The villain of the Green: Midoryuu.

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Izuku stepped into the bar. Confused as to where I was. He looked around. The dark mist that he had seen before during the USJ stood behind the bar. Shigiraki looked like a child finally getting his Christmas gift. And the TV saying Audio only placed nearly on the bar.'' HEY, YOU JOINED US, YES, WE ARE TOGETHER, YES YES YES.'' Shigiraki bounced up and down in his chair. He was extremely glad at the fact his brother was joining him.'' Hello Midoriya.'' The TV spoke. Izuku felt the heaviness of the voice.

Izuku kept silent. He kept looking around. The people around him. He was almost surrounded by the villains.'' Now a test. I will require you to kill someone.'' The voice said.'' No.'' Izuku instantly said.'' bro'' I don't need to be tested. I left my life for this. I gave up my family for this. my friends. The one that needs to be tested. That you. You need to prove to me that it's worth me being here.'' mas'' Calm down Shigiraki. You're just what I expected.'' The voice spoke.'' Kurogiri. open a gate.'' A portal opened up.

Out of the portal, a man stepped. Wearing an expensive suit. the black fabric looks perfect and pristine. His face Izuku saw it clearly. '' I am your father Izuku.'' The man said. He looked almost like a more mature version of Izuku. His hair was pristine and combed. His face was clean. His eyes are deep slits. White teeth are visible in a smirk. Izuku was slightly taken aback.'' I have been trying for one of my children to be like me for years. and I found you.'' The man sat down on one of the stools. I have taken the name of my old master. I go by ALL FOR ONE.''

Izuku was extremely unsure, This sounded way too weird.'' My father was the first dragon of his kind. He was a mean man, He craved destruction. I killed him, But confused and wondering about the world I was left alone. Until that day. A man found me. Offered me the same offer I offer you, A high rank in his army, a place as king in the new world order.'' Izuku continued eye contact.'' My master fought and lost. In a last effort, he tried taking over my body. By doing so I took his quirk. I gained the ability to steal quirks.''

The evil smirk caused a shiver to run down Izuku's spine.'' That's my proof, a story very few have heard, and even less and lived through.'' Izuku nodded.'' I will train you. I will train you in your quirk. You are but on a stool for a journey toward the moon. With my training, you will become more powerful than All Might or whatever pathetic successor took his quirk.'' Izuku's eyes went wide. Nana, he was talking about Nana.'' So what about them.'' I don't care about them, They however will need to die in the future. You will do as much.''

Izuku nodded.'' That will then be my final showing of proof. I will kill All Might for you. That man has done nothing but hate on me and try and hold me back.'' Good, Now I will apologize But you will take the revenge you can choose.'' Izuku looked confused.'' I am the reason you were nearly kicked out of school. I have taken control of that silly HPSC. I forced them to try and kick you out. I apologize but I need my son with me. Relax today, Have Lilith take care of your needs if you wish. sleep, eat, we shall train soon.''

Izuku nodded. He walked away. Lilith was on the floor, her face bleeding as Izuku had spiked her before. Her breasts were out in the open as she had started masturbating fully and everyone was able to watch. Izuku sat down in a room. He heard the footsteps come passed his room. Clearly, Shigiraki as he heard someone lean against the door. He looked down at the floor as he thought of everyone he was leaving behind. Tears fell down to his hands.


Back at camp, it was completely silence. Izuku just joined the villains. Their classmate. The student that was supposed to be on their side. One of the most powerful students they had. One that personified heroics more than most. How could he do that? The ladies that recently dated him were breaking mentally.  Help arrived not that long after everything. a sos was sent quickly after everything. Nezu showed up with multiple teachers.'' Where is Mister Midoriya.'' He was the only student who was not part of the group. A broken Aizawa spoke.'' he joined them'' The teachers felt the same heaviness as the students.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now