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Izuku jumped forward again. His fist swung low. Tiger jabbed his fist right at Izuku. Both fists collide with each other. Izuku of course would have won. If Tiger played that game. His fist quickly changed into just grabbing his wrist. and with a jerk down. Izuku was going to the floor. Tiger kneed up. His knee collided with Izuku's face, But Izuku took it. He tanked it. Not that painful for someone like Izuku. Izuku stepped forward. His shoulder jammed into Tiger's gut. His arms wrapped around Tiger's waist.'' NOW ITS OVER.'' Izuku said starting to apply alot of pressure. 

For normal people, this would have been it. Their backs would break or they would tap. But Tiger was anything but normal. His quirk is Pillabody. It allowed Tiger to stretch and flatten their own body at will. granting them inhuman flexibility. He bent and stretched his back. Easily now going to grab Izuku's ankles.'' PERHAPS IT IS PUSSY.'' Izuku's eyes went wide as Tiger let go of his ankles. And instead grabbed the ground. Before then Tiger used his near-inhuman strength to flip Izuku from his standing position into an almost suplex

Izuku's body hit the floor hard. It caused his grip to escape and Tiger to be able to sneak out without altering his body even more. Tiger stood above Izuku before stomping down on Izuku's chest. But again Izuku felt it. it didnt really hurt that much. His durability had gone up. Izuku jumped up.'' I WILL JUST BRUTE FORCE MY WAY INTO KICKING YOUR ASS.'' Izuku said dashing forward again.'' Fast, BUT WRONG.'' Tiger punched Izuku in the face. Using his own speed against him. Tiger's fist was now felt. Izuku stumbled back. Being hurt still annoyed him more than it should

Izuku dashed forward again. But Tiger had his number. Izuku started punching over and over again. But none of the attacks landed. With each attack, Izuku threw. Tiger sidestepped it. blocked it or deflected it. And then he would counterattack. Tiger would punch Izuku back. and with each attack, Izuku's durability started to get less and less. Tiger was repeatedly attacking the same spot and Izuku was getting more annoyed with the second. Tiger hated the fact. Izuku had too much confidence in his ability. and thus when he was getting hurt by someone who shouldn't it annoyed him

Tiger had no idea why. But that would need to be addressed. if it was some deep-seated thing that Izuku held within his own heart. a hearted for anyone weaker than him. Or perhaps Izuku grew up knowing he was better and when he was shown to be worse it made him angry. But as Tiger punched Izuku again. He dropped on his ass. his nose bleeding.'' It's done, go back to training.'' Izuku steaming with rage ignored it. he rushed for Tiger. Tiger saw it coming. He sidestepped Izuku. ducking under the arm. Jumping on the back. His arm wrapped around his neck and he started choking out Izuku.

'' Rage and pride are useful in moments, don't let your actions control them.'' Tiger caused Izuku to pass out right as Aizawa walked past.'' Why did you do that.'' Aizawa said. While he understood the pussycat's skills. this was a little much.'' He chose to attack me after our fights. I rather him cool down than break apart.'' Aizawa sighed as he grabbed Izuku.'' I will talk to him.'' Grabbing his scarf Aizawa wrapped it around Izuku. Before dragging him into the woods.

Throwing one part of it over a big branch Izuku was lifted up. hanging a little higher than normal his feet were off the floor. Aizawa sat down. He was scared of this exact moment. Aizawa knew exactly what was going on with Izuku. As Izuku got his quirk he was hated for it. He was basically tortured by those around him during school for the simple fact he had a dragon quirk. He was made to feel weak and pathetic. He was made to feel like a worm. By those far weaker than him. That was why it has happened only recently. Before he could be defeated and he didnt care. But now these weeks.

Izuku had been around heroes. the strong of the strong and he was stronger. So whenever he lost a real fight against someone weaker than him. While they were talking smack. Izuku mentally linked that with those who bullied him. And that anger that he held within himself. that hatred he had for those who bullied him was brought forth. Aizawa needed Izuku to get rid of that anger. If that anger grew. Izuku would even without knowing it turn into the villain everyone assumed he was.''wha. what'' Shut it.'' Aizawa spoke he was not letting Izuku speak.

The Hero of the Green: MidoRyuuWhere stories live. Discover now