Overprotective (SBI)(1/?)

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Techno POV

Techno sat on the floor of his cell, waiting patiently. That's all he needed to escape, was patience. But Wilbur seemed have other ideas. "Wilbur sit down and stop pacing!" he scowled at his brother in the cell over.

"How long is your 'favor' going to take?" Wilbur sighed, continuing to pace much to Techno's annoyance.

The pinkette rolled his eyes, "This is Dream we're talking about, he's never late." The blonde wasn't trustable, Techno knew that. But he also knew that Dream believed in honor. A favor for a favor. Techno had agreed to help him last time. "Beggars can't be choosers." he murmured.

"Shut up with your stupid sayings!" Wilbur groaned, punching the wall beside him. "Just hurry up already!"

"Shut up Wilbur! Before someone hears you!" their father hissed from across the hall. His deep blue eyes were locked on one of the guards that was patrolling at the end of the hall, like always.

Techno chuckled, tapping his finger on the floor. Even stuck in prison, they were still the same family. They had been in here long enough, he concluded. And for such a stupid reason too. Accused of murdering one of Tommy's "friends". What the courts had failed to mention was that his so called friend had been stealing Tommy away from them. The kid had gotten what he deserved, Techno believed that. The question was, how did the police catch on so quickly.

A blaring alarm dragged Techno away from his thoughts. The pinkette didn't move a muscle, his fingers still tapping rhythmically. Dream was clever, he knew that. He wouldn't allow himself to get caught so easily. Dream would come to him.


"Wait." Was all he said, keeping his voice low. 

Guards raced down the hallway, the panic weaving through their voices. They weren't prepared, that much was clear. And this was supposed to be a secure prison, Techno chuckled to himself.

He waited precisely a minute and ten seconds more before footsteps walked down the hall towards them. It didn't take long for Techno to stop that iconic mask. The blonde paused in front of his cell, a keychain dangling from his fingers. "A favor for a favor." he stated, making sure Techno understood it was nothing more.

The pinkette nodded, slowly getting to his feet. The cell door swung open, allowing the blood god to walk free. "Thanks." he muttered, grabbing the keys from Dream's hand to unlock his family.

"I must admit I didn't expect the blood god to ever get caught." Dream commented, watching him carefully.

Techno continued working, his monotone voice never failing. "Tommy's a good kid." Was all he said. Phil and Wilbur came by his side, mirroring the small sadness in his voice.

Dream chuckled, "The things we'll do for family, huh?" 

"Shut up Dream. It's the same for you." Wilbur glared, planting his feet into the ground. Techno knew it was taking all of his will not to charge at the man.

The blonde rolled his eyes, turning on his heels. "I never said it wasn't." The three of them began following him, knowing he would not hesitate to leave them behind. They walked in silence, ignoring the blaring sirens that continued to fill the prison.

Phil, with his fatherly worry, was the first to speak up. "Who's distracting the guards?"

"I called in some old friends."

Techno immediately groaned, knowing exactly who he meant. "You don't mean-"

"Quackity, Bad, Skeppy, and Punz? You know me too well." Dream smirked, his pace never quickening. "They create the perfect chaos."

"Yeah, but they always get caught. And then we have to go save them." Techno grumbled, remembering exactly what happened last time. They had barely escaped with all of them.

"That's why George and Sap are there. We've got a plan, don't worry."

"How'd you get in anyway?" Wilbur questioned, the tension never leaving his body. He was smart enough never to relax around Dream.

"I had inside help." he commented, leaving it at that. The look in his eyes told Techno that it had cost a lot. But Dream was a man of honor. A favor for a favor no matter the price. "Are you still going to go after Tommy?"

"We're going to bring him home if that's what you mean." Phil snapped, hating the way he said it.

"It'll be harder than you think. Sam been keeping quite the eye on him." Dream explained, looking over his shoulder. "And when they find out that you escaped, they won't leave him alone for a second."

"And how would you know something like that?" Wilbur raised an eyebrow. It wasn't out of the ordinary to share false information for your own benefit. "Why would you care anyway?"

"I could care less. But if I have to break you out of prison again I will have to care."

"But what about-"

"Look, I know what I said. A favor for a favor. But I'm offering a deal. We have each other's backs. One of us gets in prison, the other gets that one out, alright?" Dream glanced towards Techno, sighing. "Look there's no masked man without the blood god."


"Deal." Techno interrupted, ignoring the shocked look from Wilbur. "An unbreakable deal, right?" His eyes locked on his mask. 

There was a pause before he heard Dream's confirmation. "Unbreakable deal." He looked over his shoulder before finally quickening his pace. "Now lets get out here!"


Hope you liked it!

This was a request!

Sorry I haven't posted in like a week and a half, I got super busy!

Feel free to request!

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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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