End of the Internships

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'' What?'' Shoto asked his family'' Sit down, shoto.'' Toya said calmly with Shoto doing as he was told. Unsure what was going on.'' What is this.'' Shoto asked again with Enji answering.'' This is the conversation, that will decide if your stay at UA will continue or if you will drop out and stop your hero career before it even begins.'' Enji stated this with Shoto getting confused'' You can't decide that, I am an adult. I make my own choices.'' Rei nodded'' That is true, But.'' Enji spoke again.

'' I am ranked 2, in Japan's hero rankings. When I say something, people listen, and when I make a public statement on how I believe you shouldn't be a hero, you won't be allowed in any hero school.'' Shoto got up angrily his fist clenched as he loudly screamed'' YOU DONT HAVE THAT RIGHT.'' Enji reacting with just as much fire stood up.'' I AM YOUR FATHER AND A PRO HERO, I DO HAVE THAT RIGHT. YOU ARE A DANGER TO SOCIETY AND I WILL NOT LET YOU DO HARM.'' This was sort of new for Shoto. While he had memories of his father raising his voice to him. It had been years for this manner. Rei softly touched Enji's shoulder. He cleared his throat and sat down again.

'' Shoto. I am glad you want to be a hero. But, Your actions are not something to be proud of. You nearly for someone hurt, and if you keep going like this, you might end up killing someone.'' Rei spoke softly, her voice calming Shoto down as he sat back down.'' You're being a dumbass little bro. Your whole I don't want to become dad Bullshit is just you turning into the thing he never wanted to become. The thing you don't want to become.'' Toya said before standing up and turning around.

'' Either find a way to get rid of that hatred, or embrace it and become a villain.'' Toya said before walking out.'' If you can't figure it out on your own, We can contact a therapist, I know you didnt want to before. But perhaps now you see the necessity.'' Rei asked kindly with Shoto standing up.'' I will think about it, Mother. now if you will excuse me'' He bowed before walking out and going toward his room, Just wanting to sleep.

On the other side, Izuku just woke up. His head kind of hurt and the lights were bright, But he sat up. He looked outside and the sun was either going down or getting up, He wasn't sure. But everyone around him was asleep Raven and Kai sitting in the corner on the floor, Raven acting like a pillow for Kai. Aizawa and Inko lay in a chair, Inko's head on Aizawa's shoulder as his head leaned back. and lastly, Nana who had her head on his bed and was leaning forward in her chair.

Before his brain had fully started the door opened. The nurse did this slightly loudly waking everyone up. First Nana opened her eyes. And she saw Izuku with his eyes open. Which scared her, Not in the fear kind, But more that they were that close. So springing back up in her seat causing her to tilt back and fall on her back. Inko and Aizawa opened their eyes slowly, Aizawa already rubbing his neck as it hurt. Before Inko just vanished out of sight, nearly instantly showing up at Izuku's bed.

Kai and Raven calmly woke up. Kai, even tho she slept calmly her hair seemed to be at war with multiple nukes dropped on it. Raven shaking his head awake'' Ey, you're up.'' He noted.'' Uhm yeah, I just woke up, How long was I out.'' Raven checked his watch.'' since we got here,  9 hours. Some of which was surgery. It's around 7 now.'' Izuku tried sitting up a bit more but he groaned in pain as he moved his hand to his back.

Right where the stabwound was.'' Please refrain from moving too much. Your wounds are closed, But Recovery Girl will have to fully fix them before you are able to move again, Overal you're in good health.'' Izuku just gave the thumbs up as he relaxed in bed.'' What are you and Nana still doing here, Work starts at Six right.'' Izuku said toward Raven who nodded'' Normally yeah, But decided to give us an off day. Just for today tho,'' Raven said as he started helping Kai tame her hair.'' You did awesome Kid, I saw the fight, That final breath was dope.'' Kai said proudly with Izuku confused.'' What, How did you see the fight.'' Shota walked up and showed the video.'' It was recorded.''

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