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This time, the bishop held his breath, and his arrest was quick and violent.

The scenery of the small town and the gray sky receded rapidly in front of Linke's eyes.

The masonry ground was a bit painful, but it was much better than the pain in the internal organs just now.

Lin Ke regained consciousness slowly.

His judgment is correct, the effect of props used by Ji Hong is related to distance.

The pain disappeared quickly as the bishop dragged him away from the crowd.

Lin Ke is rarely overwhelmed by extreme anger. After such an analysis, he came to the conclusion that S-level props are useless if they are out of restrictions. Thinking of their way of getting along and the way they treat other players and dungeons, their faces are calm and there is no joy or anger.

With this group of jumping clowns around, this job is bound to be difficult.

But it doesn't matter, Lin Ke has seen a lot of these people, and there are ten million ways to deal with them.

If the other party wants his tail ring props, ten out of ten will come to harass him again.

That is to say, Linke didn't pay attention to planting for the first time. What if he still comes? Let's wait and see who doubts life then.

After Lin Ke thought it over, he stopped tormenting himself, gradually relaxed his body, and slowly regained consciousness.

Then he felt the man's big hands trembling slightly on his neck, and the wide sleeves swept across Link's face.

Link raised his eyelids.

I didn't expect to be able to "cooperate" with Lu Zhou so much before.

After the last oolong, the main god system has guaranteed to provide him and Lu Zhou with a "separate small room" in each instance, so that he will not be defrauded of points.

That being the case, it's okay to be caught occasionally, not to mention that this time Lu Zhou helped him out of danger and let him squeeze it out.

Happy first cooperation.

Lin Ke thought optimistically while being dragged away by the neck.

But this optimism was all shattered when he was dragged into the bishop's small room where he didn't know where.

The layout of the room in front of him was unfamiliar yet familiar. After seeing the desk and bookcase, the carpet, the elegant carpet and the quilt with colorful cartoon images, Lin Ke was instantly suffocated.

——Isn't this the room he, Little Shark and Xiao Lan imagined for the dean?

Has the Lord God system already saved so much trouble that even small rooms have to be copied and pasted?

Does the dignified archbishop live here?

Link was once again so embarrassed that his scalp was going numb, and he was pinched and pressed to the gaudy quilt with his mind blank - this time not on the floor, because the room was too small and there was no space on the floor.

Above, the well-dressed bishop, no, Lu Zhou looked at him with his chest heaving violently and his eyes reddened, obviously on the verge of agitation and madness.

This posture seemed to enclose his whole body, which was extremely oppressive and threatening.

Link's heart tightened as he watched, subconsciously stretched out his left hand to grab someone's wrist, but when he sensed Lu Zhou's next move, he turned around and gently pinched the other's cuff.

——I saw that Lu Zhou seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and let go of the knuckle fingers that pinched Lin Ke's neck one by one.

His other hand was clenched into a fist on the bed, and the meridians on it were clear, as if they were intertwined between madness and reason. There was even cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Lu Zhou has self-awareness?

Obviously, the distance between the two is too close and the situation is very dangerous, just like when the two met in the study for the first time, if Lu Zhou suddenly went crazy, Lin Ke would be injured.

But as an excellent social worker, it is absolutely impossible to give up the opportunity to get close to the client or help the client because of fear of injury, just like Lin Ke knew the danger and wanted to go to Xiaoyu and turn the little fish into a little shark like that.

It would be best if Lu Zhou could get out of this state by himself.

Lin Ke's Adam's apple rolled slightly, he stroked the delicate fabric nervously, and was not ready to empathize for the time being. His eyes were fixed on Lu Zhou, trying to encourage him to persevere.

The situation appears to be barely stable.

The only embarrassment is that it is too close.

What's even more embarrassing is that Lu Zhou's eyes are too beautiful.

Before looking at it from a distance or not staring at it, I only felt it was as amazing as glazed amber.

Looking closer now...

the man's eyes are indescribably clear, light in color and deep in gaze, they are extremely gentle, with only a few wisps of mist left in them by anxiety and pain.

Coupled with his overly handsome face, his extremely forbearing expression is also full of charm, like a god in a fairy tale who wants to restrain himself from falling into the devil.

Moreover, there are two little selves circled in God's eyes.

Lin Ke suddenly felt that he couldn't look directly!

But how could a man give up so easily, the more he looked at it, the more he felt scared, the more his equally beautiful eyes widened.

The handsome man looked at each other, and suddenly the scene was a bit tense.

A few seconds later, Lu Zhou seemed to be unable to bear it, and slowly looked away, staring at the Southern Cross star on Lin Ke's left ear.

Under his seemingly calm and restrained appearance, hatred and anger that did not belong to him were sweeping through his mind, and another kind of vulnerability that could not control himself was also crazily tormenting his mind.

All this was not uncomfortable at all, and he didn't care.

As the main god, even if he hates, rages, and destroys the world because he cannot control his emotions, it is just as he wants, because all of these are created by him.

But now he has another mood. It's weird, it seems to be brought by the body in this copy, and it seems to be produced by himself.

He felt that he should at least behave better in front of the young man in front of him.

At least not let him get hurt.

After all, this weak human being tried in vain to help himself and another group of subjects he created, and he has lived until now without giving up.

But what Lu Zhou didn't expect was that he could destroy the entire presiding world with just a finger move, and severely damage a world with just one word—even if his mind was split, he could still do it— — But it is so difficult to restrain your strength and not hurt someone.

Don't hurt...

Thinking of this, Lu Zhou's head hurts sharply, as if remembering the reason why he became like this in the first place, but he can't figure it out.

The Lord God has never been so embarrassed.

Lu Zhou frowned, his right hand was unconsciously close to Lin Ke's neck again, his thumb couldn't help stroking Lin Ke's throat, and his pulse beat slightly.

Feeling the dangerous and warm touch, Lin Ke's whole body was stiff and guarded, and his whole body straightened instantly.

I can't stand it anymore.

The two of them thought almost at the same time. Just as Lu Zhou's eyes sank and his right hand suddenly exerted force, Lin Ke grabbed the wrist of his left hand.

"Not bad, good job." Lin Ke opened his mouth in silence, his eyes went dark after a compliment, and he fell into a mood of anxiety and hatred.

Lin Ke thought before his consciousness became blurred, what a strange emotion, wishing to destroy everything, and at the same time wishing to dismantle himself and give it to others.

Is it related to this copy?


In the small square, the fountain was bubbling, and the players who had calmed down were divided into three teams.

Most people didn't see the scene of Lin Ke being taken away, they just noticed that there were fewer people. This is so common in dungeons that no one asked.

Just now Jin Qingyue confiscated all the roses in the hands of everyone except Ji Hong and his party, and sent them to the cemetery behind the church with an A-level wooden bird prop—he had already been standing next to several key buildings. Wooden bird perches are set up.

Beside him, the little girl stood relaxed, with her head down, playing with her fingers; behind him, the red rose player was staring at the other side.

Ji Hong and the others took out some props and burned the rose on the spot.

[Bullet screen: I'm so envious of Yu Sheng, I don't have to do anything, I just need to be responsible for being silly and sweet, and then make money and win, ah——]

[Bullet screen: Then get Jin Shen's blue eyes first, it's hard, okay? Okay...]

[Barrage: Yes, can you be silly and sweet? Have you been in this ghost place for a long time and have no dark thoughts? Jin Shen must have seen more disgusting people before putting Yu Sheng by his side to purify his soul, don't underestimate the stupidity and sweetness. ]

[Bullet screen: Don't talk about it, once I said it, I thought of Brother Cheng again. Brother Cheng is really kind, and he saved me several times even if he couldn't protect himself. 

I don't think he is stupid, I will always remember him... Going bad would never hurt someone like him. 】 

 【Barrage: Tsk tsk, what you said is so touching? If you want me to say that Jin Qingyue is a villain, if he hadn't protected Mu Cheng so well, he would have died so quickly? I think Yu Sheng is also following in Mu Cheng's footsteps. ] 

[Bullet screen: Look, the previous one is a typical pervert staying in a ghost place. 】

"Does it hurt?" Jin Qingyue asked in a low voice. 

Yu Sheng shook his head and looked at the White Rose players who were divided into two teams. The White Rose players spontaneously divided into two teams.

 The first team was of course Ji Hong and others. Annan was not there. In addition to Ji Hong, there was also a thin, tall man with a horse face who didn't speak much, a fat man with a cautious and nervous expression, and A little girl who looks well-behaved at first glance, but her eyes are too agile.

  The other team consisted of 16 other players besides Ji Hong's small group and Yu Sheng. It seemed that the small team leader was a cautious senior player.

 Ji Hong has the same eyes, a very respectful and cooperative attitude, and it seems that he is not prepared to rely on any side. 

——If Ji Hong's team is not here, he will definitely cooperate with Jin Qingyue, but just now Jin Qingyue ignored the attitude of Ji Hong and others, and it can be seen that there is a festival between the two sides, and he can't afford to offend either side.

Just now Ji Hong watched the "meat" in her hand fly away, but the one who took away the "meat" was a punishment-level boss that she dared not easily provoke, Ji Hong was not very happy.

She stroked her hair, suddenly smiled "puchi", and said to the little girl beside her, "Jin Mian, it seems that everyone doesn't like us, does it?

" They all mentioned it, for fear that she would cause trouble if she said something wrong, and everyone had to finish the game. After all, many players here did not have many points left, and many people had expressions of "how can I get involved in this kind of thing" on their faces.

A few small players had no choice but to dawdling towards Ji Hong and the others to get closer, forcing the team of White Rose players to get together.

Ji Hong smiled, looked at Jin Qingyue provocatively, and then cast her unkind eyes on Yu Sheng.

Her lips moved slightly, and she said "little traitor" in her lips.

Jin Qingyue's five fingers on the wheelchair tightened slightly, and he lowered his head slightly so that people could not see his expression clearly. When he raised his head again, his face was already calm.

"There's no time, I have some information, let me share it first," Jin Qingyue said in a calm voice, as if he didn't see Ji Hong's provocation, "Although this dungeon is divided into groups for players, it is not a confrontational dungeon. Find the red rose and the white rose. And the reason for the frost, we can find the correct way to clear the level."

"The known condition is that the rose town was transformed from the first red rose planted by the witch, and Mr. Blind came back to look for the witch. It is reasonable to speculate that the witch is originally The rose was planted for Mr. Blind. From a popular point of view, Mr. Blind rejected the witch at the time, and now he regrets it for some reason and turned around to look for roses."

"The story line is very simple, it is chasing his wife to the crematorium."

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