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[Barrage: This... C-level dungeon will also spawn a new boss? 】

【Barrage: It's okay, there's nothing wrong with it, now the three bosses are all enraged. ]

[Barrage: The other two are okay, but I dare not think about the bishop being furious. ]

[Barrage: Quickly kill, kill randomly! Don't let any of them live, this makes me so angry. What the hell are ghosts and snake gods, and you Jin Shen is also a coquettish operation, this wave has nothing to do with it, he played too much private goods in this round! ]

[Barrage:? ? ? No one wanted to wash Jin Shen off. He himself said that he came with hatred, and he didn't hide it. What's the matter, Annan made you uncomfortable, you turned your head and sprayed Jin Shen, didn't you? If you don't dare to offend Yin Gou, you will shut down the wheat. The way you spray is very low. 】

The ground rumbled and trembled, and vines sprung up everywhere, gathering in front of the town as if summoned.

They are like cirrus clouds at first, and gradually, they roll into a graceful figure of a woman. Where the woman's mouth, nose and eyes are located, blood-red petals bloom.

These roses are different from ordinary roses, with unusually long stamens protruding from the center of the flower, wriggling in mid-air.

She lowered her eyebrows, looked at the big hole in her chest, and let out a cry.

[Barrage: My mother, is this a witch? This is a female devil...]

​​When the sound of Youyou's crying reached Lin Ke's ears, it had already turned into a whining wind.

Lin Ke quietly closed the deaf-mute and got along with Uncle Chen in his heart for a while, and then slowly shifted his thinking to the electronic sound he heard just now.

...the witch is awake? Did the plot start by accident?

When Lin Ke analyzed the meaning of these few paragraphs, a brand new idea instantly replaced his original adventure plan that almost ended together.

Originally, he planned to trick Annan into showing up first, and then use his "death" to cause rose vines to besiege Annan, and then use Xiaoyu's promise to escape from the flower field.

Of course, according to Lin Ke's previous analysis, there are nine out of ten chances that Jin Qingyue will arrive in time, and then he will be able to catch Annan.

Not to mention whether this plan is feasible or achievable, it is very dangerous to him. It is not the best policy, but the worst policy with no other alternatives.

But now...

angry bishop? It's about time!

Linke had deliberately moved away the moment before his body was pierced, so he did not suffer any fatal injuries.

At this moment, he gritted his teeth, stretched out his left hand to hold the protruding rose thorn on his chest, and as the base of his little finger on his left hand felt a tingling pain, the rose vine really restrained and stopped moving.

At the top of the rose thorn, a blood red rose that was about to bloom suddenly bloomed, and disappeared beside Linke's terminal bracelet after a while.

The terminal prop bar protruded, and the red rose slowly rotated in the prop frame.

[Blood Rose: A red rose that can only grow when watered by the purest blood and the most sincere emotions. It has the same root as the first rose planted by the witch, and can summon Mr. Blind to the scene within 30 seconds.

*Limited scope: This prop is limited to dungeons, and will be destroyed after the dungeon ends. ]

Lin Ke took a few deep breaths, blinked desperately, and finally saw the introduction of the props vaguely after a while.

Lin Ke: "..."

Poisonous! Why did he summon Mr. Blind? He thought the scene was not chaotic enough!

His own blood poured out such an unlucky thing, and Link immediately closed the interface.

Uncle Chen's phantom has disappeared, turning into a small mousetrap on the spot; the surrounding rose fields are in a mess, with thorns protruding, surrounding Lin Ke from three sides; Hua Jinmian is gone, and he should have left using props.

Hua Jinmian will leave, Lin Ke has expected in advance, because once Annan, who is a player of the White Rose, approaches him, Hua Jinmian will become an "extra white rose" and be attacked by the rose field crazily. In this case, in order to save her life, she must leave first.

It is estimated that the instruction she received was: when Annan arrives, use the props to leave.

Presumably Annan never let this little girl see any cruel scenes a few times before, so he has been coaxing her to cooperate with him in killing people.

This dungeon is really ironic. Before the npc and the boss had time to make a move, the players tricked each other around. Lin Ke couldn't help thinking again.

[Barrage: It hurts so much, it hurts me to see it! 】

【Barrage: I just finished crying, but when I look back, my little brother is still alive! And his expression is still very steady, is it my illusion? 】

【Barrage: It's not an illusion, listen carefully, he started to analyze. 】

In the picture, the rose vine lost its sense of attack and could not support the weight of a grown boy, so it began to sag slowly. Linke's feet barely stepped on the dirt ground, but he dared not let go of the flower vine.

No one could bear such severe pain, including Lin Ke. If it wasn't for the flower vines supporting him, he probably wouldn't even be able to stand firmly.

But even in such a panic, after he took a short breath, he spoke in a calm tone: "What are you going to do next?"

There was silence in the air, and no one answered him.

"Your method of killing is not fundamentally different from Ji Hong's. You both use the conditions of death to divert your attack when you are being hunted down. It's just that Ji Hong chose to integrate herself with the monster, while you used some kind of body Virtual props," Lin Ke didn't care if anyone answered, and paused for a while, "the rose vines can't attack your entity, they can only be run away by you. Then you guide them to stab me."

"But it's a pity that after Hua Jinmian left, this trick became invalid. The number of red and white rose players in the rose field is exactly the same. The rose vines will not attack you anymore, and of course they can't attack me anymore. You have deliberately tricked me here , but failed to kill me, what are you going to do now?"

After throwing out the questions he wanted to ask sentence by sentence, Link stopped talking, looking as if he had lost all his strength.

The surroundings returned to quiet.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The blood on Linke's body was slowly frozen by the frost, and he soon felt the cold.

[Barrage: What are you waiting for, little brother? ]

[Bullet screen: He is getting weaker and weaker...]

Indeed, Lin Ke's face became paler and his lips began to turn purple.

His eyelids were also getting heavier.

But he's still waiting.

[Bullet screen: Instead of asking what little brother is waiting for, why not ask God Jin what is waiting for. 】


"Let's go and save him."

Yu Sheng begged Jin Qingyue.

Her fingers were very hard, and her five fingers were closed, almost frozen on the back of the wheelchair.

The back of the young man in front of him remained motionless, with his hands on his knees.

Yu Sheng knew Jin Qingyue well, this was a gesture he only showed when he was very hesitant.

"Wait a little longer." Jin Qingyue said, "Annan hasn't shown up yet. If he doesn't catch him this time, he will be more cautious next time. To deal with people like Annan, you must be patient." Yu Sheng stopped talking


For a moment, Jin Qingyue said as if to comfort her: "Lin Ke is much stronger than Mu Cheng, he will understand us. Don't you think Yang Yue is also very cooperative with us?" In front of the two of them, there is a vampire carrying a

coffin , There were two "bang bang" sounds inside, it was Yang Yue signaling that she heard it.

A-level props, the coffin of the vampire, can temporarily hide the player's identity, but cannot move independently.

"But, what are we waiting for? What is Annan waiting for?" Yu Sheng asked anxiously.

Jin Qingyue looked at Yu Sheng.

In the past, Yu Sheng followed him and never asked why. He likes her innocence and trust, but he secretly hopes in his heart that she can ask more questions and have her own growth, and hopes that she will not become like Mu Cheng.

Now Yu Sheng asked, but it's a pity that he is doing a lot of things now, so it's not convenient to explain to her in detail.

The more Jin Qing thought about it, he tried his best to calm down and said, "Annan is used to pushing his prey to the most desperate moment, and then taking away as much as possible from them." "

Lin Ke still has a passive effect that he hasn't used."

"Trust me , I won't let him be eliminated."


The pain under the ribs first became numb, and then screamed again, spreading to the limbs.

Lin Ke's left hand gradually lost strength, and the vine that pierced his lower rib suddenly shifted its position, and the sharp thorns pulled his flesh and moved, making him shudder in pain again.

It was almost the same, and he would not be able to hold on anymore.

He didn't expect Annan to be quite patient, he cursed inwardly, then clenched his teeth slightly.

In the next second, he released his left hand and controlled his body to fall from the vine.

When the rose thorns were withdrawn from his body, Linke's eyes were completely dark.

It's now!

He exerted all his willpower, and even though he couldn't see, he gritted his teeth and ran forward, as if he had returned to the light—more like he had used the "Little Fish's Promise".

Twelve seconds, thirteen seconds...

twenty-seven seconds, twenty-eight seconds...

thirty seconds.

After counting thirty seconds, Lin Ke suddenly relaxed his body, then staggered forward, and smashed heavily into the mud.

Almost at the same time, his back sank, and someone stepped on his shoulder blades.

Lin Ke almost exclaimed in pain, with ten thousand swear words in his mind.

Annan finally came.

Sure enough, a man's disdainful voice came from above his head: "Stop running?"

Lin Ke: "..."

He faced the ground and closed his eyes.

It hurts so much that I don't have the strength to answer nonsense.

Seeing that Link could not even speak intermittently, Annan was very proud. He lifted his foot, bent down and pulled Link by his collar, lifted him up, and threw him back.

There was a "bang".

Lin Ke lay down and fell to the ground again, he gasped, he didn't even have the strength to push his elbows to the ground, he just looked up with his eyelids propped up.

I saw Annan raised his hand to support the mirror frame, his eyes were full of confidence, but his overall posture was still cautious, his forearms were tightened, and his facial expression was tense.

It can be seen that although he is already on the winning side, he is not carried away by it.

"Just like what you said just now," Annan intentionally slowed down his speech, skillfully trying to prolong Link's psychological tension, "now the number of red rose players and white rose players is equal, if I kill you, I myself will be attacked, so please believe me, I didn't intend to kill you."

Link paled his lips very cooperatively, and nodded with difficulty.

Annan said: "You are very smart, you know what I want, right?"

Linke seemed to fall silent suddenly and fell into deep thought, then curled up his left hand reluctantly.

"Don't be reluctant," Annan said with a smile, "Of course props are more important than life, don't you think so?"

Lin Ke still pursed his lips, and there seemed to be a trace of pain and looseness in his eyes.

Finally, he spoke with a hoarse voice: "You dare not kill me."

Annan was taken aback, thinking that Ke Lin was a newcomer, and finally showed a relaxed smile: "Really? We have hundreds of ways to kill people without paying for it." As for these vines, I am not afraid of their attacks."

Linke's eyes flickered, and he coughed suddenly.

Just when Annan's patience was about to run out, Lin Ke spoke again.

"You, if you want an item, ahem, you can already grab it by hand, but you want to know how to use this item, right?" The youth's pale lips curled into a smile.

A trace of anger flashed across Annan's face.

He really didn't expect to come to this stage, Linke actually wanted to bargain with him, but that's right, from his observations of Linke these days, Linke is a person with extremely quick thinking and logic, and he really You shouldn't be making so many detours with him.

Annan bowed with a cold face: "It doesn't matter, I can get the props first, and I will know how to use them naturally. It seems that you don't want to cooperate with us, so forget it." Hearing his words, the young man's face finally

flashed After a moment of hesitation.

"That's fine," Link's voice sounded as if he had finally compromised, "I'll give you the ring. As for how to use it, I'll tell you when I survive." As he spoke, he raised his left hand with difficulty, the bloody

hand On the ground, the light of the silver ring seemed to be dimmed.

Annan was about to reach out to pick it up, but suddenly felt that it was getting dark.

He felt that something was wrong, frowned, took a step back slightly, but suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Two black shadows climbed up from his heels, binding him tightly like ropes.

Annan cursed and raised his hand to use the prop.

The moment he was about to open the terminal, a black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and then his arm was grabbed and twisted, causing a sharp pain.

Annan suddenly opened his eyes wide, and before he could cry out in pain, his knees were bent at a strange angle, and he was directly pushed down to the ground.

Lin Ke's way of fighting was very wild, and Annan couldn't react for a while, and he was used to using props to crush his opponents in the world of the main gods-who would have expected someone to come up to fight! The same person who was lying on the ground dying just now was suddenly restrained by Lin Ke.

Lin Ke was indeed on the verge of death. He pressed Annan and gasped for breath. The wound under his ribs burst open. The pain was so painful that he almost fainted, and cold sweat came out of his forehead crazily.

Seeing Annan struggling wildly, he couldn't hold it back any longer, but saw two black shadows quickly climb up from under his feet, and firmly encircled Annan's right hand.

It was Annan's own shadow.

Annan couldn't move at all.

In mid-air, a piece of paper full of gold characters slowly emerged.

S-level imprisoning props, Soul Betrayal Book, "This is the devil's contract, which can make the soul betray itself", it can predict the next action of the affected object and effectively stop all its actions, the full effect time is 20 seconds, 20 seconds Seconds later, the player enters the controlled state.

How could Annan have never heard of this devil's contract item, so he stopped struggling, gave up resistance, and looked at Linke with a flash of disbelief.

Then he rolled his eyes, and immediately realized something, his eyes turned cold, and he said through his teeth: "You guys join forces to deal with me?"

Linke was also taken aback, looking at the props on him.

After a while, Lin Ke's eyes dimmed.

He let go of Annan slowly and with difficulty, and stood up straight, but there was no pain on his face, and he was even more confident and comfortable than Annan before.

"There is no partnership."

"It just happens to be against you."

The author has something to say: Thanks for casting the Overlord for me during 2021-06-23 01:46:04~2021-06-24 00:17:29 Tickets or little angels of irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: Charm Light 15 bottles; Mo Yue 12 bottles;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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