Second part of the PHLE

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As Izuku and the group of girls were still working on removing the civilians from the rubble the other students rushed out to save as many as they could. '' WHY ARE YOU FUCKERS STILL FOLLOWING MEEE'' Bakugo screamed as he tried running. right behind him Kirishima, Kaminari, and Mina'' Cause why not'' Mina yelled back just as loud only with a laugh. The group was going toward a landslide area, They quickly saw multiple people buried, hands sticking out.'' GET THEM OUT NOW.'' Bakugo yelled, he ran forward without explosions. He knew the loud blast could give a second slide to come forth.

'' RED SHOVEL,'' Kirishima yelled out as he cupped both his hands slightly, As he hardened his hands they made in essence a garden trowel. With increased vigor, he dug as fast as he could. Making a large enough hole for the people to breathe before he jumped to the next person. As Kirishima cleared breathing space, Mina and Denki dug with their hands. That was until Bakugo threw two branches toward them.'' Use them, it makes it easier.'' Bakugo went to dig himself. Each of them took one person. There were a total of 5 people stuck.

'' PLEASE SAVE ME, I AM TO PRETTY TO DIE, SAVE ME SAVE ME SAVEMEEEEEEE'' One of the civilians yelled, Bakugo grabbed her by the face.'' shut your fucking face, the second I arrived none of you extra's would die, now just shut up and be saved like the others.'' How dare you speak to me like that, You are supposed to be a kind hero.'' Fuck that shit, You rather have a kind hero that will cause you to die, than me who makes sure your crying ass can keep crying at home.'' Bakugo scowled, leaving the woman speechless.

'' Bakubro, don't be like that, they are just scared.'' Kirishima spoke with Mina nodding'' Nothing bad will happen as long as we are here.'' OH, YOU SILLY HEROES.'' A group of what seemed like thugs showed up. Bakugo instantly knew who they were. They are sidekicks of Shishido and Gangorca. The full black suits of Gangorca and the animalistic style outfits of Shishido. Each wielding a gun of sorts.'' You keep digging, I will murder those fucking suckers'' Bakugo said walking forward slowly.'' You think you have what it takes to take ME down.'' One of the leaders of the group said.

'' Bitch, I got what it takes to take down that boss of yours, I turn his lion ass into a basic orange kitty, Humilate him so much, he couldn't even join the pussycats'' Bakugo said with a smirk. This caused one group to laugh while the others shook in rage'' Oh what you think free willy could stand me aswell,'' Now both groups were pissed off'' YOUR GONNA DIE KID, I DONT CARE WHAT THIS EXAM IS, YOU TALK SHIT ABOUT THE BOSS, YOU GET YOUR SHIT KICKED IN.''

Exactly what Bakugo had hoped for.'' Well, you have to Catch then don't you, bitch boy.'' Seeing that he had a dog quirk, this pissed him off. The group without thought rushed for Bakugo who sprinted away from the mountain. As he reached nearly 50 meters away Bakugo stopped and turned to face them. Two raised their weapons. firing the guns. Bakugo ducked low, letting the large globs fly over his head, As he turned to see what it was he noticed it was quick-drying cement.'' Haha, losers, you can't do shit.'' Bakugo used two explosions to fly forward. He dashed at high speeds

Against low-level thugs, just basic dudes who did not follow the rules, Bakugo had more than enough speed to blitz them. To fully surprise them before their eyes could even register that Bakugo moved. However, Bakugo was not fighting low-level thugs, He was fighting highly trained and extremely strong sidekicks. They were already trained heroes. far better trained than Bakugo. And he was outmatched, Not that ever stopped Bakugo. He would happily fight Izuku a fight that would also be outmatched. And these side kicks were using weapons, lowering their skill even more. As Bakugo threw a knee, trying to at least land an attack. It was blocked with a forearm.

'' Basic, fighting straight on, and here I expect the puppy to back up the bark with some bite.'' The leader said as Bakugo exploded his palms, flying upward and dodging two globs again. This time they hit their own friends. hitting each other instead, blocking the guns with cement, and freezing their hands. '' Crossfire bitch.'' Bakugo now used his weight and gravity to stomp one of them in the face, busting him to his ass.'' Come on then losers, I expected you all to be somewhat of a fight, But you all some bitches.'' Bakugo was just railing them up, trying to get them annoyed and fuck up even more. 

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