The others

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'' I am off to work,'' Aizawa said as he kissed Inko on the cheek. Grabbing his lunch, and a fresh cup of coffee, Inko made him, well the machine made it for him, But Inko had set up, She was still asleep, It was 4 in the morning, But he had a 2 and a half-hour car ride to take to reach UA, a Trip he was more than okay to take, He only worked three to 2 weeks a day, It was swapped with Vlad King, Nezu had come to the understanding that a divided class would lose the chance of students learning from each other.

So instead of each course, having 2 classes of 20 students, Each course was its own class with 40 total students, More chaotic sure, but Better for the grades definitely, But it was Aizawa's turn to work, Monday, his least favorite day. today even more so than normal, He had gotten the week's information from Nezu, what he should expect and what nezu expected to see. And on Monday, it said All Might, The blond, oaf that was nothing more than pretty words. So now he was going to have to act all nice.

Aizawa understood why Showing heroes stood behind each other and respected each other, Ment the students would be able to count on each other aswell, As it was the norm, But Aizawa hated it Because well, he saw all might as a fake heroes, Not like Boomfist, that acted like a villain, All Might act like a good hero, in front of the camera's he did nothing that looked bad first off, But then again he did whatever looked good in the eyes of the media, So Aizawa drove right toward, Ua. Parking the car, at 6:30, One of the first teachers there.

Tiredly walking thru the halls until he reached his classroom, Then finishing grading the homework, and placing it on everyone's desk, Before pulling out his sleeping bag and hopping inside of it and taking a nap, Something he was forbidden from doing at home, Well napping was allowed, He just wasn't allowed to bring his sleeping bag with him, If he wanted to sleep, he slept on the couch, or in bed. It was something Aizawa had to learn to accept, But he still had it during UA, Well as long as he didnt forget his lunch causing her to drop by.

But now he was napping, waiting for his students to enter, Much like clockwork, Something he truly respected. Mirio Togata, and Tamaki Amajiki,'' GOODMORNING SIR, HOW HAS YOUR WEEKEND BEEN.'' Togata, Lower your tone, Please,'' Sorry sir HAHAHA,'' h-hi s-s-s-sir.'' Amajiki softly said, Mirio, was a fit young man, with bright blond hair and a big smile on his face, Overal he didnt look that special, His smile however quickly caught people's eyes. His quirk, allowed him to phase, to become intangible, Untouchable, But it also meant he couldn't see, breathe, smell touch, or anything.

And his friend, Tamaki, a thin boy, Longer black hair, combed over his face, almost trying to hide behind it, his ear slightly showing, pointy tips almost like an elf, His back slightly hunched, mostly to make him smaller, His quirk also strong, allowing him to take the property of anything he ate, echolocation from bat meat, wings from a chicken, or the thick skull of a goat, But unlike Togata, Who simply lacked control, Amajiki lacked something simpler, He lacked confidence, Put him in a room with just a villain that kept silent, and amajiki was able to fight like a pro, Any other moment he was able to be taken down by an insult.

'' What can we expect today sir, More quirk training, Are we gonna jog in our underwear again.'' P-p-please no, I w-would rather die.'' Amajiki said with a whimper at the thought, That workout was just for him, simply to get more confident, It also helped Togata seeing he already got naked 9 out of 10 times when he used his quirk thanks to his lack of control.'' No, we will be training with All Might today, He should show up around one, so before that normal lessons.''

The day seemed to be taking years, Only for lunch to be over and it was one, So Aizawa got his students dressed in their hero costumes, and meet him at gym Gamma, Where All Might was waiting. But as the students walked up they saw nobody. One of the students asked.'' Sir what are we doing here.'' Wait and see, Raizo.'' Aizawa said with a sigh as he saw it, All Might ran and jumped from a tall building, '' HELLO YOUNG STUDENTS.'' All Might said proudly as the students exploded in smiles and happiness.

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