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Bang, bang, bang, bang!

The knock on the door became more urgent, fists and clapping, chaotic and out of breath, the patience of the knocker was exhausted.

From the sound, there were at least five little lunatics outside.

Lin Ke took a deep breath, subconsciously pinched the earrings with the thumb and index finger of his left hand, and the cold Southern Cross calmed him down for a moment.

It's a pity that things backfired, only a "click" sound was heard.

Link looked up.

I saw a hand that was as pale as a lotus root and covered with scabs of blood piercing through the wooden door of the dormitory that was painted with poor-quality light yellow paint. Then, the hand was withdrawn, and a black and round eyeball appeared at the entrance of the hole, staring straight at the door. With Lin Ke.

"See... see... you..."

a faint voice said.

Break the defense directly! Goosebumps rushed from the soles of the feet to the top of Lin Ke's head. If there is such a thing as derivation acceleration of the heartbeat, it is impossible to derivate at this point.

But almost instantly, Lin Ke put on a serious face: "You are not good at destroying public property."

Dongkou's eyeballs rolled and panic flashed.

Sure enough, as long as you are a child, you are afraid of criticism.

"...There is no misbehavior!" For a moment, the little boy outside the door subconsciously quibbled. He took a step back, put his head in his hands, and grinned, as if he had fallen into painful memories because of the word "not good". Tooth: "The villains lied to us, saying that as long as we are good, our parents will come to see us..."

"But they didn't come to play with us at all.

" Take away the toys that are easy to save!"

"It's like this every time."

"Later, we didn't have any toys, so they stopped coming."

The tone that was originally painful and wronged, at the end, there was a faint murderous intent .

Oh, listening to this, it turns out that there is still a desire for intimacy.

Lin Ke calmed down quickly, and it was easier to handle things clearly.

He has come into contact with many troubled children who cannot learn to express their emotions properly—although not as exaggerated as killing people—but for them, the way to get attention is destruction and violence.

"They didn't lie to you. Your parents will be here soon." Link walked to the door, knelt down, looked out through the hole, and looked at the child. What kind of game do they play, okay?"

It would be more obedient if you could tell me the conditions of death.

Lin Ke thought calmly.

On the dirty and round face of the little boy outside the door, the two eyeballs rolled quickly again, and then he showed a serious smile: "Brother, brother, I thought of a very fun game, can you give us a game first?" Open the door?"

Link: "..."

He stood up slowly, pinching the doorknob with his five fingers, thinking about the possibility of escaping from the five children chasing him.

And the possibility of catching a single person asking for clues during the escape.

After all, it is impossible for five problem children to confide their hearts together. When they are with their partners, their defenses and barriers are unprecedentedly strong.

With his right hand he slowly pressed down on the doorknob, and with his left he prepared to lift the chain hasp.

Suddenly, the electronic sound of the main god system sounded again.

[Main God System: Huhu, finally caught up, the system just got an item from my dear...another working system, please bring it with you to the host. Due to an accident, the owner's body was out of control and appeared in various dungeons. This item is a token presented by the owner himself. ]

[If the master's □□ is out of control, he will identify the host through props and seek help from the host. The host must give priority to taking care of the master's emotions. ]

Lin Ke: "..."

I thought it was here to help, but it turned out to be overweight.

It means that in addition to these hard-to-serve little ancestors, there is also an airborne big boss?

Lin Ke finally couldn't bear it anymore.

[Lin Ke: Regardless of who the master you mentioned is, do you think I still seem to have the ability to "prioritize" who to take care of? ]

[Main God System: After testing, you have officially worked as a system social worker for 13 minutes! Already more than 100% of the predecessor! Host you are the best! ]

Link was stunned by the shamelessness of the main god system, and suddenly the root of his left little finger felt cold.

A silver tail ring full of leaves appeared in his hand.

This tail ring was as cold and white as a blade.

[Lord God System: You will soon understand that the master's token is the most powerful item in the world of the Lord God. Ordinary monsters will pay homage to you. Even the master of the dungeon small world will tremble when seeing you. ]

These words sound very tempting, like a giant golden finger, but the credit of the main god system has long been overdrawn, and Linke doesn't believe a word it says.

【Lin Ke: Then your master has a great background. Can I ask what his part/body refers to? Why did the body/body lose control? After recognizing the token, it will kill me with one blow, right? ]

[Main God System: The split/body is... hey, how can you think in that direction. ]

Lin Ke: "???"

[Lin Ke: Speaking in human terms. 】

About five seconds later, the electronic sound of the main god system passed by Linke's ears very lightly, very vacantly, and very quickly.

[Main God System: In each dungeon, there may be a pervert who loves killing, please just stop him. ]

[Main God System: It's that simple! ]

Linke showed a ferocious smile: "Why don't I give you my head directly?"

"Head!" Another little boy screamed outside the door, but the voice was muffled, as if it came from the abdomen.

"Is my head in your place, you bastard!"

Lin Ke: "." It's

over, and he was so angry that he forgot to use the system communication.

The wooden door shook suddenly as if hit by a sandbag, and the dust on both sides shook off.

Then, the door lock made a desperate sound of falling apart, and the handle fell to the ground with a clatter.

Link abruptly stepped back for a walk.

Just a second before the wooden door was knocked open, he picked up the broom in the corner in a very professional posture.


The wooden door slammed into the iron frame at the head of the bed, and five "children" rushed in aggressively wearing dirty and torn clothes.

The headless boy screamed with his stomach, and ran towards Lin Ke's right side in a staggered manner. He had no head, couldn't see the way, and almost hit the iron ladder frame.

Lin Ke moved faster than he thought, and the gods and ghosts gave him a hand: "..."

Lin Ke quickly withdrew his hand.

The boy turned towards Lin Ke, turned back after a while, and pulled out a dusty head covered with shoe prints from under the iron frame with a "woo woo".

He held his head in his arms, and ran back behind the bowel-holding boy who had been confronting Link since he entered the door.

Normally, the children who screamed the most would not hit anyone. Link held the broom and stared at them closely.

The first two boys were both wearing gray short-sleeved shorts, one was holding his head and the other was holding his intestines, which was strange enough.

The three children in the back, two boys and one girl, also have fierce eyes. One of the boys is wearing gray long-sleeved trousers, but he looks exactly like the other boy.

They stood in a queue, and opposite them was a handsome young man who was much taller than them, with bare poles in hand and shirt sleeves rolled up.

The scene continued to be in a confrontation.

It's not that Lin Ke has never seen similar scenes, but he was quite frightened by their appearance, and his heart beat faster than usual.

"The guests you finally invited haven't arrived yet," Lin Ke still chose to communicate proactively. He pursed his lips and put on a black face: "But you didn't think of an interesting game to welcome the guests.

" They were silent for a moment, and after a while, the intestine-holding ghost's face became stinky again: "Whoever wants to play games with them, if they dare to come, kill them!"

"Kill them!" The headless ghost made a sound from his abdomen.

"That's right, don't bother," Lin Ke said lightly, "Since you don't like them, I'll just tell them not to come."

"How dare you!" Pale teeth.

Even though Lin Ke was ready, he was still startled by the wriggling intestines and fangs in mid-air, so he raised his hand decisively.

With a tooth-piercing muffled sound, the kid bit the concave broomstick, but was caught by Lin Ke who took advantage of the situation.

Lin Ke was also a little surprised.

The boy's strength was much stronger than he had imagined, he struggled slightly like he was fighting a calf, after struggling for a few times, the boy didn't dare to move when he bumped into something.

At the same time, Lin Ke felt a tingling pain from the little finger of his left hand—it seemed that the props given by the main god system could really suppress the kid. He breathed a sigh of relief.

Any inexperienced social worker might just continue to appease the boy's needs, saying "the guest will come soon" or something like that, but doing so is very likely to encourage children to express their needs through threats of violence, and This group of sensitive and suspicious children may not necessarily believe it, after all, they are scared after being coaxed too much.

Now that you've started with violent exchanges, let them vent.

"Is there anyone else coming?" Link held the little boy who took the lead, and looked at the few people behind.

The headless boy blinked the eyes on his head without making a sound, and the two twin boys behind him looked at each other without speaking.

After a long while, the girl spoke, and her words became softer and softer: "Brother, let him go quickly, otherwise, or I will go to the dean."

Hearing the almost inaudible word "dean", Lin Ke noticed that The rest of the children trembled.

Lin Ke: "..."

It is clearly written in the task book that the orphans have mental problems.

So where did the dean come from? who? Ghosts?

Link: "I don't care who you go to complain, the fact is that I didn't do anything, but you attacked me first, is that so?" The

children started looking at each other again.

To be honest, no one has reasoned with them for hundreds of years, and they are a little confused.

"Brother," she was still a girl, her tone had already softened, "Who the hell are you..."

She said in an aggrieved tone, with two braids hanging down her gray collar, and her fingers clutching the corners of the clothes to hide her sharp nails.

Lin Ke had no doubt that if he hadn't been pressing down on the one who was obviously the strongest among them at this time, he would have been torn to pieces by these four children.

"Me?" Link asked.

He made a fool of himself, except for the headless boy, all the other children looked up at him.

"I'm a friend of your dean," Linke said casually. As expected, the pupils of the children's eyes trembled, and the gut-holding boy under his hand immediately let go of his strength and softened into a ball: "He said that some guests are like robbers. I'll take care of him..."

This group of children were used to being beaten and scolded, but when they heard that the headmaster specially asked someone to protect them, the children were stunned, with disbelief in their eyes. But they can't beat this person in front of them, and they can't help but believe it or not.

The hostility in their eyes seemed to have softened.

"...But he also said that you will hurt others because of some actions. I want to avoid this situation as much as possible. Do you want to play any games?" Link asked again patiently.

"Then let me tell you." After a long silence, the girl stepped forward hesitantly and waved to Lin Ke.

Link let go of the bowel-holding boy and helped him with his intestines, and his whole body went numb.

The gut-holding boy was obviously very angry, and suddenly snatched back his sticky intestines. The movement was too big, and when he turned around, his tattered short sleeves were lifted up, revealing bruises all over his back.

Lin Ke caught a glimpse and paused for a moment.

The girl is coming.

Lin Ke withdrew his extended left hand, frowned and looked away, half-kneeled in front of the girl, and listened to her.

The pale little girl lowered her eyes, staring at Lin Ke's white and fragile neck and tight body, her eyes lingered on the Southern Cross for a moment, and then moved closer to Lin Ke's left ear.

"We play jigsaw puzzles. If the guest wins, we give the toy to the guest; if the guest loses, we—"

Linke slowly relaxed his body when the girl spoke, inducing her to look for an opportunity to attack. Still prepared for the last moment, he suddenly raised his left hand to protect his neck.

The girl who attacked with sharp claws was stabbed by the ring and let out a scream. Link raised her right hand and pushed her away.

Behind the girl, the four boys yelled angrily, wanting to pounce on them like little beasts, but Lin Ke picked up the green plastic broomstick again, and took a few steps back quickly, widening the buffer distance.

The intestine-holding boy was full of anger, and was about to direct the attack, but suddenly his whole body froze.

To be precise, the five children rolled their eyes upwards, trembling all over, with countless veins curling up on their pale skin, as if they were alienating.

They were extremely unwilling, their eyes became resentful, and they stared at Lin Ke.

at the same time.

[Main God System: The orphanage dungeon is full, all players will be teleported to the entrance of the orphanage, please pay attention to terminate your current activities, the teleportation is in progress. ]

[Main God System: Huh host, you are too powerful... This is a private communication, oh yes... the puzzle is real! After all, there is no need for her to lie to the person who is about to die. The host, you use your body as bait to deceive the answer, you are so dedicated, I am so touched. ]

[The main god system: I thought of a sentence, don't enter the tiger's den——]

[Lin Ke: Don't let the rainbow go. 】

【Master God System: After the live broadcast starts, all permissions will be handed over to the master... I will not be able to communicate with you privately, please be careful! ]

A light enveloped Lin Ke again, and he even relaxed his body and closed his eyes a little skillfully.

After a period of "friendly exchange" just now, Lin Ke somewhat understood what the system meant by "unsolvable dead end".

This orphanage dungeon can be cleared by playing games on the surface, but the orphans... don't want to play games anymore.

Because the guests don't play the game, they just abuse them and take the props, so they just want to kill now.

Whether entering the arena as a staff member or a player, facing a group of mutated children who just want to kill people is an inevitable ending.

Unless they are convinced that the guests are really here to play the game, not to beat them up violently, and to restore the boss to normal, the instance can be brought back to life.

So it doesn't matter whether you play puzzles or not, what matters is "playing". Just now, Linke and the children have emphasized playing games many times, which is equivalent to making a promise to them, and they only have to fulfill it.

... This work is really not done by humans.

When his feet landed on the ground, Lin Ke thought.

You have to pay more.

[Main God System: Start the live broadcast. 】

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