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    It was the first time Lin Ke had seen this abnormal phenomenon, and only heard a chuckle from the opposite side.

Jin Qingyue said lightly: "Someone is looking for you. Everyone is afraid of getting into trouble."

Oh, it's Yin Tiantu. Lin Ke understood.

It's a pity that people are in the audience of the live broadcast, so they can't see or play.

Lin Ke raised his head and scanned the location of the camera that didn't exist: "Come here."

He said it casually, not provocative, but that kind of nonchalant attitude, and the point in his eyes, "It turns out that the garbage has long legs. "'s curious look, but it really made the delicate young man off-screen look fierce.


Under the beautiful parasol with all kinds of crystals hanging down, Yin Li was wearing a dress, pointing his toes on the table, lying lazily, licking the tip of his teeth with his tongue.

His mood was extremely bad, even if a few people in the dungeon were about to die tragically, it couldn't make him feel happy.

With a gloomy gaze scanning the various refreshments on the table, Yin Li raised his hand, licked the crumbs on his fingertips, and bit red crescent moon marks on his fingertips.

Before Lin Ke appeared, no one had ever blatantly scolded him, and no one dared to point fingers at him on the barrage—why, can't he be dead?


No, as soon as he opened his mouth, this group of people immediately ran away faster than rabbits, and they all ran away?

"Man, it's so interesting." Yin Li said to himself, "One second he was filled with righteous indignation, the next second?" When

he thought of this, he suddenly felt a little moody again, his eyes bent into a crescent, and he stretched out his hand Enough for another pastry.

Suddenly, as if he had seen something unbelievable, he slowly opened his eyes wide.

On the terminal of his slender wrist, a certain number was picking up little by little.

Then he looked at the live broadcast screen, his eyes gradually turned cold.


[Barrage: Damn, I'm back, I'm sorry everyone, I turned anonymous. ]

[Bullet screen: Just now I went out with shaking hands... I also came back to 1551, silently supporting! 】

【Barrage: Little brother must make a comeback! My expectations were not so strong just now! ]

[Bullet screen: The surname Y is perverted, it's you! ! ! 】

When Yin Li crushed a piece of pastry, Lin Ke felt pain in both ears.

The frost on the witch's body had completely fallen off. She moved her huge and cumbersome body, and with the sound of vines cutting and rubbing against each other, dead branches and fallen leaves were shaken off her body along with dust.

Two slender mutant stamens hung out from her eyes, trembling and testing the surroundings. Then, she held her head up.

The moment the ground trembled, everyone heard a voice.

That voice is not like music or singing, it is a ripple from the bottom of my heart, with supreme tranquility and temptation.

Everyone froze in place instantly, only Linke's headache was about to explode.

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