Mirio schooling the class

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'' FUCK THAT IF LIZARD CAN SOLO SO CAN I.'' Bakugo screamed as he dashed upwards, clinging to the rafters at the top, Looking down trying to figure out if Mirio had a pattern or not.'' Hmm. If I can't capture, I must burn.'' Shoto said as his arm was set ablaze. Waiting to attack Mirio.'' Todoroki you can't. He could phase and then you will hit those behind him.'' Shoto frowned. Momo had been right. Neither his Ice nor Fire were useable weapons at this point.'' Thankfully I am trained in more than just quirks.'' Mirio popped up in front of him.

'' Hey there.'' Mirio threw his left foot upward, Aiming in the center of Todoroki's ribs. Planning to knock the air out of the two-element user. Mirio knew that even using his quirk would put other students at risk. Yet Shoto stepped under it. Going for Mirio. But not only him. From his side, with a rage-filled face, Rumi dashed for him aswell. Both seemed to have this planned, If Mirio stood still Shoto would have gotten him. If he dodged backward which was the only option Rumi would crush him with a downward heel kick.

Then again Mirio always made a third option. Phase both attacks. So he did, a stupidly cocky smile as Rumi stomped the ground hard enough to shake the building and Todoroki ran through Mirio. Right as Todoroki phased through Mirio, Mirio kicked his leg back. With a force Shoto had not seen before. He was launched forward, rolling over the floor as he felt like a sledgehammer had been used.'' How is he that powerful.'' Shoto said with Momo speaking up.'' I might have a theory on that.'' Come on spit it out Brains, It might help us school this fuck.''

Bakugo spoke from up high still looking. Right now Mirio had been jumping around Dodging Kirishima and Tetsutetsu with ease, And while Bakugo was confident he could do the same. The fact Mirio was laughing the entire time, That was worrisome. whatever those two lacked in brains they made up for in energy. They were relentless and even that was not enough to shake Mirio slightly.'' I think he phases his hand through our bodies.'' So what, that wouldn't hurt.'' No, But when there is something. something else can not exist. So When Mirio phases his hand into our body, Both things are at the same spot, Meaning it creates an extremely high amount of force instantly.''

'' WOW, YOU ARE SMART.'' Mirio laughed loudly. This had been the first time since his time sparing with some pro heroes that someone was able to figure it out.'' So how do we block it.'' Mirio laughed'' You don't. or rather you can't.'' He is right.'' Well, let's hope this helps me.'' Izuku rolled his shoulder as he stepped forward.'' Vahlok, Mul Hun. ( Gaurd, Strength, Hero)'' Oh and what do those do.'' Mirio said as he jumped over Ida like it was a game of leapfrog.

'' Vahlok makes me more durable, Mul makes me stronger, and Hun is a new one. It boosts both my reaction time and speed.'' Izuku said with a smirk before dashing. Everyone had their jaw drop. Izuku was a lot faster. Due to Mul Izuku's leg muscles increased making him faster already. Before Hun made him even faster. Before Mirio could react Izuku was there. An open palm strike right against his chest. And Mirio had no chance to react. He had just activated his quirk to trip Mina.

Tamaki and Aizawa could not believe their eyes as they saw Mirio roll over the floor.'' that did not just happen.'' Aizawa said shocked that his son was able to harm the strongest student in school.'' BAHAHAHAHA OH MAN THAT HURT MORE THAN LATE-NIGHT SPICY CHICKEN.'' But Mirio stood back up and dusted himself off.'' Let's see how tough you turned out.'' DONT THINK YOU ARE ALONE YOU B-RATED BITCH.'' Bakugo roared as he landed on top of Mirio, His explosion scorching the floor where Mirio had stood a second earlier. But now he was gone. He had vanished completely. '' BEHIND MOMO.'' 

Both Momo and Nana nearby attacked. Momo had created a small metal combat stick, She swung it from the floor behind her, Going up high with it. Nana spun around, Swinging her powerful leg in the way trying to land a kick on the third-year student. But as both swung, Both phased through Mirio and landed on each other. Momo slammed her stick right against Nana's back and Nana kicked Momo in the ribs, Knocking both down instantly. But Rumi and Bakugo were still following Mirio. Playing a game of extremely angry wack a mole.'' Over here.'' Mirio said as he landed a chop downward right on Ochaco bobbing her out.

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