The dinner

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'' Sho, You can not show up like a hobo, Now fix your tie and put your socks in your pant leg. Same for you Hitoshi, I told you to wear a tie, Not wear an open neck. Izuku, No sandals, I said shoes, Now don't make me get MY slippers.'' Each of them fixed themselves fully, The threat of Inko and her slippers. There were few things that could put the fear of god into these three men. Aizawa is a hardened hero, with Years of training and deadly fighting. Only really scared of an empty cup of coffee.

Hitoshi. Son of a hero, a hero in training himself. Having dealt with all sorts of pain, Sharing the same fear of his father, an empty coffee pot. aswell as fear of angel fish. And Izuku, A dragon quirk user, an absolute monster in a fight, having dealt with bullying and death threats as a child, Now not even shaken up by the scariest of villains. He could face down the evilest villains and smile. But all of them were scared to fuck off Inko and her slippers, 

A small woman 160 centimeters tall. Sweeter than the purest sugar in the world. A smile that could get anyone to smile. But still that dragon quirk, and the force and powers of the slippers. And when she had a complete reason. They hurt a billion times more.  And right now Inko wanted to make a good impression once again. But just like this, It was the exact same in the Bakugo household. Mitsuki wanted to also make a great impression.'' BRAT GET DOWN HERE NOW, AND IF I SO MUCH AS FUCKING SEE YOUR WEIRD-SHAPED ASS IN SWEATS, I WILL SKIN YOU ALIVE.''

'' FUCK YOU OLD HAG, I WILL COME DOWN NAKED AND MY ASS IS SHAPED IN A WEIRD WAY, THAT WAS BEFORE YOU SMELLY SWEAT STAIN,'' Bakugo screamed down angrily. Masaru was already on the chair dressed nicely reading the paper.'' OH YEAH GIVE PEOPLE MORE REASON TO BULLY YOU, GET DOWN HERE IN A NICE SET OF CLOTHING, OR I WILL WALK UP THESE STAIRS.'' Mitsuki screamed. Katsuki had already gotten dressed, But he wasn't gonna back down from anybody, But he just didnt get it. They already knew each other and it was gonna be a friendly dinner. 

Nothing fancy or shit but here they were dressed as if they were going to church. The Aizawa-Midoriya's had used the Bullet train and were now making the somewhat awkward walk. But Inko wanted to walk thru the old neighborhood. Inko grabbed Aizawa's hand as they stood in front of their old house. Now a new family had moved in. But where Inko just felt sadness. Izuku had a feeling of rage. He has beyond pissed as slowly but surely these memories came back. The horrible bullying he lived thru. But Izuku held it in. Right as they walked toward the Bakugo house.

And just like Inko remembered. There it was. The brown bricked fence. The six equally spaced out bush taken care of. And the nice two-story house. Just like what she used to have.'' Let's go.'' Inko said as she took the first step in. Mitsuki saw them standing outside and was smiling'' THERE HERE, THERE HERE, KATSUKI GET DOWN NOW, MASARU PUT THE PAPER AWAY.'' She screamed as her excitement raised with each second. Sure it was dark So it was hard to see Inko fully, But the second that knock hit she rushed to the door, Only tapping Bakugo on the ass once so he sat back up straight.

'' Hello,'' Mitsuki said with a smile. Her face was just as she remembered it. Inko almost didnt age a day, Still as beautiful as she remembered.'' Hello Bakugo-san, We brought wine.'' Oh Please come in. I can hang your coats.'' Mitsuki said trying her best to not rush Inko and hug her. They walked in. Masaru offered a hand, Katsuki offered an awkward greeting to them, and a proper handshake to Inko. It was still pretty weird having your teacher and classmates.'' So, uhm, I heard from Katsuki, you cook alot?'' 

She might have asked Katsuki alot of questions, One got the answer that they basically came to school with backpacks of food.'' Yes, I had alot of time spare and took up some cooking lessons, Still not as tasty as this eggplant casserole.'' Inko said giving a compliment to Mitsuki. Who just blushed.'' That is my recipe.'' Oh, it seems she still hasn't learned to cook properly.'' Oh, you don't know, The old haggghh, YOU KICKED AGHH..... Mom almost killed us making onigiri.'' Katsuki said grinding his teeth as Mitsuki kicked him hard in the Shin twice.

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