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  The signing ceremony of the two main gods, Lin Ke and Lu Zhou, went smoothly.

Before that, under everyone's strong request, the two went to Zhou Zhao's Civil Affairs Bureau to earnestly obtain a certificate.

Although Lin Ke felt that this was ridiculous, he still showed a knowing smile when taking pictures.

Against the backdrop of the red background, the eyes of the two handsome main gods are full of happiness.

Afterwards, this small photo was magnified seven hundred times and posted on the bulletin board outside the Civil Affairs Bureau as an advertisement to encourage residents to bravely pursue true love.

After knowing this, Lin Ke wanted to go crazy again, but was coaxed down by Lu Zhou.

This spring-faced Great Lord God has been extremely happy recently, as if nothing can make him worry, his power spreads in all time and space, showing his excitement and joy.

Regarding this point, Lin Ke felt both interesting and helpless.

Finally, the time has come for the formal signing of the contract.

This is the first beautiful night since the creation of this world. The seven full moons slowly rise, illuminating all the subjects with their warm yellow light.

The light on the ground also lit up, and the elves lit up small lanterns one by one, flying into streaks of glittering powder in the night, the mermaid royal clan began to sing, and even the blood clans who usually don't show up sat quietly.

Lin Ke, who was preparing in the main hall of the main god, heard the commotion and looked through the window. Seeing such a crowd of people, he couldn't help being a little nervous.

At this time, he was wearing the main god's robe, which was different from Lu Zhou's black gold coat. Those transparent rune-like silk threads appeared snow-white and golden like the rising sun from the moment they were wrapped around his body.

It is said that this is because each main god has different powers, Linke's power is very warm and pure, so he has a robe of pure white with gold.

Uncle Chen was sitting at the side, complimenting how beautiful it was, which made Link's eyelids tighten again.

"You get used to it," Chen Bodao said. "In the future, people will praise you for your good looks."

Lu Zhou also stared at Lin Ke, and said with a smile, "Yes."

Link accepted the setting. He stood up from the chair, turned around, and found that the main god's robe was unexpectedly light, like the elves' robes. Like the wings.

Wearing this robe, he felt like he could fly straight up.

With this thought, Lin Ke's feet immediately emptied.

Seeing this, Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows, and as soon as he stretched out his hand, he grabbed the little Lord God who was about to fly off the ground, and then gently moved it.

Lin Ke stumbled and was pulled in front of Lu Zhou, his head crashing into his arms.

The moonlight shines through the white window sill and falls on the two gods who are snuggling together, outlining their intimate outlines, almost melting them together.

Uncle Chen got up: "I'll go out and have a look."

Lin Ke who heard Uncle Chen's leaving footsteps: "..."

He felt that he was about to burn, and stuck his head in Lu Zhou's arms like an ostrich until he felt it. There was a heavy vibration in Lu Zhou's chest.

Lu Zhou's laughing voice seemed to surround him: "Aren't you ready to get up? Then we'll be like this, we won't go out." How could

this be possible, Lin Ke dawdled and raised his head: "What are we going to do after going out?"

"No What's special?" Lu Zhou leaned forward and put his forehead on his little lover's forehead, "It's enough to let everyone see that we are very loving and happy." The

main god's contract ceremony was unexpectedly simple.

——It was more complicated at first, until the main gods discovered that the main god and the main god preferred to fight rather than love, and those red tapes were abolished.

In fact, the main gods now never believe that two main gods can coexist peacefully in the same world for a long time.

They can't even imagine that there are two main gods who stick together like Lin Ke and Lu Zhou in this world.

Lu Zhou didn't let Ke Lin go for a long time, a golden silk thread came uninvited, wrapped around the ring fingers of the two, and soon turned into two silver rings.

This was produced in Lin Ke's mind.

Lu Zhou raised his hand and looked at the beautiful ring quite curiously. He heard that it represented some kind of exclusive meaning in the human world, so his eyes moved slightly.

Then, without knowing what he did, Lin Ke only felt his left ring finger burn.

Link looked down, and saw that the original simple ring was changing, and the circles of patterns seemed to be derived from infinity, decorating the ring - those patterns are the most secret language of the main god, telling the unique It belongs to their heart.

He can fully understand things that others can't understand, and he feels that it is too straightforward, so he feels very embarrassed.

"Let's go." Lu Zhou whispered. Although his voice was low, there was joy hidden in it.

The two walked out of the hall.

The originally imagined cheers seemed very distant because the space was too open, but the sobs hidden in the cheers were very obvious.

Many people were moved and wept.

Lin Ke saw Uncle Chen sitting in the first mermaid bubble at a glance. Uncle Chen didn't cry, but his face was full of joy.

This made him relax a little, and he walked to the main seat with Lu Zhou. The table was full of delicacies from various ethnic groups, and an elf who was lighting a lamp winked at him.

Then the Lord God system and the No. 2 system came out and announced that it was time to formally conclude the contract. The Lord God wrote his will and wishes in cipher texts that would never fade in water, fire, and air, and then those words turned into stars, Floating into the night sky, constantly turning around the world.

This gorgeous scene made everyone forget about laughing and crying, and looked up at the sky blankly.

Lin Ke was also dumbfounded. He read the language of the sky in silence, his heart throbbing.

Under the table, his hand was tightly clenched with Lu Zhou's big hand.

When all the stars reached their predetermined positions and twinkled in the sky, several lights with different expressions suddenly appeared in the corner of the night sky.

At the same time, Lin Ke felt a very unpleasant and offended feeling.

He immediately realized that it was the other main gods who came.

Lu Zhou obviously felt the same emotion. He frowned slightly, and the balls of light in the sky trembled immediately.

I saw that everyone in the field looked up at the balls of light. The balls of light were trembling and wandering. They were obviously very afraid of Lu Zhou, but they didn't leave for some reason, and they always tried to get closer.

"They..." Link hesitated, "Do you want to invite them over?" "

No, they are boring. Let them watch from a distance." Lu Zhou refused.

This is too cruel, there are laughter and the smell of food everywhere below, and they can only watch from a distance.

Lin Ke couldn't help thinking that Lu Zhou once said that he wanted to show off his world to these people, and it turned out to be such a show off.

Sure enough, the man beside him squinted his eyes very satisfied, and stretched out his arms to gently surround Linke, like a dragon guarding a cub.

Lin Ke immediately understood Lu Zhou's thoughts at this moment. At the moment, at the contracting scene, he felt very happy, but he didn't want to share any happiness with those boring guys.

This kind of "stinginess" and possessiveness made Lin Ke dumbfounded.

"They are all bad main gods. They fight and kill all day long. I don't want to introduce them to you," Lu Zhou said, "Let them watch."

As if hearing Lu Zhou's words, the light balls in the sky trembled again. Shaking, shaking out a few envious colors.

These lonely gods, this is the first time they have seen such loving two gods.

They have all harassed the strongest main god Lu Zhou before, and they were kicked out by Lu Zhou unceremoniously every time. This time, they wanted to see how good the new main god is. Who expected such a grand day, Lu Zhou would not let him go. They look closer!

One by one, they could only watch from a distance in the air, with Lu Zhou's words of courtship floating beside them, they were almost crying.

Since the main gods exist in the state of spiritual power, and the spiritual power of the main gods will resonate with each other, the emotions of this group of main gods are quickly perceived by Linke.

Linke was eating a piece of rose cake, and when he took a bite, he felt that the taste was a bit strange. He chewed slowly, and found that the rose flower cake was sour: "..." Lu Zhou also took a bite, and paused:

" You——"

How dare you make his treaty ceremony sour, you should drive them away without even looking at them!

Lu Zhou's golden eyes revealed the dissatisfaction that made the main gods terrified, but from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Lin Ke beside him smiling uncontrollably. Those smiling black eyes shone like jewels immersed in water.

Lu Zhou fell into those eyes, his anger suddenly dissipated, he moved his lips, and forgot what he wanted to say.

It was also time for the children to bring up sweet candies and surround them.

The sour smell in the air became more and more intense.

Sensing the emotions of the master gods, Linke was still laughing. As soon as he raised his hand, several light balls in the air were invited by the master and fell to the ground one after another.

"Welcome." Lin Ke said softly.

All the main gods must abide by the rules when they enter the domain of the more powerful main gods. Therefore, after these light balls landed, they all turned into various "human beings".

Since their world is full of wars and competitions, their appearances are also ugly. One looks like a bull monster, the other looks like a horse monster, and some don't look like four.

They were a little trembling and expressed their thanks to Link. They were very curious, staring and looking around. Then, people around began to invite them to sit down.

This group of main gods was a little uncomfortable at first—it was the first time for them to sit with the creatures under the command of the main god. At first, they showed unhappy and neglected expressions, and then the expressions gradually turned clear. Because all the people around them, no matter whether they look weird or not, are very warm and considerate to them, with full smiles on their faces, as if they are not afraid of them. 

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