Sharp Teeth (Philza and Kristin)(3/3)

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Kristin POV

A few days had passed since Kristin had first caught side of those red eyes. She had kept to herself in the days that followed. Hardly speaking to her parents or coming out of her room. All she could think about was the vampire. Every time she closed her eyes she saw him. His words were constantly echoing in her head.

"Perhaps I don't really know you..."

There had been a sudden change in his eyes. A change from the hatred he had when he first laid eyes on her. Suddenly there was a spark of curiosity. It wasn't forgiveness, but Kristin would never expect that. But maybe, just maybe, they could be something more. That was the small hope she held onto. 

Her parents, especially her mother, could sense the change, though she could never pinpoint the cause. But instead of talking to her, like any good parent would have done, she left Kristin alone. Believing that it was the only thing she could do.

Kristin could sense their worry.  Passing by the door one night after getting food, she stopped at the sound of her name. Careful not to make a sound, she leaned closer to the door. She couldn't help but laugh at herself. Years of listening in on important conversations came to her mind. She used to do this all the time as a kid. Gossip was all she seemed to think about. Eventually that went away after hearing a conversation that she was never meant to hear. No matter how hard she tried, she could still hear those words ringing in her ears. And now here she stood, eavesdropping once more.

She was willing to sit there all night, just to get any information about the vampire. Pressing her ear to the door, she focused on the voices inside.

"We need to tell her about this. She's a good asset to our mission!"

"Didn't you see how she was when we came back? I think keeping her out of this is the best thing for her."

Footsteps followed the voices. Kristin took a deep breath, realizing her mother disapproved. Her father sighed, "We'll need all the help we can get."

"Don't you care about Kristin? I really don't-"

"That's not a question, you know I do. But it is her duty as a vampire hunter to keep people safe. And to do that, she needs to help us catch the vampire."

"But she has a choice-"

"No, she doesn't! Stop pretending that she can ignore her duty. This is her life, it's as simple as that."

Kristin swallowed the lump in her throat. She was never going to be able to escape. No matter how hard she tried, she would be doing this for the rest of her life.  Why was she still here? She was doing something that was killing her and if there was no end to it... Slowly she got to her feet, no longer comprehending the continuing argument. Without saying a word, she had made up her mind.

The feeling of needing to get away overwhelmed her. Suddenly she was back in her room, pulling on her boots. She couldn't do this anymore, especially when there was no end in sight. Stuffing a duffel bag with her most treasured possessions, she began to climb out her window. Luckily, it wasn't far of a jump. And being the perfect child she was, she had done in several times before.

As soon as her feet were planted to the ground, she began walking away from everything she knew. She hardly felt any grief as she walked. Her parents had never been loving, at least not the way she needed them to be. Her father was always pushing her further, seeing her as the prodigy he tried so hard to be. She had once lived for his praise, but as she got older she desired more. The kind of caring and love that any family would be lucky enough to have. Her mother tried her hardest, but often fell short of what a mother was meant to be. There was just no connection there. Kristin couldn't help but feel like an apprentice, someone who was only there to serve to their advantages.

But she was done with all that. Looking ahead, she had no idea where she would go. Perhaps her grandma would take her in. Of course, it had been over a decade since they last spoke. Time could have claimed her for all Kristin knew. But it was a direction she could travel in.

The forest grew silent as she came to a stop. No crickets, no wind. She had never heard it so dead before... Except in the presence of a vampire. The one that never seemed to leave her mind.

"It's not a new moon," the figure's voice echoed off the bark of the trees. "Can't you at least give my people a chance to rest before you hunt again?"

"I'm not hunting," she tried to speak with confidence. But she couldn't help but feel the fear in her own voice. She had left everything that she hated behind... And that included her sword. She didn't want to hunt anymore, so why would she need it? Now she couldn't help but scold herself at her own stupidity. "I'm simply passing by."

The vampire came into her view, studying her just as before. "And I should allow you to do that?"

"Yes," Kristin nodded. "There's been enough bloodshed between our kinds."

He thought for a minute, "But you've caused most of it."

A lump began to form in her throat at the thought. Again, she saw those pleading eyes. Closing her eyes to avoid the tears, she accepted her own defeat. "Then kill me while you have the chance. Let me save this world of my own crimes."

The vampire stepped closer to her. She waited to hear his breath, her heart pounding when she heard none. Of course, she realized, he doesn't breathe. He's not human. His teeth gleamed in the night, pointing towards her skin.

"I have something better."

She looked at his eyes, surprised to find them so harsh. Before she could even react, he sunk his teeth into her neck. She screamed as the blood began to pour.

"I'll make you mine."


Hope you liked it!

This the end of this one shot, since I don't really have anywhere else for it to go...

Feel free to request!

Thank you for 100K!! :)

Hope you have a wonderful day!


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