A Brand New Start

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Inko was moved to the back of a room. The older bunny-quirked woman walked in, Her face hard to read for Inko. She sat down in front of Inko.'' Sorry for the wait miss, I just had to make sure you are who you said you were and had what you said we had.'' Inko understood. She didn't want to bring trouble, She just wanted the same as everyone there, To be free of hatred and pain. '' Now then, Miss, Inko Midoriya please tell me a little about yourself.'' Inko nodded, taking a deep breath as she began to talk.

she Went over all things she could, Her childhood, the hate she endured, her lying to friends about her quirk, and the most important thing, What she had been doing for a while, Her life, and it then went to Izuku, The sun in her life, The joy she needed, The spark behind her eyes. How he came to be. How he got a dragon quirk, how he was attacked and hated by his friends, and how they just ran away, after being nearly killed. Nearly burned and shot to death. The bunny woman was in tears at the story.

She had heard alot of stories, and after hearing so many stories she was able to hear the difference between lies and truths, and Inko was speaking the Truth, It hurt what she went thru with. The bunny woman Sadly had gotten some hate, But compared to what Inko went thru, it was nearly nothing.'' Just relax, I will make some calls.'' My son, Can he come inside.'' The bunny woman nodded as Inko quickly grabbed the still sleeping Izuku. He was going thru something Inko would call the dragon's rest, She had it when she turned 16, But It seems Izuku was something else.

For her it was a weeklong sleep, That awakened her dragon instincts fully, A better sense of smell, and A need for shiny things. to get a hoard, That Or Izuku was just extremely tired and sleeping, Which was also possible, being scared for your life and running away could do that. While Inko looked at her sleeping son, Hoping this was able to go thru that her son was finally able to get a real, happy life, a life he deserved, One she wanted to provide for him, 

The bunny woman was named Beatrix Usagiyama, Mother of Haru, Usagiyama, and grandmother of Rumi, Usagiyama. She at the moment was calling with the head of the town, Which was her daughter's wife.'' Hey Saruyu. I have a family, That I believe should be allowed in.'' Oh okay, Tell me about them.'' It's a young woman, between 20 and 30, Named Inko Midoriya, She has a 5-year-old son, Named Izuku Midoriya, Both have a dragon quirk, Which got them a bunch of hatred, and only last night, they were almost murdered.'' I see, Have Bob take a look at them, If he accepts, They are allowed.''

When Beatrix came back in, She had bob with them, Bob was a man, that looked to be 500 years old, He was walking with his back bent, a wooden cane, and a long gray beard and thin yet still long mustache.''Ello their young ones, I am bob, head of the police department.'' He looked them over once, walking softly, only the sound of his wooden cane tapping the floor heard.'' They look like good oh no.'' He fell, With Inko just using her quirk to stop him from tilting over.'' HAHA,'' The man slammed the cane down, and with a triple forward flip, He landed on the top of a single chair just leaning on one foot.

Inko was confused as this old, nearly dead-looking man had just done a move that she would call impossible.'' I see you are confused, I am sorry about that, But I am Bob, and I am 87 years old, I am a world-renowned martial artist, That moved here for my great-grandson.'' The man said making Inko who was still shocked nod.'' Now follow me then, I Shall bring you toward the house you will be staying at.'' Wh-what.'' Your accepted.'' The man stayed quiet for the rest of the trip, Not answering any questions that Inko had, as they drove.

The drive took a single hour. Which was very uncomfortable for Inko as she had no idea what the hell was going on, But as they drove they reached it, a beautiful city, that looked absolutely normal, It was then that they started seeing the people. Inko gasped. Dozens of people, mostly those that looked evil, demons, massive shark men, and scissor hands. It was something else completely. '' Yes, Kiddo, Your free here, And don't worry, We are a close, But friendly community.

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