meeting old friends as new enemies

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'' If you all will work for me, I will have to know how you all fight. So you will spar.'' Izuku did not ask the villains. Each of them was forced to. He stared each of them down, Yet some still believed they were above him.'' Collider does not train. He k'' Izuku grabbed him by the neck, squeezing the air out of him as he lifted him up.'' IT WASNT A FUCKING QUESTION. YOU DO AS I FUCKING SAY, AM I UNDERSTOOD.'' Izuku's hand transformed into his dragonic version. the slaces feeling cold and hard as the nails scratched the skin.

Collider tried breathing but without luck. He was tempted to attack Izuku, But it felt like he would die if he tried. For the first time, he didnt see Izuku as a hero student anymore. He saw him as the monster he truly was. He nodded and was dropped to the floor.'' Kurogiri opens a portal.'' The purple mist nodded as a portal opened and the remaining League of Villains members walked through. Izuku sat down on one side.'' Shigi, you go first, fight the nomu.'' Shigiraki nodded. If his brother wanted it, sure.

'' Of course big brother, I will show you just how strong I am.'' He was glad about it. He would be the bestest fighter in the group. The nomu rushed. fast speeds, But Shigiraki was able to react. He sidestepped it. A speed Izuku was shocked by. His hand pressed against the Nomu's chest, decaying it as it missed the punch. The Nomu regenerated as the decay stopped. The Nomu jumped back. A smart move, Just how it was programmed. And Shigi followed at incredible speeds. Speeds most people wouldn't be able to obtain.'' Good Job Shigi, You are pretty strong.'' 

He gave a sick smile as he enjoyed the praise from his brother. Ash was up next, But instead of fighting the Nomu, He would fight Collider. Embers and smoke poured out from Ash's hands. Collider just stood still, Both waiting on the other to move. Like a message was sent, Both moved at the same time. Ash threw. the smoke like ash forward. Before with a single ember. It exploded in a large flame. But with a bash of air. Collider blocked it. And Izuku noted how they fought. Both had experience for sure.

Both kept their distance. Both didnt want to get in each other's range, and kept busy blocking all their attacks.'' It's fine you can stop.'' Izuku had noted all he needed to.'' Spinner, twice you're up next.'' Both nodded as they stepped in. Spinner grabbed a knife he had, twice using a ruler blade. Both ran to each other.'' You are dead boy, live and learn'' Twice screamed, as he swung his ruler, Spinner jumped over it. Knife drawn, Only to now be outnumbered. Twice threw out a carbon copy of Ash. Ash was able to use his quirk and Spinner quickly was losing. Only for the fight to stop again.

Lilith and Compress were next in line. The fight was alot different than Izuku assumed. Lilith sprouted demon-like wings and rushed Compress. Missing his hand and pressing a sharp nail against his neck.'' Did I do well master.'' She spoke, needingly,'' Very impressive Lilith, Just don't think you had the win that easily.'' If Izuku didnt have it paused. Compress would have marbelled Lilith just as quickly as she was on his back. Both were alot faster and way more impressive than he first gave them credit for, Izuku understood how Compress was able to capture Ragdoll and Himiko now.

The last fight was Moonfish VS Magna. The only fight that drew blood. Moonfish acted to kill. Like he would any fight. His razor-sharp metal teeth, flew forward, slashing through the air, But Magna, Shot out a wave of magnetism. The teeth were unable to reach her, And Moonfish was slammed back before Izuku could say stop. Moonfish bleeding slightly.'' You are all powerful enough I guess.'' Izuku said. He had enough information on them. This was really all he would need. Writing it down in one of the new notebooks he was given.

He had a couple of notebooks now. Most of them were about his dragon abilities. writing down how to train his powers, the explanations he was given before by AFO, and most importantly he wrote everything he read from that dragon book. He now also had notes on all the villains. Something he would use to help them get stronger, Some didnt want to train. But with a growl, he looked them all down. He wasn't giving them an option. If they were going to his soldiers, If they wanted to work under him, they would have to get stronger, far, far stronger.

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