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  From fifty perspectives, the dungeon world is slowly shrinking.

Many unoccupied, dark rooms that represent fear and danger quietly disappeared, and the accretion world space of the old house created by the mirrors in the rooms also disappeared at the same time.

And the owner of one of the rooms was curiously looking at the situation in the corridor.

"It turned out to be restored," said the female ghost, "Since the mirror was broken, we have no way to leave our room." "

Well, the fragments are connected."

Obviously it is a major breakthrough in the dungeon, but Lin Ke is just cute smiled.

After returning to the little angel state, he felt that although he was a mother, his mood was much calmer. In comparison, this state is better.

Jin Qingyue is obviously still affected by his state and needs to rely on willpower to calm down. At this moment, he frowned and thought for a while before he realized: "So that's how it is.

" For nearly an hour, they thought almost at the same time: "Let's split up."

[Bullet screen: Wow, this is in unison! Are senior players so consistent? ]

[Bullet screen: That was a major breakthrough just now, but why neither of them seemed very excited...]

[Bullet screen: Because it's not the correct answer yet. ]

[Barrage: Huh? ? 】

【Barrage: It's only three hours, how do you let them go from room to room and reunite such a big mirror? 】

The bullet screen was talking, but Lin Ke asked the female ghost: "Do you know... many people?

" Do you know many ghosts?" 】

【Barrage: I heard the first sound he made. 】

【Barrage: You died laughing on the spot, it's so cute. 】

The female ghost withdrew her gaze from the dewy eaves, nodded with an "ah" and said, "There are quite a few of them, the main reason is that everyone can only stay in the room, sometimes chatting, and getting to know each other... "

There are mirrors everywhere here. If possible, I can trouble you to look around to see if there is anyone you know. It's rare that the weather outside is so good. Let's take them out for a walk." Linke said something like a commonplace. 

The female ghost didn't feel wrong at all, instead she fanned her abnormally long eyelashes, as if she had heard a very wonderful suggestion: "Ah! You are right, why didn't I think of it? I came here alone There's no point in going around."

  [Bullet screen: ! ! ! Here we go again, the little brother's usual operation. 】 

 【Barrage: NPCs, you should grow up and learn how to clear the level by yourself. Is that what you mean? 】 

 【Barrage: But I think this is pretty good, the female ghost also looks very lonely. 】

The judgment of the barrage is correct. After so many years, the female ghost, the ghost, has been bored in the house for a long time. Hearing Linke's suggestion at this moment, he can't wait to rush upstairs. 

Just before going upstairs, she finally remembered something, turned her head to look in the mirror: "Hey, are you going to come out?" The male ghost inside was looking outside eagerly, but when he heard this, his eyes flashed with surprise. "Yes, is it possible?" The female ghost then bent down to look at the mirror, and stretched her arm in very smoothly.

 The male ghost seemed embarrassed to touch the female ghost's arm, and his face was a little red, but in the end he grabbed it. The arm of the female ghost stepped out of the mirror. Both ghosts breathed a sigh of relief.

  After a while, they both realized something at the same time, and let go of each other's hands like lightning. The male ghost murmured: "I'm sorry." The female ghost turned around and left without saying a word. The male ghost hurriedly followed, and at the end he didn't forget to turn his head and thank Lin Ke.

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