Two more teams

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--Shoto team--

Shoto walked up front, Their tempo had been slow but with a purpose.'' They are sneaking closer.'' Ojiro called out, Having kept an eye on the team. It was a team of 6 that had followed them for a full minute now.'' Yui act injured, Perhaps this will cause them to move.'' Yui gave a silent response. She stepped on a rock, Before sliding it off and falling to the floor clutching her ankle as she groaned. She acted like she had just rolled her ankle, And Just as Shoto believed, This was the bait that would get the fish to bite.

Each of the Six students ran up. Bent forward, Their arms stretched backward. Running as hard as they could. Something Awase understood as Naruto running. They jumped from behind them. Each of the six students stood in their hero outfits, Which all looked like Ninja suits. Each dressed in the same outfit, The only change was a colored scarf around their neck.'' We'' are'' the'' Ninja'' Family'' Heroes'' Each one of them spoke one word, Speaking in perfect Unisons. Almost as one person spoke.'' You'' Have'' Already'' Lost'' When'' We'' Chose'' you'' As'' Our'' Enemy''

'' That is kinda creepy'' Ojiro said as he brought his guard up, Aiming his first toward the middle of two of them. Yui had stood back up, Her hands in her pockets, Grabbing a handful of rocks and rubble she had taken over her walk.'' is that a quirk, Or perhaps are you guys twins times six and you just know how to talk like that by doing it for years, Do you guys here each others thoughts, and feelings, So do we need to beat one to beat all or beat all to beat all.'' Nejire spewed word vomit at the ninja group.

Each simply looked at the group with a sense of superiority.'' You'' Can't'' Win'' We'' are'' Third'' Year's'' At'' Shinobi'' Academia.'' Our'' Skill'' Outshines'' All'' Ohters'' Even'' Edgeshot'' Would'' Be'' Jeallous.'' Shoto exhaled out of annoyance.'' I rather deal with edgeshot, He is not all talk and no bite.'' ATTACK 44'' The red Ninja spoke, He was the one that started the sentence each time, Clearly the leader. He was right in front of Nejire.'' YOU'' DRAGON'' WILL'' LOSE'' TO'' US'' They screamed as they tried dashing forward.

Normally this would earn a worried reaction, But instead of worry filling their faces, The students of UA smirked, They smiled as they readied for battle. Yui pulled her hands from her pockets, Her palms filled with small rocks and twigs. She threw it up in the sky. This did not earn a reaction from the Purple Ninja that rushed straight at her, But As Yui turned on her quirk, She turned the pebbles into rugby-sized rockers, The small twigs turned into thick branches. And All rained down right on top of the purple ninja that quickly fell under the rocks, Stuck by the weight.

The Red Ninja rushed right at Nejire, A kunai materializing in his hand, Yet Nejire was not worried. She merely raised her hands, Her palms open, She was aware that the boost of MUL would make her attacks a lot more dangerous. Yet as she sent out her attack, She had forgotten how much stronger she had gotten.'' NEJIRE CRASH'' What was supposed to be a small cone that would knock him down, Instead turned into a tunnel-sized cone, that blasted the Red Ninja back and caused him to ragdoll as he fell unconscious.

Orange and Blue rushed Ojiro who had Awase by his side, Ojiro simply faced them head-on. As one brought his open palm toward Ojiro, He swiped with his tail, flicking the arm out of the way, Yet he swung through with his body, Throwing his leg over the neck, Hooking his head with the back of his knee, throwing him down, Causing the Blue Ninja to crash to the floor. Orange swipped his hand horizontally, His nails turning sharper, Just like a blade, Ojiro dodged under it, Before he threw a combo. One punch on the right side of the hip, Before leading with a right punch in the gut, His third blow was a straight quick jab on the liver, Before landing one in the middle of the right peck, and one on the shoulder, and throwing the final blow right on the chin knocking him out hard.

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