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   Lin Ke held the little girl in his left hand and the female zombie in his right hand, so he couldn't run fast at all.

Moreover, the bodies of these two zombies were extremely cold, as if icy air was exuding from the inside out. Within ten seconds, Lin Ke's arms became stiff.

But he didn't drop any of them, but gritted his teeth and galloped forward.

Just when the countdown was about to end, I don't know what Sang Shi did. Although he failed to extend the countdown time, he reopened the closed road and provided Lin Ke with the shortest route. Leaving the experimental building dangerously.

The moment he staggered and dragged the two zombies out of the building, the huge isolation door of the experimental building closed behind him, and the terrifying roar disappeared instantly.

There was a "humming" in Link's ears, but the surroundings were incredibly quiet, so quiet that he could hear his frantically beating heart.

He glanced back, as if he wanted to see Sang Shi's situation through the silver-white partition wall.

At this time, a short horn sounded from one side, and Lin Ke looked up, and saw the disgraced Uncle Chen sitting on the driver's seat of a huge experimental vehicle, beckoning to him.

After beckoning, Uncle Chen looked around again, and after confirming that there were no zombies, he opened the door and came down, and ran towards Lin Ke quickly.

"Only the three of you came out, where is Sang Shi?"

"It stayed inside, let's talk later, let's go first." Link handed the little girl to Uncle Chen, and he knelt down to pick up the female zombie.

Lin Ke was still immersed in the sense of crisis and despair in the whole world, as if he had just escaped from a disaster movie, his voice was too tense, causing Uncle Chen to look at him with concern.

"Take it easy first." Uncle Chen comforted him.

The two placed the little girl and the female zombie on the seats in the rear compartment of the experimental vehicle. Uncle Chen wanted to refill them with diazepam reagents, but Ke Lin stopped him.

Chen Bo looked at Lin Ke in puzzlement.

"These reagents," Lin Ke hesitated, "are not the most perfect. I don't know if there will be any side effects. Use as little as possible. They are all frozen, and their mobility is not strong." Chen

Bo After thinking about it, he immediately understood Lin Ke's meaning: "The medicine can't be used indiscriminately, right? Okay, let's go!" Get on the car again,

confirm that the experimental car is fully armed, and Uncle Chen kicks the accelerator and drives the car out. , scared Lin Ke in the co-pilot: "Have you ever driven a car?"

He recalled in a trance that he was relatively poor in his previous life. When he was a child, Uncle Chen always took him by bicycle. Pass a driver's license.

"Did you check your driver's license when you see people driving in the doomsday world?" Uncle Chen said casually.

"..." Lin Ke despaired, "But the audience is not in the car—I am in the car! Slow down!" The

experimental car accelerated suddenly, and in a burst of despair, it was like a big knife hacking, smashing through the railings, After running over a big tree and falling into a ditch, they were all intact, and they were still majestic on the highway.

The in-car navigation is already confused, and it keeps repeating "re-planning the route for you", and even intelligently said "the protective wall ahead, please take a detour".

Lin Ke thought it was too late, the wall was gone, and it became a piece of scrap iron.

His face was pale, his stomach was overwhelmed, looking at the sky that suddenly opened up in front of him, he instantly felt like being resurrected from the dead.

Uncle Chen sighed: "It's better to drive at high speed, what did you just say?"

Lin Ke could only repeat what he hadn't said intermittently to Uncle Chen slowly.

As Chen Bo listened, his expression became serious: "You mean, these wild zombies were once experimenters who voluntarily used reagents in this world? They chose to take the risk because they were almost unable to survive?" Lin Ke nodded


"Doesn't that mean," Chen Bo pondered for a moment, "Even if they are separated, the final conflict is still not resolved, because they are not the source of pollution, but the world has been polluted." Chen Bo's focus was very

precise , spelling out the biggest crisis that players are currently facing.

If the player always takes fighting zombies as his ultimate goal, sooner or later he will be simultaneously polluted by the pollution sources of this world, and eventually he will become a monster that is neither human nor zombie.

To escape this fate, they must work together with the indigenous peoples of the world.

This is no longer a world where npcs, bosses, and players confront each other. They are facing the same problem and need to find the answer together.

The situation was so urgent that Uncle Chen didn't care about whether he had a driver's license or not. He drove the experimental car as fast as an airplane, and within a few hours, he arrived at the expressway station in Area C before it was getting dark.

He saw the light on from a distance and slowed down the car.

"The gate seems to be full of zombies." Uncle Chen frowned.

"I'll go to the back to ask the little girl for help." Linke said as he was about to put down the partition.

He originally wanted to communicate with the zombie girl at the door like last time, but unexpectedly, before the partition could be opened, the iron bar facing the entrance of their driveway was slowly raised.

Not only that, but the zombie staff in the gate also came out and enthusiastically commanded them.

Seeing this completely different treatment, Lin Ke suddenly came back to his senses, realized the status of Yihua Company in this world, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

So he closed the partition again, sat down in the co-pilot, lowered his head, and suddenly met the quite smug gaze of the boss Yihua in the photo.

Lin Ke: "..."

Lu Zhou raised his eyebrows.

The two clearly didn't say a word, but the atmosphere suddenly became subtle. Lin Ke held the mirror face in front of him, and didn't look at each other.

"But this Yihua Company..."

Unexpectedly, Uncle Chen suddenly mentioned the company, and Lin Ke loosened his hands, almost causing Xiao Yuanjing to fall.

Chen Bozheng looked at the road ahead with a frown, and readjusted the navigation. He didn't notice Lin Ke's abnormal condition, but continued: "...It's also a bit weird, a company is full of zombies, how can this be controlled? Just like you said , the human beings in this world have been extinct long ago, who can control so many zombies!"

This is correct, and the reasoning is completely correct.

Lin Ke felt sad and could not reply.

He couldn't say that because of Sang's wish, the world sent a zombie king to punish the boss, and ordered the zombies to work to maintain the world order, right? It sounded like he was praising the Zombie King.

Never say that.

"Probably there is still a sober zombie, such as Zombie King or something." Lin Ke replied without changing his face.

The small round mirror in his hand trembled and almost fell from his arms again.

"Oh, that's possible." Fortunately, although Uncle Chen had doubts, he didn't ask further questions.

Before Lin Ke could relax, Uncle Chen suddenly remembered something, and raised his hand to slap his head: "By the way, there is also your mirror before—" A burst of loud horns

interrupted Uncle Chen's question also interrupted Lin Ke's soaring blood pressure.

I saw that the intersection ahead was blocked, and a zombie honked its horn like crazy, then poked its bald and alienated head out of the lowered window glass, yelling "Wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah".

The other zombie was not convinced, opened the car door heavily, and rushed out from the cab, and the two wrestled together in an instant!

The size of the two small cars was small, but they blocked the intersection tightly. Just opposite the experimental car driven by Uncle Chen, they forced an ambulance to stop. All the windows of the ambulance were smashed from the inside. The arms of several zombies stretched out, scratching in the air.

The overwhelmed medical staff quickly got out of the car, took out the reagents they carried with them, and gave an injection to each of the zombies blocking the intersection. Only then did the two zombies slowly regain their senses, and reconcile and leave.

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