passing. Same for team Bakugo. Both werent really able to back down or give up, they just didnt work like that. "watch it, left side." Ochaco called out loudly as a fist was thrown right at them. If Izuku didn't use his wing to block it they would have lost the points,

Nana smirked at them. She threw Setsuna's arm, she threw it with the powers of OFA. It fired at them with the speed of a bullet. The only reason Ochaco was able to call it out was that she noticed the build-up.'' Your not gonna get off that easily you asshat.'' Nana screamed at him. She was pissed, her points only gave her third place at the moment and she needed first. She wanted a first place more than anything. So if she wanted first, she would need to fight him. But their first sneak attack failed, now teasing them until they came down was the best bet.

'' come join us up here sweetheart, or what are you afraid of.'' Nejire laughed as she teased Nana back. From up, high could already see Nana nearly explode in anger. She twitched but was brought back by Setsuna giving her a small tap on the head.'' hey Naa we need to move girly, we are really wanted right here.'' She looked around and noticed the students that lost their points because of them, and they wanted some payback. '' Forward'' nana screamed as she began moving forward just going to stall them out.

'' This is the wrong fucking way'' Kamakiri called out as they were moving right into the path of team Bakugo. Ranked second place and they were going right for them." ONLY A COUPLE MORE SECONDS EVERYONE BEFORE THE SECOND EVENT IS OVER. WILL TEAM URARAKA REMAIN UNTOUCHED UP IN THE SKY, WILL TEAM BAKUGO CLASH WITH TEAM TOKAGE OR WILL THEY BE SAVED BY THE BELL." Present Mic screamed thru the microphone happy as could be. '' Nana come on girl you are the leader here.'' Nana had been the one to come up with the plan. She had given everyone their placement.

" fuck it,'' Nana screamed as she ran forward. She covered her arm in OFA, she needed to stall it right now. As they got closer and closer, Nana punched the floor. Right in front of Todoroki that pushed him and his entire group back because of the pure power Nana portrayed. She bit her lip and grunted in pain as she used a bit more power than she could handle. Todoroki shook in rage, and fear. He didnt expect that amount of power from anyone at UA, but before he could move again, Present Mic screamed that the second part was over." IT'S A WRAP EVERYONE.''

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