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 [Barrage: F-level dungeon orphanage? ? 】

【Barrage: Ye Qinghui. ]

[Bullet screen: I was shocked when I saw the recommendation on the big screen. ]

[Barrage: It's too early, isn't it? 233333 Are the children all right? ]

Lin Ke rubbed his temples and found a number 13998 displayed on the terminal.

"Here? My God, there are 13,998 people watching in the orphanage!" A shocked female voice sounded from his side.

"Maybe it's the system that let the water go, and gave us a recommendation to get us a rating."

"The system is not so kind."

Lin Ke found that there were five other players around him. Except for a little girl who was obviously panicked, the other three men and one The girls are checking the terminal information, they should be old players whose action points have been cleared.

[Main God System: Welcome players to the Little Sun Orphanage. Knowing that there are guests visiting, the children are very happy, and specially prepared fun games and exquisite gifts to welcome everyone. Guests and volunteers are also invited to take care of our children according to the director's request and schedule. Let's spend these three days happily together! 】

【Barrage: It's been a long time since I heard such a peaceful synopsis. 】

【Barrage: Dreaming back to the company's annual meeting. ]

[Barrage: Hahahahahaha. 】

【Barrage: Don't laugh, someone entered the ancient F book, doesn't that mean the situation is serious? The first two A-level books were all wiped out. Don't you think the latest boss is too perverted? 】

【Barrage: Yes, I haven't dared to enter the book for a long time. Life points are almost exhausted. ]

Linke couldn't see the barrage, but he could see the surge in the number of onlookers on the bracelet, which rose to 37,678 in just a few seconds.

The bad premonition is even stronger. It is not normal for a dungeon that has not been entered for more than five hundred years to attract so many people to watch.

Either the dungeon has become dangerous and "watchable", or the external situation has changed.

The situation of boss alienation is probably worse than what the main god system revealed to him. Lin Ke has also seen a lot of cases where clients lie about military information.

"The only clue is to play games and take care of the children according to the schedule. The second point is the new content. The dean is a new boss, so you need to pay special attention." Beside Lin Ke, Sister Long-haired Yu put down the terminal and spoke calmly.

She was wearing a plaid shirt in grass gray green and light yellow, with a relaxed posture.

"Sister, let me lead the team." The young man chewing gum and wearing T-shirt and trousers moved his arms, and pulled out a short knife with the length of an adult man's arm from nowhere: "What's the reason for F-level books? !"

"Kill a fart!" A nervous voice interrupted him.

The voice was frightening and terrifying. The unshaven man's shirt was dirty. After reading the terminal, he put his head in his hands and said, "We're all crazy, we're all crazy... We're going to die, we're going to die."

Linke: "..."

There are only six people with three completely different reactions, and one is mentally weak, and the players are so messed up, can they play?

The barrage is exactly as he thought.

[Barrage: I thought this team was stable, and it's a low-level game. You can pass the level by simply killing ghosts. Why are the players in such a bad state? 】

【Barrage: How long has it been since the last barrage? In the past, it was the master who killed ghosts, but now the knife is given to you, and if you don't die, you are considered a cow. 】

【Barrage: These are not important. If they keep arguing, there will be no real leader. 】

Indeed, on the screen, the players were clearly divided into two teams, and the shivering rookie girl walked behind Sister Yu.

The man in the suit walked to the side of the gum-chewing man, leaving the crazy man still trembling in place.

[Barrage: I feel a little funny when I see this group worrying. Now gender antagonism has become an established fact? 】

[Barrage: Hahaha, don't panic, there is also a handsome little brother. ]

[Barrage: Did you just see him? Really handsome ah woo woo woo He just shook his head helplessly when he saw everyone arguing, Yi Si Si spoiled him! 】

【Barrage: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

Lin Ke: "Can I say something?"

His casual posture, and because of his good looks, attracted the attention of the two teams at the same time.

The chewing gum youth looked at him with a knife in his hand, with a bad expression on his face.

"As far as I know, the dungeon boss has a strong desire to kill recently, we still follow this..."

"Ye Shi." Sister Yu nodded.

"According to what Ye Shi said, it is safer to try to complete the game with the children and get rewards."

As soon as he finished speaking, the chewing gum youth laughed, and then he heard "counseling".

Lin Ke pursed his lips, the corners of his eyes tightened slightly, and his eyelashes drew a beautiful arc.

The mental state of the children is worrying, and they can't stand a little stimulation. In addition to the obvious physical alienation just now, if they go crazy, they may open the whole slaughter achievement-he doesn't mind fighting with this chewing gum youth to prevent him from leading everyone to death, but the knife is a bit troublesome .

But before he could make a move, he saw the young man slowly fall backwards in a stiff posture that humans cannot do.

The man in the suit realized something was wrong and stretched out his hand to help him. He suddenly screamed in fright, let go of his hand and ran away as if dying.

The newcomer girl also screamed, Ye Shi grabbed her who was subconsciously running away, and covered the girl's eyes.

The bearded man murmured: "Crazy, here he is again!" He was completely confused and curled up on the ground.

In front of everyone, the chewing gum youth fell to the ground and shattered.

Yes, it shattered into pieces of flesh. The strange thing is that there was no bleeding, but the answer was quickly solved—the white ice mist slowly froze his torso, layer after layer, like a sinister spell. It was transparent at first, and then continued to thicken. Within ten seconds, the young man's unbelievably widened eyes and half of his head were covered with white mist, and together with his broken body, they turned into pieces of stone-like ice.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ke was a little suffocated. He was about to go up to check the situation, but he heard electronic sounds beside his ears.

[Main God System: The principal has promulgated the latest code of conduct for the orphanage. In order to prevent children from learning bad things, volunteers and visitors are not allowed to swear at will, and everyone is not allowed to fight without reason in the hospital. Please pay attention to all guests. ]

[Main God System: All guests are requested to start activities strictly according to the schedule, this is also the request of the dean. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[Bullet screen:. ]

[Barrage: Is this dead? Died before entering the gate? The death conditions of this F book are so perverted? 】

【Barrage: Going back to the previous article, it's the new boss, Dean, who is abnormal, with unlimited punishment power, familiar feeling, it's him, and he's here again. 】

【Barrage: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! I cried. 】

【Barrage: Thief is fucking scary. For a moment, I thought the handsome guy was the dean's private visit. ]

[Barrage: Fishing law enforcement? 】

【Barrage: 66666 can't be said to have nothing to do with the dean, it can only be said to have a close relationship. ]

Hearing the main god's systematic explanation, Link took back the foot he had already taken.

He wanted to see why the young man triggered the death condition, but he didn't expect it to be such a nonsense that he violated the rules of the hospital—the dean's boss' field control ability is also buggy enough. If he is a pervert, he will be an "orphan" Doesn't the rule of "no talking in the courtyard" directly start the game?

Ye Shi also thought of this, and his face was heavy: "This dean is not simple."

But Lin Ke is more optimistic than her. The rule of Xindao is actually very useful. If the player spits out sweet words or fights against the orphan, it will still be annihilated. Now at least two of the ways to die are blocked.

The Lord God system specially reminded to complete the task "according to the schedule", and several people did not dare to delay any longer. Zhou Zhao, a man in a suit, took charge of the crazy man bitterly. One-on-one, the troubled brothers walked into the gate of the orphanage with each other's support.

As soon as he entered the door, Lin Ke felt something was wrong.

On the left side of the first floor of the orphanage is the handrail staircase leading to the upper floor, on the right is the bay red wooden door leading to the dining room, and in front of it is a green wall with red letters saying "Little Sun". The overall tone is like a retro filter .

Everyone else entered the orphanage for the first time, but Lin Ke has been staying on the third floor of the orphanage since the beginning. Although the orphanage was dilapidated at that time, it didn't feel as gloomy as it is now.

At this time, there was a sound of "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping," like something was bumping inside.

Indistinctly, there is also a faint stench overflowing from the crack of the door. If I have to say it, it is like the smell of rotting meat.

The faces of several people changed. The newcomer girl Su Xue blushed, her skirt trembled, and she couldn't stand still. Zhou Zhao also tightly covered the crazy man's mouth, for fear that he would startle the "children" inside by making a sound.

"Schedule, go and have a look." Hearing the growing commotion inside, Lin Ke looked up and found a piece of paper pasted on the wall facing the gate, which was half blocked by the stairs, revealing the head of the watch The big word "table".

The five people went over to have a look, and it really was a schedule!

8:00-9:00 Breakfast

9:00-10:00 Free time

10:00-11:00 Psychological consultation

11:00-12:00 Lunch

12:00-13:00 Free time

13:00-14 :00 Siesta

14:00-16:00 Psychological consultation

16:00-17:00 Dinner

17:00-18:00 Free time

18:00-20:00 Psychological counseling

20:00-21:00 Personal hygiene


Bedtime The word "game" did not appear at all.

And after a careful calculation, the children spent five hours on psychological-related activities. Do normal orphanage children need such long-term and intensive psychological counseling?

"Wait," Zhou Zhao's mind turned quickly, nervously said: "What time is it?"

He is also an old player, but the previous game was too dangerous, so he was reduced to enter this F-level dungeon, so he underestimated the enemy. As soon as the chewing gum youth died, he immediately devoted 120,000 points to deal with this dungeon.

Almost at the same time, Lin Ke had finished memorizing the itinerary, looked up at the restaurant, and said calmly, "What time is not important, please take him to rest first, so as not to make violent actions and anger the child."

Zhou Zhao bowed his head Seeing the crazy man, he understood, and gritted his teeth: "Can you guys do it?" Over

there, Ye Shi was studying the schedule, and said hastily: "If you can, you have to go. Su Xue, you also stay first, and go with Zhou Zhao Take care of this... lunatic brother, when he calms down, we will go upstairs together to find clues about 'psychological counseling', Linke and I are in charge of the restaurant."

Like Linke, she didn't even ask what time it was, because The first item on the agenda is to have breakfast. They are still alive, which means that they have not missed this item. The most important thing now is to solve the children's breakfast.

Before she finished speaking, Linke had already pushed open the wooden door of the dining room.

【Barrage:! ! ! so reckless? Going directly into the room where the little bosses gather without going upstairs to have a look is a gift? 】

【Barrage: Even so, I think the little brother seems to be more worried about orphans starving #笑哭, is it an illusion? 】

It's not an illusion, Lin Ke is really worried that these brats will start eating people without breakfast, who knows?

As soon as the door opened, the pungent smell of rotting flesh wafted over clearly. Lin Ke covered his nose with his hand, endured the discomfort and looked inward. After seeing the picture in front of him clearly, he couldn't help but startled.

Ye Shi followed beside him, also covering his nose, ready to see the disgusting scene.

Ye Shi's eyes widened slightly.

I saw—

five children with blue and white skin covered with veins and sunken cheeks were sitting around the long dining table, sprinkling various seasonings on a whole plate of rotten and obviously inedible black meat.

A black mouse sprang out from nowhere, ate a mouthful of carrion, and then suddenly swelled up to the size of a cat, with shiny shiny fur and long pointed teeth. However, it was this mutant mouse that was grabbed by the Intestine Boy—his intestines seemed to have returned, and everything seemed normal now—grabbed it in his hand and strangled it to death, and then threw it back into the carrion tray. They clucked and chopped up the mouse with a knife, added seasoning, and looked up at the clock on the wall. Seven forty-seven. [Bullet screen: Fuck, this is more effective than Popeye's spinach...] [Bullet screen: The bear child will turn into a bear after eating it, right? ] [Barrage: ... rat meat? 】 Ye Shi: "..." Lin Ke: "..." They looked at each other, reading information from each other's horror. Children must not be allowed to eat this "breakfast"!

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