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  Lin Ke took a deep breath and looked at the magician with tears in his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, when he used the photo of the magician to activate several mirrors in the room, one of them did not respond.

Come to think of it now, it was either a magician's safety mirror or a magician's danger mirror.

If for a magician, the mirror through which Lin Ke enters the room is a dangerous mirror, a mirror where "monsters have broken in", then the unresponsive, dusty mirror should be the magician's safety mirror.

There is only a fog in the mirror and nothing, which shows that there is no safe space in the magician's mind.

There are only two ways to go back to that room through the mirror. The first is to let the magician turn the safety mirror that belongs to him into an open space, and the second is to let the magician magnify the fear and connect through the fear mirror.

Thinking of this, Link asked tentatively: "Then can you help us find another magician?" The

timid magician pursed his lips, as if he felt very guilty for rejecting Link just now, so he thought hard : "I, I don't know what to do."

In this state of a cowardly magician, it is impossible to expect him to develop a safety mirror—and according to normal logic, one must first eliminate the image of danger in one's mind , so that he can gradually find a sense of security.

Then you can only take the risk and try.

Link then took the magician back into the room and pointed to the magician's mirror: "This is also your mirror fragment, the other three fragments are left in that room, only you can connect them, what else can you think of?" Remember the monster that hurt you? Now I need you to imagine the scene at that time, don't be afraid, we will face it together."

Hearing this, the magician's face turned pale.

He certainly didn't want to recall those monsters again, but the more a person didn't want to think about anything, the brain would always go in the opposite direction, so the images of those monsters immediately broke into his mind again.

The magician closed his eyes, covered his ears and knelt down.

[Banmaku: Ah... this magician is a bit useless. 】

【Barrage: There's no way, because another dark-side magician has split this aspect of his personality away. 】

【Banmaku: From this point of view, in fact, the personality may not be divided into bright and dark, at least for this magician, that magician can give him a lot of protection... Maybe the dark side is just self-protection? ]

[Barrage: Come together! ]


Huo Jianan, Zhou Zhao, and Liu Meng are having a difficult communication with the arrogant magician.

They did not communicate with Lin Ke's group. They still think that the condition for customs clearance is to combine the four mirrors. It is necessary to let the dark-side magician stay in the safety mirror, let the light-side magician control the dangerous mirror, and then combine the two magicians.

On the wall beside him, the mirror belonging to Uncle Chen was covered with cracks.

On the ground, in the mirror belonging to the female ghost, the ugly face of the female ghost with a birthmark and worried face appeared from time to time.

It's too ugly, the arrogant magician thought, even if such an ugly person uses a powerful mirror, what can he do?

He never wanted to make mirrors for these people again.

Liu Meng raised the broken-armed magician again: "Magician! You must be very uncomfortable after staying here for so long, right? Just come out, and we won't hurt you." The broken-armed
magician There was a "chi" from his nose: "Am I afraid of you? Not to mention that I have no arms, even if I lose my feet, I can kill those disgusting things one by one." "Magician,

" I only heard the female ghost persuade, "You are a kind person, and they are also good people. We all think that the mirror you made is very good. Thanks to your mirror, I found my true self. Don't you really want to see me?" Have you made any more mirrors?"

The magician's face was still cold and he refused to speak, but his eyes moved away from the mirror on the ground.

Liu Meng saw something, and immediately boasted: "The mirror you made is the best, isn't it?"

The magician said: "Not necessarily, you don't look good either." "

But it made me see the real mirror. My own," the female ghost insisted again, "I like it very much too."

Her mother also said, "Yes, my daughter is very cute.

" , was about to chase away people with a wave of his hand, but suddenly his expression changed.

I saw thick clouds billowing in the dangerous mirror in the magician's room, and then there was a "bang bang" sound, as if there were countless people trying to rush out.

Then, a ghost hand stretched out from the thick fog.

The magician cursed fiercely: "How dare these guys come?"


The timid magician closed his eyes tightly, cold sweat dripping down, he opened his eyes, his legs were weak: "I..."

"Do you remember? " ? Don't be afraid."

Link looked at the mirror in front of him whose background had become dark.

It seemed to be full of ghosts and ghosts.

Jin Qingyue's face became more sullen, and he reached into the mirror and found that his hand could penetrate it. He glanced back at Lin Ke.

Lin Ke nodded.

Jin Qingyue lowered his head and penetrated into the mirror.

"I don't want to..." The magician's lips turned purple, and he closed his eyes again.

[Barrage: Oh, no, disconnected! 】

【Barrage: This channel is too unreliable. It is too difficult for the magician to keep thinking about things that scare him. 】

In the screen, Jin Qingyue, who sneaked into the magician's dangerous mirror alone, let go and threw away a ghost, and the road in front of him was suddenly blocked.

He stopped and groped around.

The access was gone and he was trapped.

[Barrage: What to do, God Jin is trapped! 】

【Barrage: It's mainly time, and it's been more than ten minutes! ]

"I know you're scared, look at me," Linke felt a little anxious in his heart, but he suppressed his voice and held out his hand, "He's helping you, think about what makes you feel at ease the most?"
The magician then took Link's hand and mustered up the courage to recall the frightening memory again.

But he suddenly stopped talking and his breathing became steady.

Because in his mind, a punching and kicking demon suddenly appeared - that was Jin Qingyue who had entered his fear mirror, and was killing those annoying and scary ghosts for him.

The magician's breathing gradually calmed down, and he tried his best not to run away, to face the monsters that had hurt him.

As the magician's mentality gradually stabilized, in the picture belonging to Jin Qingyue's perspective, the road in front of him once again changed from a dead end to a passage.

Jin Qingyue no longer hesitated, no longer obsessed with ending the battle on the spot, but pushed the crowded crowd forward with his shoulders, and moved them forward with the fastest speed.


"It won't work if this continues!"

Zhou Zhao stood in front of the mirror of the broken-arm magician and kicked away a phantom that was pounced on him.

The ghosts were coming into the room faster and faster - it was almost as if someone was chasing them from behind!

In the small room, three or four ghosts with blue faces and fangs had already entered. Liu Meng held the mirror of the female ghost in her arms, and shivered with Chen Bo's mirror behind her.

Huo Jianan reached out to test the other side of the safety mirror: "No, I can't get out."

The female ghost said anxiously in the mirror: "Otherwise, shall I take you back?" "

Then you will be injured, and the magician will also be injured. "Liu Meng refused loudly.

"Hmph, I'm not going to get hurt."

The broken-arm magician had been watching the crowd coldly blocking those ghosts for him, and now his eyes were red with anger: "Damn, you broke my mirror, and you still want to come up to me to provoke me, I'm afraid you don't know what I mean. Great!"

As he spoke, he stretched his legs and walked out of the mirror.

Huo Jianan and the others were dumbfounded at this moment.

Then they all suddenly realized—yes, facing different ghosts, their strategies also need to be updated in real time. If you want to persuade ghosts with low self-esteem like timid magicians or female ghosts, they can use words of encouragement and praise to bring them out of the mirror, but for the broken-arm magician, the best method is of course the method of provocation.

Remembering that this broken-arm magician is one of the bosses in the game, Huo Jianan was the first to shout calmly: "Go back quickly, this place is too dangerous!"

Zhou Zhao also shouted: "Let me come, you No way, I have great strength!"

"Go back? No way?" Sure enough, the arrogant magician was so angry that he was about to faint, "Dream, it's them who should go back."

As he spoke, he waved his cloak and knocked down two of them in an instant.

Liu Meng was dumbfounded, and silently applauded him.

[Barrage: Hahahaha, this is sung by a double reed. I think the tacit understanding between Sister Huo and Zhou Zhao is still okay. 】

【Barrage: Liu Meng is more honest hahahaha. 】

【Bullet screen: Compare your heart with your heart, let alone a boss, even if it's me, I'm in a hurry who says I can't do it! ]

[Barrage: The two sides have cooperated inexplicably, the team competition is high! ]

[Bullet screen: But it still feels too late, there are less than two hours left... Although the map has been shrinking, there should still be blind spots, right? 】
That's true, the linker was still very worried about the situation of the cowardly magician, but he saw the magician's face gradually regaining its human color, and his face gradually turned rosy.

His heart moved, and he asked softly, "Did someone defeat the monster?"

"Hmm." The magician replied in a low voice, "They are all very powerful."

Lin Ke had some confidence in his heart, and began to slowly guide the magician to open the safety mirror: "Not only are they helping you, but many people have helped you before. , right? Who is the person who helped you the most in your memory?"

The magician said shyly, "Then, of course it's you..." "

..." Link laughed, and said, "There are others What about people? For example, those customers who bought mirrors and took pictures with you?"

Following Linke's words, the magician seemed to be thinking.

[Barrage: Wow, the safety mirror is also on! 】

【Barrage: Niubiu Niu! There was a sound of a cow! ]

I saw that in the room where the broken-arm magician was, on the foggy mirror, the fog gradually dissipated, and then the scene inside was clearly revealed.

It was the corridor of the old house, and a male ghost was passing the corridor.

The sun shines through the corridor of the old house into the mirror, half illuminating the dark room of the magician. The light fell squarely on the magician, his black cloak glittering with gold trim.

The broken-arm magician paused, and looked at the mirror in disbelief.

"Hey, Jiaojiao, wait a minute! It's the magician, the magician who made a mirror for us." The male ghost shouted forward.

After a while, a voluptuous female ghost came over to look: "Ah! Really!"

They tried to open the mirror and brought the broken-arm magician and a few friends out of the room, but they failed. The safety mirror is still not finished.

"No, the magician is still trapped in the room," the male ghost said distressedly, "What should we do?" "

Let's call everyone to help!" Jiaojiao suggested.

So they shouted not far away, and immediately got a lot of responses, and then one after another ghosts who had bought mirrors from the magician appeared outside the mirror, with novel and enthusiastic smiles on their faces, greeting the magician. The teacher came out.

The broken-arm magician never expected that the outside world had changed. He was a little dazed, but when he thought of his lost arms, he couldn't help feeling resentful and resentful.

These bright smiles instantly turned into knives that pierced his heart, causing him pain.

He turned his head away from them, but kicked the ghost even harder.

The magician's eyes slowly turned red, and he put all the anger towards himself and the past all these years under his feet, until he was panting and breathing tight.

It would be wrong to make this mirror, and something will always crawl out of it, the magician thought.

Just as he walked to the dangerous mirror with red eyes, and was about to lift his foot to smash the mirror, he saw a demon popping out of it.

[Barrage: Catch up! ! 】

【Barrage: God Jin is always timely! 】

I saw Jin Qingyue pushing a few ghosts out of the mirror, and then stepped out himself, making eye contact with the broken-arm magician.

The broken-arm magician stared at him warily.

Jin Qingyue raised his hands: "I have no malicious intentions. I just want to tell you that through our efforts, most of the mirror has been repaired, and you still need to do the remaining part." "Move your 'hand'." Broken

arm The magician said coldly.

Jin Qingyue withdrew his hand, placed it on his chest, and held the pigeon blood stone tightly.

At the same time, the pigeon blood stone in Linke's hand began to heat up.

When the time comes, whether it can be done or not depends on this moment.

Lin Ke said to the cowardly magician: "Do you believe me? Do you believe that I am the most perfect work that your mirror can reflect?"

The magician looked at Link, then nodded without hesitation.

"Then let's go and prove this to them together." Link gently squeezed the timid magician's arm, and brought him to the mirror.

The Dread Mirror is the realm of demons, generally inaccessible to light side angels, unless the owner of the mirror has the determination and courage to harness it.

Since Jin Qingyue had cleaned up all the ghosts in the mirror just now, the inside of the mirror seemed very safe, but this place still made the magician feel scared.

[Barrage: Stand up! ! That's it! ! Didn't you fix all the mirrors, bro! ]

[Barrage: Come on! ! ! 】

【Barrage: Only if you win can the magician regain his arm! 】

【Barrage: Why do you look down on yourself? 】

"Even if it's not for yourself, don't you want everyone to go back to the fragments and spend the whole day in a small room?" Linke asked softly, "And me?

" , lowered his voice and spoke with a kind of gentleness.

The always timid magician, as if he was infected by him, looked outside at the "customers" who were beckoning friends and companions, listening to the long-lost laughter.

It has been a long time since this mirror has been so lively.

Lin Ke's method is correct. He works in this line of work, so unlike Huo Jianan and the others who communicate with the broken-arm magician in a disorderly manner, he prescribes the right medicine according to the situation of the timid magician.

People with low self-esteem like timid magicians who always blame themselves for their problems are timid about their own affairs, but they have a deep sense of responsibility and guilt for others. Their courage is usually based on the desire to protect others , and thus appear more valuable.

Sure enough, the timid magician seemed to be infected by the crowd outside, slowly straightened his back, and fixedly looked at the mirror in front of him.

"Come on, follow me, whether it works or not, it's not your fault." Link was the first to lead the magician through the mirror.

This time the mirror didn't stop him.

[Barrage: Success! ! Ahhhhh, I am about to see a scene that witnesses history! 】

【Barrage: Is this the last mirror? 】

【Barrage: It should be that although Hu Lun and the others are a bit aimless, they also indirectly helped other ghosts and monsters to reconcile, and players from several other perspectives will also reconcile. Now we can find that the perspective space is basically connected. . 】

【Barrage: Sure enough, no effort in this world will be in vain! ]

[Barrage: Here they come! ]

"Yes, do it." Jin Qingyue slowly moved away from the mirror, revealing Lin Ke who had just arrived in the mirror.

Seeing Linke also coming, the broken-arm magician was slightly taken aback. He looked Link up and down, and hummed softly: "It's you, you're back. You look like a perfect work now." "Yes," Link observed the state of the room

, Finally he said to the magician, "So I think everything you said before is wrong." The

broken-arm magician was irritated again: "What did you say?"

"I mean," Link said, "your The mirror made by your partner is much better than yours."

The timid magician standing behind Link trembled when he heard this, and as expected, he soon heard the crazy roar of the broken-arm magician: "——You are telling a joke! "

If you don't believe me," Lin Ke's mouth curled into a sly smile, "please go back to your mirror, how about I use mine to compete with yours?" The magician with the broken arm said nothing

. Said, and kicked back into the mirror.

Zhou Zhao and the others were dumbfounded by this wave of operations, unable to understand what Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue were doing.

But Lin Ke also came out of the mirror, revealing a shivering timid magician standing behind the mirror.

The cowardly magician closed his eyes, as if endorsing what Lin Ke taught him just now: "The mirror we made is perfect, reflecting the most real thing, we should not hide from ugliness and let the mirror be broken like this, We, we should choose to defeat them."

Amazingly, after saying this, he also felt that he was full of strength—the memories of successfully repairing the mirror, successfully helping others, and participating in the war all followed. Seeing his own positive words come to his mind.

Again, two beams of golden light emerge from opposing mirrors.

Huo Jianan immediately realized what happened, stared nervously at Lin Ke, and asked softly: "Can it be done?" Linke nodded lightly: "Trust him.

" 】

【Barrage: Help me, I'm so nervous. ]

The waiting time seemed extremely long.

When the golden light finally weakened, shrunk to a line, and finally broke, the eyes of several people immediately shuttled back and forth between the two mirrors.

When she saw the person on the mirror clearly, Liu Meng couldn't help but exclaimed, while the rest of them breathed a sigh of relief.

The ghosts outside the safety mirror burst into cheers.

I saw that there was no one in the mirror where the magician with a broken arm was standing, but in the mirror where the timid magician was standing, now stood a handsome gentleman with a restrained but arrogant expression.

He raised his hand and lightly pressed the top hat that belonged to the magician, showing a cold but charming smile.

Their magician is back.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-07-31 18:10:30~2021-08-01 20:42:21~Thanks to the little angels who voted for

mines Little Angel: A child who walks away with shame and writes homework in Zaize;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 8 bottles of Luo; 3 bottles of Yu Moci;

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