The second part of the First round.

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The cheers as Nana walked into the ring were almost deafening. Of course not as deafening as the silence was when Izuku showed up. He however was very sure of his victory here, All While Nana put in a brave face. ''Don't start hating me too much when I win.'' Izuku said with a smirk causing Nana's serious face to turn into one of determination and anger.'' When. More like When I kick your ass so hard, you will get kicked out of UA.'' She channeled OFA over both her arms at 5%. 

Izuku however did nothing. While he knew Nana was strong. He himself got alot stronger aswell. So as the countdown was given. Izuku just cracked his neck and stretched his arms. All of this together really did a number on Nana and she was getting angrier by the second. And as Present Mic loudly gave them the starting Signal Nana went into action. She ran fast, Jumping once with her own quirk causing her to float, and a second time without giving her height as she punched downward at Izuku. Who took a step inward. Right for Nana's fist.

It stopped Nana's full extension and lowered the power by quite a bit. Right into Izuku's chest.'' FUCK.'' Nana got out as Izuku grabbed her by the shoulders and using pure brute strength he just threw her back. If not for her quirk that allowed her to stop her momentum. She would have been thrown out.'' I WON'T BE DONE IN THAT EASILY. CAROLINA SMASH.'' She screamed, crossing her arms and using a move from her adoptive father. She rushed Izuku and tried to slam her hands into him with an X shape. But Izuku already knew the move. With one arm. he grabbed the middle of both her arms.

With his other arm. He grabbed the bottom of her shirt and the top of her pants.'' Cya'' He spun around . Planning to throw her away like a spear. But Nana wasn't about to give up that easily. She freed her arms. and grabbed his head. Using OFA to push her toward him and him toward her, as she landed a knee to the face, Stopping the throw and freeing herself.'' IF YOU ARENT GONNA START SWINGING WHY EVEN TRY.'' So that's what you want, A rematch from day one, Fine.'' Izuku stood straight up, Showing his bloody nose.

'' But I am not holding back anymore then. Izuku rushed for her. The first time he really moved his feet this entire match. He was quicker than Nana remembered. He was quicker than anyone remembered. With a twist of the hip and the fist. Izuku punched. Straight over right for Nana. Who used her OFA-empowered arms and covered up. The pure power even pushed her back and her arms felt like they had been run over. Before she could recover from that Izuku was next to her again. 

Right next to her. He hit her with a kick. Right in the stomach. It launched Nana up a bit. Right into Izuku. after the kick used his left hand to slam Nana on the back. Spiking her on the floor. It was a brutal showing that got the crowd to start booing and calling him names. From simple villain. all to quirkist insults like Scale-backs, Forked-Tongues, and Man-eaters, But the fight wasn't over, Nana was still trying to get up.'' I really don't want to hurt you anymore.'' Izuku said softly before grabbing her leg and softly throwing her out. He stood in the ring alone. Right as Present Mic was about to congratulate him for a job well done. It started.

From the side. from the locations, people were watching. They started throwing stuff. Popcorn, drinks. empty containers. All were thrown at Izuku. Who just stood there looking into the sky. Only brought out as he felt a hard object hit him straight in the face. Someone had activated their quirk on a bunch of wet rags and caused them to freeze together, In an almost frozen bolder, Only to launch it right at Izuku, Hitting him right on the head. The hard object, caused a cut to be made right above his right eye.

As quickly as that thing was thrown, however. All Might was on top of the throwers. A group of three heroes. they were new on the scene, mostly because they were almost dressed like All Might. Sure not the same colors or the exact same outfits, But it was clear who they were trying to be. Even their names, Might, Fight, and Sight. Each for their quirks. Might, be able to freeze anything he touches. Fight, able to strengthen himself every time he Kisses someone for a total of 5 minutes. and Sight who was able to touch something and make it always finds its target.

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