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   In the empty classroom, five children surrounded each other. Lin Ke, Ye Shi and Su Xue also moved up their stools and sat down. Everyone quietly listened to Dake's words.

Linke's attempt failed. He originally thought that Dake's memory should be activated by both the ball and the kite at the same time, because Zhou Zhao didn't really use the "kite" prop when using the kite.

But Linke doesn't think he guessed wrong. He speculates that the props may not be complete, which makes it impossible to activate the sand table, so he wants to talk to Dake about the past.

It can be very cooperative.

[Bullet screen: This atmosphere...]

[Bullet screen: Can you believe I'm listening carefully. ]

[Bullet screen: Me too, it feels like the player bosses work together to clear the level, it's so magical. ]

[Barrage: Vividly perform I will attack myself. ]

[Barrage: The boss has grown up, should he learn to clear the level by himself? ? ? ]

Da Ke's face was full of pain, obviously he couldn't remember.

"Don't worry," Lin Ke looked at Xiao Ke, "Do you like flying kites very much?"

Xiao Ke is very docile, and like Xiao Lan, he is not very talkative. When asked, he will subconsciously hide behind his brother.

Da Ke grabbed Xiao Ke's shoulder very smoothly and said, "Just say what you think, brothers and sisters are not bad people."

Then Xiao Ke said "Oh" dumbly: "Brother, I used to like flying kites very much, but Later, my kite string would always break, so I hid when the guests came."

When Xiao Ke was talking, Lin Ke kept observing Dake's reaction, and as expected, Dake mentioned in Xiao Ke that "the kite string always It will be broken," he frowned slightly.

The round face was wrinkled together, as if thinking of something, but couldn't figure it out.

"You'll forget some things," Linke pointed out.

Dake was confused for a while, seemed to think harder and harder, and his face turned red.

[Bullet screen: I suddenly feel that Da Ke is even more pitiful. As a boss, he has tried his best, and after being beaten, he still has to find a way to pass the level, touching his heart. ]

[Barrage: The front row made me laugh to death. ]

Just when Dake raised his hand and wanted to hit his head, Lin Ke held his wrist: "Okay, don't think about it."

At eleven o'clock, it's lunch time.

Compared with yesterday's three-sixths, it can be said that there is no progress today, so the scene is obviously extremely harmonious, but the live broadcast audience still feels a sense of crisis.

[Bullet screen: Don't end up with the task of playing the game, right? It will trigger a fatal ending. ]

[Bullet screen: I am Buddha, the emotional boss doesn't even know how to pass the level? 】

The children sit down in the restaurant. Lin Ke, Ye Shi, and Su Xue discussed that Lin Ke should still cook the food. If he could meet the conditions for crossing, he would go to the item room to confirm the unfinished puzzle from yesterday.

Within half an hour, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes and white rabbit rice balls were on the table. The children cheered, especially Da Ke. Although his face was full of discomfort, he still wanted to eat it all.

In the kitchen, Ye Shi approached Link and said, "They heard us."

Link glanced at Ye Shi, "What?

" A trace of complexity flashed across the screen, "They know what we're doing!"

Link lowered his eyes and paused: "There are so many players coming and going, it's not surprising that they know some of them."

Link knew this a long time ago. Before entering the copy, I heard the children summing up the world, "They hit us and took our toys away." Even if the children don't know that this is a dungeon game, they will be able to judge the intentions of the visitors and volunteers in one experience after another - because this is their entire life and world.

"If they can't finish eating, don't eat it. I didn't finish eating yesterday. It may be affected by my mood. It doesn't matter if I don't trigger time travel and Dake's behavior." Lin Ke put down the last plate and told Su Xue.

Su Xue responded and went out to tell the children not to hold on.

Ye Shi is an old player, and he observed everything in the dungeon very carefully, so he naturally recalled the scene yesterday—it was true that Dake hadn't finished eating, but Lin Ke and Zhou Zhao still successfully triggered the crossing condition.

This can only explain one point. The customs clearance requirements of the dungeon have been increased. The condition that only needs one child to finish eating can be triggered, but it has been increased to require all children to finish eating to trigger, or it cannot be triggered at all.

By analogy, the sand table that could have been activated by an item may have become more complicated at this time.

This kind of rule probably exists in C-level and above books. The longer the survival time, the harsher the survival conditions. Ye Shi knew this kind of situation, but he didn't think of it when he was in the F book. , suddenly realized, and was about to speak.

Suddenly a small head poked in.

Lin Ke was in the PTSD of the child's head. When he turned around, he met the head. He was shocked and took a step back.

Xiao Ke: "..."

Ye Shi: "..."

Lin Ke: "...What's the matter?" His voice was calm, as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Ke bowed and brought in a plate of unfinished food, with a depressed expression. It is rare for them to have the opportunity to eat such a cute little animal meal, and it is a pity that they did not finish it.

Xiao Ke touched his chubby belly, if he wasn't so full, he would have eaten Da Ke's portion too.

Seeing his movement, Lin Ke asked with a smile, "Why don't you come by yourself?" Excuse me?

Xiao Ke lowered her head and said shyly, "He's afraid of scaring you."

Link: "..." Why did he ask this extra question!

At this time, Su Xue also came back with a few empty bowls with white porcelain and blue sides. The kitchen was a bit crowded. Lin Ke patted Xiao Ke's head, and was about to let him go back to free activities, but Xiao Ke lowered his voice and said: " I actually remember it all."

Hearing what he said, the three of them were taken aback for a moment. Lin Ke put away his smile, squatted down, and his eyes were level with Xiao Ke: "What do you remember?"

Xiao Ke hesitated: "Except for me, they I will forget a lot of things. In fact, my brother told me not to come out to play with those people and let me hide. I didn't listen to my brother's words, but my kite was broken, so I couldn't play with them, so I had to hide.

" Consistent with Lin Ke's guess, the older brother was the first to discover that foreign players in this world were dangerous. In order to keep his younger brother safe, he cut the kite string and even took the initiative to take the ball out to play games with the players to attract firepower. 

The relationship between characters is very important information. When Ye Shi heard what Xiao Ke said, his eyes lit up, and he also squatted down to ask more carefully, but Lin Ke first asked: "Well, I see. Why? Suddenly thought of telling us this?" Ye Shi choked on a word in his throat, didn't understand Link's logic, and looked at Link in a daze.

  Normal players would naturally want to ask for more information when an npc or boss actively provided information, but Ye Shi could only see curiosity from the casual and serious profile of the young man in front of him. 

She could see that Lin Ke didn't think too much, he was really just curious why a shy kid suddenly came to provide information. But it was precisely this kind of curiosity that led him to come up with an extremely useful idea - asking for information is only superficial, but asking why npc or boss gave information is the essence. Ye Shi felt overwhelmed for a moment.

 While admiring Lin Ke, he had to recognize the reality. For Lin Ke, it was really just curiosity. In other words, I want to understand this kid. I saw Xiao Ke struggled for a while, and said in a low voice: "We didn't skip meals on purpose.

 My brother is really uncomfortable. In fact, we all hope that our big sisters and big brothers can leave safely." Once these words came out, let alone Ye Shi , even Lin Ke twitched his brows, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

【Barrage:? ? ? ? They know so much? ! ! ! Did they even know that he was a boss? ? ]

[Bullet screen: These kids are really awesome, but don't you think the little brother who can ask this answer is also awesome...]

[Bullet screen: It's normal for him to be awesome, pass, next. One day, wait until he faints from fright and call me again. 】

【Barrage: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Can the front row be okay! ]

However, the surprise is far from over.

Only to hear Xiao Ke say again: "I didn't do this to keep my brothers and sisters here."

[Bullet screen: Is this an explanation... I'm not surprised by what he says now. ]

[Bullet screen: touching, it means that these little bosses are worried that they won't be able to pass the level, so they come here to send messages? ]

"I know," Link raised his eyes and looked at Xiao Ke. "It's okay. If you can't eat, you don't have to eat. I'll make something delicious for you in the evening. We haven't left so fast yet, and we'll come back to see you if we don't have enough."

[Barrage: Although it is an independent flag, the irritable little brother is indeed quite gentle at this moment! 】

Xiao Ke pouted: "A long time ago, my brothers and sisters said that, but they didn't come back. Even if they came back, it would be very scary."

Maybe it's because the weather is good today, or maybe it's because of the diet in the past two days With her improved level and good sleep, Xiao Ke's complexion has changed from blue and white at the beginning to pink, and she is becoming more and more popular. Now she is acting like a baby, her black eyes are shining, very cute.

Lin Ke finally confirmed that Xiao Ke was in a normal mood, so he changed the topic again: "Of course I am different from them. Just now you said that you should be told not to play with your brothers and sisters. Did he bring the ball to play with his brothers and sisters?" Have you played?"

Xiao Ke nodded, and sure enough, his expression darkened again: "Yes, he played football with his brothers and sisters, and he was always beaten, and one day he suddenly disappeared."

"We were terrified and looked for him everywhere. After searching for a long time, we finally found his head under the bed in the dormitory."

"Because my brother was not used to moving with his head at that time, he got stuck in the corner and couldn't get out. Ca n't find the body."

Who can get used to moving with the head! Lin Ke's face changed slightly, and he asked in a slow voice, "And then?"

"Then we will find his body," Xiao Ke thought hard, "It's not easy to find his body, it was buried underground in the loess playground."

[Barrage : My fist is hard. 】

【Barrage: The little brother also looks a little angry, can this be analyzed rationally? 】

Not only Lin Ke, but also Ye Shi and Su Xue's faces were very ugly, they didn't have time to comfort, but Lin Ke took a deep breath.

"The body can't move for some reason, isn't it?"

This question is very cruel, but everyone understands that this is the key message and has to listen to the answer.

Xiao Ke was silent for a long time, he shed tears like a real child.

"Yes, my brother's body is tied up with a kite string."

"My brother's body is so thin, like a bamboo pole. Since then, he can't eat much."

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