A red Stain in a dark alley

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While Izuku still had a hold on Stain. There was no real power holding him in place, Stain could move and Izuku was out of it. Thanks to the breath attack, Izuku's body temperature started rising. Which caused his blood vessels to dilate and his blood pressure to drop, Making him extremely dizzy. And thanks to the fact the flame attacked used up some of the oxygen. He was also seeing spots, and unable to think clearly, The only thing he was able to do, was to steady his grip.

But Stain wasn't going down without a fight. He was sad to know a hero of this caliber had to be hurt, But Stain followed the greater good theory. If Stain let those rotten heroes live, They would end up killing far more people than Izuku could ever save. Stain went behind his back. Struggling slightly as he pulled Izuku's weight with him. But he grabbed his last resort weapon. A switchblade stilleto. The blade itself was a long thin blade. Sharp to a point, and pure Tungsten blade. It cost more than a car and took multiple weeks to make, But it was the strongest blade he had.

And in his final attempt to free himself, he had to use it. He moved quickly. Using his left hand to slice Izuku's right wrist. easily cut thru the skin and make it bleed. Now Izuku had already gotten two stab wounds that were bleeding, The one on his back, that covered his pants in blood and the smaller one in his chest. But now with that, it was three, But still the grip didnt let up, in fact, the grip increased. So using both hands now he stabbed Izuku in the stomach. The tungsten blade easily pierced Izuku's skin and flesh.

Stain's hands quickly made contact with Izuku's skin as the blade fully entered Izuku. But in a way, this was the worse mistake Stain could have made, Because before Izuku was out of it. The sharp pain caused everything to be clear. Almost as if someone focused the camera lens. Izuku tripled his force on Stain's wrist, A loud crack to be heard as Izuku broke them both. But he wasn't done. In Izuku's final move before losing consciousness. He pulled Stain toward him, Both his arms from in front to behind himself as he moved his head forward with force.

The result. A devastating headbutt. One that not only completely broke Stain's nose But cracked his entire skull. It was light out for both of them as both of them dropped to the floor, Both out cold. Just as the rest of the heroes were showing up. While Nana was the closest, She and Raven arrived at the same time. The sight caused her to drop the two she was carrying and recoil in fear and worry. In the middle of the alley. Izuku was prone, face down in a puddle of blood holding onto Stain with his face almost caved in. Blood was everywhere from Izuku's movements before and Nana couldn't move

Raven while shocked and worried moved. Pulling out his First aid kit and seeing if he had what it took to stop this.'' NOVA HELP ME, I NEED TO STOP THE BLEEDING.'' Rush screamed alerting her back to reality. He was gonna die, She rushed over and ripped the cape off her back.'' U-use this.'' She said unsure if it would even help. '' Good'' Raven ripped the cape in half before giving one piece to Nana'' Keeping the pressure on his back. He can't lose more blood.'' Raven was getting worried. 

While his experience with Kai meant he knew dragons could take WAY more than normal people. And Izuku was rare amongst the rare in Dragon quirks. This amount of blood was dangerous.'' What the hell.'' Endeavor spoke at the sight.'' ENDEAVOR PLEASE TELL ME YOU HAVE FIRST AID.'' Endeavor glared at his sidekicks before they sprinted passed him. Mostly the medical part.'' Holy fuck, how is this kid still alive.'' One said looking at the blood around him.'' i-isn't that Stain.'' One of the others said noting the person Izuku was holding.

The first thing they had to do was separate them, But that was easier said than done. One of the sidekicks, One that was a pacifist, But still extremely strong tried first, But Izuku's grip did not let up.'' U-uhm I can't get him free.'' He said. He had been known to lift up cars and move them for cover, Hell he once almost defeated Endeavor in an arm wrestling match.'' Don't be silly, The boy is half dead.'' The leader of Endeavors Medical sidekicks said before trying it himself, Without any luck.'' S-sir could you please. This kid has a death grip.'' 

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