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   [Barrage: Hahahaha, it's okay to come here. 】

【Barrage: See the dean's attitude turn 180 degrees! I brought the uncle to find the puzzle, so it is actually the little brother who is secretly leading the whole audience, huh huh little brother Sai Gao. 】

When Zhou Zhao came down to the activity room under the guidance of the dean, and sat in front of the puzzle, Lin Ke was raising his hand and wiped a beautiful mark on the sand table.

The wooden frame of the sand table is engraved with horizontal and eight symbols representing infinite loops. On the side, there are props that everyone collected.

After an hour's rest, Ye Shi and Su Xue regained some energy, and Ye Shi even had time to tie their hair into a high ponytail, much more quickly.

Ye Shi looked at the remaining two props, the ball and the bubble gun, which Zhou Zhao didn't let them touch at the time, and said that Lin Ke insisted on doing it by himself.

She was a little puzzled, but more worried: "Link?"

"It's nothing," Link looked at the clock on the wall again, and paused, "I'm thinking... Forget it, it's nothing."

Ye Shi: "..."

She could see that Link was a little impatient to go in first, but after listening to their experience sharing, he hesitated for some reason, frowning together, with a strange expression on his face.

After chatting with Xiaolan, Lin Ke set aside half an hour to explore the real orphanage again.

Here, except for the different schedules on the entrance wall, all the items are more dilapidated, and there are occasional blood stains on the wall.

No clues and props related to time, such as newspapers and calendars, were found. In short, the entire orphanage was filled with a lifeless atmosphere.

As far as this point is concerned, Lin Ke admires these children, they have all turned black like this, but the orphanage in his imagination is still better than the orphanage in reality. Or they force the memory to stay in the good times.

He turned to the other side of the stairs on the second floor, and suddenly ran into the little fish who was making bubbles with a bubble machine.

In the colorful and transparent bubbles that filled the stairs, the little fish looked up at Lin Ke. He had played somewhere, dripping water all over his head and face.

He smiled at Linke: "Brother, do you want to become a fish?"

"No." Linke replied without thinking, "But if you like to be a small fish, you can do whatever you like.

" Yu was taken aback for a moment, then narrowed his eyes at Linke.

His breathing gradually increased, and his abdomen rose and fell obviously, but finally he didn't say anything, turned around and ran away with a "thump thump".

The clock strikes the hour.

Lin Ke picked up the bubble next to the sand table, and threw it into the sand table with eyes closed.

In the next second, his figure disappeared in place.

[Bullet screen: After wearing it, I feel that these two games are the most difficult, little brother hold on! 】


[Barrage: Caohahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha " Worse than being a bear. 】

【Barrage: It's booming and in a trance, how can you play this! 】

I saw a bright fish lying on the cutting board in the center of the screen, with its tail flapping and flapping under its body, water stains everywhere.

Lin Ke rarely broke through the bottom line of morality, and cursed ten thousand swear words in his heart.

After Su Xue told him that she had become a little bear, Lin Ke had a bad feeling. Although neither Ye Shi nor Zhou Zhao became props, and the overall probability of becoming props was only one-third for the time being, he still felt uncomfortable.

Sure enough, he knew that the god of fate would not favor him. Fate never favors workers.

He originally entered Xiaoyu's memory with the heart of wanting to beat up the scum "Yin Tiantu", but unexpectedly he was about to face the worst situation when he first came in. Not only did he become an accomplice of scum, but he was also such a painful accomplice.

I only heard the sound of a "shua" drawing a knife next to my ear.

Lin Ke: "..."

His whole world was in chaos, two dead fish eyes protruded, his right eye was pressed against the cutting board and his vision was completely black, his left eye opened a huge 170-degree field of vision, and he saw a black figure flashing in the pale light. past.

The reason why I didn't see it clearly was because the "thing" looked like it had passed through a distorting mirror in the eyes of Lin Ke. It might be the special effect buff of the fish eye.

Didn't you say that a good F-level copy is not rigorous? What happened to giving him a pair of normal eyes?

A burst of severe pain interrupted Linke's complaints, a knife skillfully scraped off his scales, and then plunged into his abdomen - Linke lost his

voice in an instant, these two pains came one after another, this kind of skin cramping, knife cutting flesh The pain was so intense that even he, a pain expert, was too trembling to speak.

The fish's body was sweaty and salty, and it stuck to the cutting board, leaving a large water stain. Then he was picked up by one hand, put into a cold wooden box, and the lid was closed.

Lin Ke once picked up this box as a human being, but he didn't feel it at the time, and it's unlucky no matter how he thinks now. He wished he could flick his tail to open the coffin lid.

"Xiaoyu," bumped for a while, only to hear a strange boy's voice say: "Do you like the bubble gun that brother gave you last time?" After a

while, Xiaoyu replied: "I like it."

"Then I will give you another thing."

Box The cover was opened, and Lin Ke's eyes were blurred. The room was too dark, so dark that it was sticky.

He clenched his "jaws" - unable to move.

Still can't move!

Lin Ke's body was stiff, and he was forced to wait for the boy's fingers to swim on the fish from which the scales had been removed, and finally touched the empty belly, and his voice was tight: "Is it a small fish?"

"Yes," the boy's voice was wicked And full of temptation: "Isn't it beautiful? It's clean and can be made into a delicious little fish in no time. It's the cutest little fish in the world. Do you want to be such a cute little fish?" I'm afraid that I won't be able to pass the level, and it doesn't seem to be meaningful to do this. Hearing the tone, it's just "playing".

He just wants to do nasty things.

Link is about to vomit.

He didn't listen to a word of the rest of the conversation, his mind was full of thoughts of slapping this person, but unfortunately he still couldn't move.

According to what Su Xue said, after entering the memory, the body can move slightly at a certain time to complete the plot. But I don't know why they can't move at all when they arrive at Lin Ke's place. Maybe the customs clearance mechanism of the two is inconsistent.

After an unknown amount of time, Linke heard the pervert leave, and felt Xiaoyu touching him over and over again, talking to him, and opening his wound.

Then he saw the distorted little fish slashing open his belly.

The first round is over.


Lin Ke started the second round with destructive anger.

[Barrage: Is this plot real? It makes me want to throw up. ]

[Bullet screen: Is it okay, little brother? There were no moves in the first round. 】

【Barrage: In the first round, normal people were looking for clues. Is it normal to not act? Don't be critical of newcomers. 】

【Barrage: You call this kind of newcomer? ]

Before the barrage started to quarrel, the silvery fish suddenly jumped up, and Thomas circled 360 degrees in the air, making a beautiful silver arc move. It's a pity that the fish has a wide field of vision, but its range of motion and strength are limited. The place where it flies up is more than ten centimeters away from the boy's drooping face in the plot.

Amidst the barrage of "pity", the boy who had just drawn out the knife didn't seem to see the fish jumping up. He walked towards the chopping board according to the predetermined movement, and was swept by the fish's tail abruptly.

[Barrage: Hit hahaha! Forgot this is a memory picture, cool! ]

[Bullet screen: ... Good guy, others comfort the children, you give me a scumbag plot. 】

[Barrage: Although there is no substantial harm, the opponent is also a memory, but the insult is extremely strong, satisfying the little devil in my heart! ]

[Barrage: The brat vividly interprets it, but he still has to fight. 】

【Barrage: Woohoo, my gentle little brother. ]

[Barrage: Gentle? I laughed. Sister, brother advises you to look at your face less and read more. 】

The barrage is cool, but Lin Ke is not. Emotionally, he still wants to live another two hundred years and fight for three hundred rounds, but intellectually, he knows that he and Xiaoyu should not suffer anymore. After all, boys are phantoms, but Xiaoyu still.

How can I end the memory? His body can only move when he has entered the early memory and has not been scaled and gutted. Could it be that the dungeon set himself to kill this person at the beginning and avenge Xiaoyu?

He can, but this fish body really can't!

While he was thinking, Lin Ke experienced another round of cramping pain, which completely broke his train of thought.

Chaos was put in the box again and presented as a gift again. Lin Ke forcibly regained his sanity and focused on what Xiaoyu said.

"Why don't you like me..."

"There is nothing strange about Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, do you think so?"

"You also like clubbing very much."

"Isn't that right, Xiaoyu Xiaoyu, you too Don't you like me..."

It sounds like Xiaoyu has serious psychological problems, not only thinking that he is a fish, but also that he is a bad fish.

After calming down from the excruciating pain in his body, Lin Ke suddenly felt a strange feeling.

It was like a real fire, burning slowly from the fish's ribcage - if fish had a ribcage - to the gills, to the head.

His throat was on fire.

Throat feels weird.

Seeing the little fish twisted into a gourd shape pick up the white knife from the table, Lin Ke was a little anxious, and subconsciously opened his voice.


There was a sudden silence in the dark room.

Lin Ke: "..."

Link: "..."

Does the Lord God World have any plans? Plan it out.

The fisheye vision is so realistic, what's the matter with the sound? Is he a platypus?

But he didn't have time to complain, Xiaoyu over there had already spoken in a somewhat joyful voice: "Xiaoyu, are you talking to me?"

Lin Kexin said thank you for recognizing that I am Xiaoyu: "Cough, um, it's gah ." The

barrage was already laughing like crazy.

[Barrage: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hiccup! 】

【Barrage: I was too stupid and naive to think that the next meal will be the plot, and my supper is gone. 】

【Barrage: Hahahaha find my little brother to pay for it! ]

[Bulletmaku: Is this really in the dungeon? In fact, the environment is quite dark. In such a cramped classroom, the curtains are still dark and fluttering, the dead fish are turning white and their eyes are bulging, and the child is holding a knife to cut his stomach, but why in my heart? There is no fluctuation, even a little want to laugh, am I sick? 】

【Barrage: You are not sick, it is the world that is sick. 】

【Barrage: No, you are indeed sick. Normal people would die laughing seeing this. ]

On the screen, Xiaoyu held up Lin Ke who was staring at the dead fish expectantly, and asked in a low voice, "Are you the cutest little fish in the world?


Just when the little boy showed a disappointed expression, an extremely long and explosive self-deprecating rant broke out in the cramped dormitory, which had obviously been well-thought-out, but still unbearable.

"Am I cute? Do you think I look cuter?"

"You don't say I'm cute when I'm wagging my tail in the water, and you don't say I'm cute when I'm eating fish food. I'm dead. You ask me if I'm cute?"

"Of course I'm not cute, little brother, As a fish, you can't be a fish like your brother, do you know that a fish has to be alive and kicking to swim in the water to be cute, ah ga." The

blue-faced little ghost was completely stunned in place, his eyes turned red from the fright of this fierce fish.

In the next second, he endured and endured, endured and endured, and finally burst into tears with a "wow".

Amidst the ear-piercing cries, Linke felt that the world was spinning.

[Barrage: Awesome! ! ! Scolding clearance! ! ! 】

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