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  Thirteen minutes to go.

Link said he opened the door, but in fact he only opened a crack. At this moment, he took a step back and confirmed to Ye Shi: "Can I talk to them?"

Link was still talking to the children half an hour ago, so the reason why he asked this is because It's because the child looked like a human at that time, but now he looks like a ghost.

Instead of trying rashly like being alone, it is better to ask experienced seniors directly.

Hearing this, Ye Shi was startled suddenly, and took another look at him: "Yes, the dungeon boss has been evolving, and has been able to communicate directly with us recently. Is this the first time you have entered the book?"

Except for the young man in front of him who appeared when he saw a ghost. A little cold sweat, trembling when hair, other performance can be regarded as very calm, if it is a newcomer, the quality is too good.

Ye Shi's surprise was also the surprise of the live broadcast audience, and the barrage was instantly overwhelmed by "newcomers" and "???".

Lin Ke thought that his first time was quite different from others. No time to explain, just nodded and pushed the door open again.

Sure enough, as Ye Shi said, even though the little ghosts sitting around the table looked hideous, they still said "happy" in a gloomy voice: "Brother and sister!"

They were talking, but their bony heads were still staring at the table The huge dinner plate in the center, only the huge protruding eyeballs turned towards the door.

Long sleeves and short sleeves hang loosely on their thin and shapeless bodies, making them look like old men rather than children.

Lin Ke: "..." All

right, no matter what you look like, as long as you can communicate.

He raised his jaw: "Who made it for you?" He clasped his

eyeballs and turned around, seeming satisfied that he asked this question: "It was made by the brothers and sisters who came last time.

" Answering questions, but the Mandarin language is broad and profound, Lin Ke, Ye Shi, and the live audience all thought of another way of understanding in an instant.

Ye Shi was physically unwell, and his face was so dark that he could drip water.

[Bullet screen: use? ]

[Bullet screen: I vomited. 】

【Barrage: I roughly understand why you need to move around freely after meals. It is visually observed that the boss will have a violent period after eating every day, and there will be a round of chasing battles. ]

[Barrage: Exciting! Sit and wait for the chase. ]

"Oh," amidst the various expectations of the audience, the young man responded lightly: "It's rotten, pour it out, I'll make new ones for you."

Ye Shi: "..."

[Barrage: ? ? ? ? Does he know what he's talking about? ? 】

【Barrage: And does he know what he's doing. 】

【Barrage: I now believe that my little brother is a newbie. 】

【Barrage: Then this cute new, I can only shout awesome. 】

Ye Shi's expression was also a bit complicated: "How do you do it?"

Linke pointed to the inside of the restaurant, and saw a small door there. Through the small door, you can vaguely see the stove, pots and pans and other tools.

Hey guys, it's a tiny kitchen.

Ye Shi and the barrage were stunned together.

[Barrage: Think about it carefully, I haven't watched a food show for a long time. 】

【Barrage: To be precise, I haven't watched a casual show for a long time. 】

Ye Shi wanted to tell Lin Ke not to take risks, this was just a common pursuit, but when he looked down and saw the number of viewers on the bracelet terminal surged to 83221, he was silent for a moment and did not speak.

The number of viewers will affect the final score of the copy, determine the rewards they get and the action points, and more action points means longer rest time.

Judging by the numbers, the risk is worth it.

The tall slender woman watched the back of the young man walking towards the kitchen, and followed without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, this old kitchen is extremely rich in supplies. The refrigerator hidden behind the door has double doors, filled with fresh eggs, vegetables, canned food, luncheon meat, frozen meat, etc., and it smells very fresh, which is refreshing; Holding a box of unopened fresh milk between them, Lin Ke checked the expiration date, and only after seeing "two years later" did he realize that there is no calendar time in this world.

But after two years, it has not expired.

Lin Ke opened the package while thinking. He's not brain-dead, he insists on showing off his cooking skills in the horror dungeon, he just uses his status as a "staff" to ease the children's resentment towards the visitors. Don't ask everyone to have fun, at least don't cause large-scale bloodshed.

In the final analysis, in a word, I will coax you, and you will give me a way to survive, as long as you mean each other.

To coax children, what is more effective than delicious food?

Lin Ke opened the refrigerator door, was slightly taken aback, and withdrew his hand. There is a layer of dust on the fingertips-the stove and the door of the refrigerator are covered with a thick layer of dust, but the milk carton is very smooth. It is obvious that someone has transported supplies here recently.

Improve food? Isn't this the treatment that ordinary leaders only have?

Lin Ke couldn't help but think of the dean who killed people in the air, and instantly understood.

"It's less than ten minutes, is there time to prepare five breakfasts?" Ye Shi took out several boxes of luncheon meat from the refrigerator.

[Barrage: ...seriously suspect that this dungeon is tricking me into spending points to buy snacks. 】

【Barrage: I suggest you go and see the pot of meat on the dining table? ]

[Bullet screen: Fuck you, former article, you are so vicious! ! ! I just tore open a 15 point bag of potato chips! ! ! ! ! 】

【Barrage: I was thinking just now! Can I eat by myself when I enter this book? The anchor must have heard the voice in my head! ]

[Barrage: The sound of water? ]

[Barrage:? ? ? You beat me up for the second time, who are you? Have a date? Did you see that someone called you vicious just now? 】

The barrage was noisy because of the show operation. Lin Ke knew nothing about "Kaka" beating eggs. His slender fingers and skillful movements were eye-catching. He took a small frying pan and a few dishes and soaked them under the faucet "哗哗哗" "Washing with water, worrying about not enough quantity, I even threw in a few snow-white ceramic cups: "Eleven, five children, five of us, and a dean."

Ye Shi: "???"

[Barrage :? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

You said six, plus the dean, we will recognize that you are rigorous, eleven is okay?

Lin Ke caught sight of Ye Shi's shocked gaze, and paused: "...Uh, we don't need to eat?"

Some leaders were too proficient in mopping up money to improve the food, and I really didn't expect this.

Ye Shi came back to his senses with difficulty, saw Lin Ke skillfully beat eggs and poured water, with five cups hanging in his hands, and realized that he was really not joking.

Her first reaction was that she fainted, but her second reaction was to smell the fragrance of "steamed" eggs in a cup made out of ceramic cups and microwave ovens.

He also watched Linke sprinkle a small amount of fresh green onion on the tender yellow surface of the steamed egg.

Ye Shi: "...make five servings first, and then we'll talk about the rest."

[Bullet screen: Yujie Jubi wants to eat it herself. 】

【Barrage: Sister Yujubi herself wants to eat +1. 】

【Barrage: Hahaha, don't expose her beautiful sister. It's probably been a long time since I've seen fresh ingredients made and sold. Don't blame her. ]

[Bullet screen: only three minutes. 】

Ye Shi swallowed his saliva, quickly put the luncheon meat on the fourth cup of fried eggs: "The amount is not enough.

" , "Lin Ke remained unchanged, and poured snow-white milk into the fifth transparent glass: "Or let them choose what to eat."

Ye Shi glanced out, hesitated for a moment, picked up a ceramic cup, a The glass goes out.

One side is rotten meat, and the other side is a nutritious breakfast that at least looks delicious and delicious.

——I believe that both humans and ghosts will make the same choice! bet!

When Ye Shi put the cups and plates on the dining table, the children's eyeballs that had been nailed to the meat suddenly turned around, this time they even turned their faces around, and the tips of their noses moved.

Ye Shi tensed up, ready to run away or use props at any time.

Just then, there was a piercing scream from outside the door.

It's Su Xue!

Ye Shi's pupils shrank suddenly, and Lin Ke in the kitchen paused, almost knocking over the plate.

The two turned their heads together.

problem occurs? Why? The children were clearly in the dining room.


the other side.

Zhou Zhao tightly covered Su Xue's mouth, for fear that she would also violate the rules of the hospital.

The little girl's tears and snot were all on the cuffs of his suit jacket. Zhou Zhao's face was livid, and he persuaded with a suppressed voice: "Calm down, calm down!"

They were in the corridor on the second floor at this time. Looking for clues, I found a small classroom in the middle of the corridor on the second floor, which contained sand tables, musical chairs, glue figures and other psychological counseling and psychological venting props.

They found a psychological counseling log and learned from the log that the five children here have been looking for a lost toy, which they call a "treasure", and every time the guests who come here act as treasure hunters , You need to go through various mental games to guess where the children hide their toys. Ordinarily, as an F-level meal book, this plot line is not difficult, but the pile of psychological counseling props are mottled and full of blood, which looks like torture tools, making Zhou Zhao feel uncomfortable. When they were about to leave, Sun Lei suddenly went crazy. To be precise, after Sun Lei touched the memory sand table, he seemed to recall something terrible, and his mental state collapsed on the spot.

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