Is the clock running out?

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'' Yo, Midoriya, You wanna spar?'' Monoma asked the dragon boy, who had been working on a heavy bag.'' Are you sure?'' Izuku asked. While alot of his class had been friendly. None of them really wanted to work with Izuku in a spar, Because even if Izuku held back force, It would still be felt. And sometimes during a spar, things can get fast and heated, which might result in a real punch here or there, And while with Ida that would be fine, a hard punch from Izuku could end up sending you to a hospital.

'' Yeah, I need to get used to fighting those stronger than me anyways. Plus the change of you feeling shots is less right.'' Izuku smiled and nodded'' Then sure, I would love to spar.'' Izuku stopped the bag by hugging it before walking over toward the boxing ring Monoma was on. Today they were busy in PE. Which revolved around boxing. Their teacher was Vlad, Who strongly believed any self-respecting pro-hero know at least a multitude of fighting techniques. And all thru the year, they would explore a multitude of different styles.

But Izuku entered the ring as Monoma put on his gear. First a headpiece, His mouth guard. Then just because it was indeed Izuku he was fighting. He put on a chest piece and hip piece. Plus some shin pads. He looked a little silly but for safety, it was a requirement. Vlad smiled at Monoma's bravery. Very few men and women were tough and dumb enough to willingly spar against dragon quirks. Let alone dragons of Izuku's might. But as Monoma pressed start on the electric bell the match started. Both men lifted their arms in front as they slowly started circling each other.

Izuku made the first move he went with a right jab. Monoma easily dodged it before quickly moving in and trying to land a hook shot in the liver.  Izuku blocked it by bringing his arm down and stopping the attack with his elbow, But as he did that, his other hand went down to Monoma who took the hit on his shoulder pushing him back a little. Izuku had very little force behind it, mostly from moving his arm, But it felt like a good punch still. Monoma didnt let up. and it didnt takes long before they nearly went blow for blow

On the outside some students like Kirishima, Tetsu Tetsu, and Kamakiri wanted to fight Izuku themselves, thinking it was a great showing of power and strength. While others like Ida and Mineta thought it was just a foolish endeavor to try and compete in a competition of strength again such as Midoriya. But then you had the girls that were head over heels with Midoriya who tried their best to stare without raising suspicion. Which for the girls not interested in Izuku, was extremely obvious.'' Kodai, Please I wish to squat myself.'' Reiko asked the black-haired girl who blinked

She had been in the squad position for a couple of minutes without realizing it as she stared at Izuku lost in thought.'' My Appologized Yanagi, I got '' Caught staring at Midoriya, we know ribbit'' Tsuyu stated bluntly as she not just addressed Yui but mostly all the girls that did so.'' I don't get why you just don't confess. It's not that hard right.'' Toru asked as she continued boxing.'' You don't even know, Girl, it's so hard I can't even think straight when I look at his dumb cute face.'' Mina whined as she hugged the heavy bag and then boxed it.

'' I know this is like childish stuff, But if you really want, We can tell Midoriya for you,'' Toru said thinking back to the middle school days when your friends would run up to the boy or girl you were into and say as much. And for a hot minute that crossed the girl's head.'' No, we can't pussy out, we have to tell him ourselves'' Rumi proudly declared. Then again she wasn't as prideful and cocky in front of Izuku.'' Wait, Dont we have like exams or something coming up soon?''

Momo nodded to Ochaco's question.'' How about the person who loses has to tell Izuku.'' This idea was great by the girls. Mostly because none of them thought they would lose that.'' But what if none of you lose.'' Toru brought up, But thankfully Kendo was nearby.'' You could go off points. I heard from this girl in my Karate class that the exam has always been robots, the same as the entrance exam. so why not the girl with the lowest score has to tell Midoriya.'' It was silent for a moment, Each girl taking into account their own strength and the outcome of their own numbers and the numbers of everyone other girls.

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