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The clock ticked to nine.

"Go out and move freely." Zhou Zhao said dejectedly.

Ye Shi searched the kitchen and found no clues of ghosts, so he rolled up his shirt cuffs and stood up straight: "Cheer up!" Zhou Zhao's

eyes were red, and he was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, but suddenly he became haggard. This situation is very common in the copy, depression, loss of hope.

But appearing in the F-level dungeon is extremely abnormal.

[Bullet screen: I just clicked in casually, wouldn't it make me appreciate the F-level regiment's destruction, wouldn't it? 】

【Bullet chat: I'm still in the pain of losing my little brother, so I don't want to post a barrage. ]

[Bullet screen: Still immersed in the pain of losing my little brother, I don't want to post a bullet screen +1. ]

[Bullet screen: Rationally speaking, your little brother has a black screen, leaving this guy behind is useless, and there is another naive and cute newcomer, Yujie can't take it alone, and the group is scheduled to be wiped out. 】

The barrage is analyzing passionately, but the pure and cute new Su Xue, who is standing dumbfounded, purses her lips and says seriously: "Sister Ye, I have a clue. There is a utility room on the third floor, which contains shuttlecocks, kites, volleyballs and other things. Props, I think they can be used to arrange free activities. Now there are only three people left, it's too dangerous to act together, why don't you let me take them to get the game props."

Just now Su Xue accidentally touched the sand table props in the psychological counseling room, and restarted Looking back at her memory, she finally accepted that the timid self she used to be had died.

She finally had the chance to live again, and she couldn't give up.

Lin Ke took the initiative to take on the first dangerous task and was eliminated; Ye Shi had a heavy face, but still said "my problem" and patiently explained the rules of this world to her; Zhou Zhao himself did not abandon her no matter how bad he was , Just for this, at least she can't hold back the team.

She is now the only rookie in the team, with initial action points, even if she is eliminated, she will not be wiped out by the main god system, but Ye Shi and Zhou Zhao will really die if they are eliminated in the dungeon punishment.

So it's best for her to go.

Su Xue's eyes were firm.

[Barrage: Hey, what's going on, it's on fire!]

[Barrage: This orphanage is too old, and the team configuration is also very old... I haven't seen Mengxin take the initiative to fight for a long, long time. The little brother is an exception among the exceptions. I didn't expect another exception to come out now. ]

[Barrage: More than that? It's been a long, long time since I've seen an old man willing to bring a newcomer. 】

【Barrage: Dreaming back to a hundred years ago, the atmosphere was so good, everyone helped each other, and there was not so much hostility. 】

【Barrage: Yes, I hope they can survive. ]

[Bullet screen: Don't worry, the F-level dungeons have a long buffer time, and visual inspection is only dangerous in the psychological counseling session. 】

The barrage is too harmonious, and voices of opposition gradually appear.

[Barrage: The barrage was brainwashed by the Holy Father. Listen to my brother, relying on the heart of the Holy Mother is not easy to live, cook for people like your stupid little brother, and it will become vegetables the next day. ]

[Bullet screen: I laughed, a bunch of idiots boasting. Obviously, it can kill a child with one knife. ]

[Bullet screen: Heizi get fucked! Don't like to see no one force you! ]

[Barrage:? There are props on the third floor, which means that you can move freely. There is no need to fight the boss, right? Would you fight your cowhide? What if this is the correct way to pass the level? 】

During the barrage quarrel, Ye Shi and Zhou Zhao recovered from their astonishment. Zhou Zhao looked ashamed, and Ye Shi briefly explained the precautions: "I won't say polite words at this time, you should be careful. Lin Ke may Taking the kitchen as the boundary, I went to another space or another timeline." "Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, it can at least show that the kitchen is an important place, and every item on the schedule has its reason for existence. Very important." "Brother Zhou Zhao is not in good condition, stay in the kitchen waiting for information, maybe Lin Ke will come back; Xiaoxue goes to the props room, and must pay attention to what props each child chooses. I will go out and look for other Clues." After speaking, she comforted Zhou Zhao a few more words, and then followed Su Xue out.

The children had stood up from the dusty colorful plastic chairs in the restaurant and lined up along the wall, staring straight at the two people who came out.

If you don't pay attention to their empty eyes and faint smiles at the corners of their mouths, the scene is harmonious and normal.

Ye Shi didn't meet their eyes, and after giving Su Xue an encouraging look, he left the restaurant first.

Su Xue clenched her lower lip and said in a tense voice, "Let's start free activities now. Please follow me...to get the activity props."

"Where's the dean?" the gut-holding boy asked sharply.

"Hee hee, where's the dean?"

"... Where's the dean?" The

children stared at Su Xue, and spoke with strange voices.

Su Xue's face turned pale, her hands hanging by her sides were tightly clenched, her eyes were dizzy, she instinctively felt that something was wrong!

"Where's the dean!"

"Hehe, isn't the dean here?" The

children gave a small cheer, which was mixed with extreme freedom and joy. Every time they asked a question, they took a step closer to Su Xue.

The back of Su Xue's yarn-woven dress was instantly soaked in cold sweat, she forced herself to calm down, and slowly retreated towards the door.

Where is the dean? They went all over the orphanage, and there were no living "people" at all except five children.

Only those strict regulations are the traces left by "him".

The dean does not exist, unless he and they are not in the same time and space...

Zhou Zhao stayed in the kitchen and wandered around. When he heard the movement outside, his eyebrows twitched.

After thinking about it, he took a deep breath, controlled the terminal, and summoned the only S-level time-space prop that he hadn't been willing to use, Cheng Ye Lamp. With the sound of air blasting, a stone lantern was pulled out from the kitchen tile floor Rising from the ground, it leisurely exudes dispensable light.

From this moment on, no matter how many times and spaces overlap here, and how many confused figures come and go, they will all see this light.

If Link sees this stone lantern in a kitchen in another time and space, not to mention his cleverness, even a brain-damaged person should see something is wrong, let's investigate it, shall we?

Zhou Zhao had never thought before that he would spend this kind of money in order to save a newcomer.

Come back quickly, it's better to discover something and make some contributions, otherwise I will be too painful to use this prop.

Zhou Zhao thought.

After calling out the props, he thought about it and decided to go out to help. As soon as Fang raised his foot, Su Xue yelled in horror: "Brother Zhou, don't come out!"

Zhou Zhaoyi frowned and rushed out without hesitation.

Seeing that Su Xue was already surrounded by several children in a corner, the children heard the movement, their necks "creaked", their empty eyes turned to Zhou Zhao, and the corners of their mouths cracked into smiles.

Zhou Zhao's scalp went numb, and he called out several props: "Run—"


the same time, Lin Ke's right eyelid twitched wildly.

His current posture is really bad.

The young man was leaning on the wall with his right elbow, and his left hand was clutching the wrist of the person in front of him. He gritted his teeth and blushed; in front of him, the handsome and extraordinary man lowered his head and kept leaning towards him. Juli, as if pressing him against a wall.

In fact, he was pressed against the wall, passively.

Rewinding the time ten minutes ago, Lin Ke finally found the secret to appease the man's "Shadow Fog", who was suddenly big and small. He entered when the shadow receded, but accidentally fell on the man!

He was terrified, and just when he wanted to get up, he was stuck by the man.

Really, stick.

It was the stickiness that wrapped his limbs around his body.

This person probably knew that he would go crazy if he left Lin Ke. He couldn't even open his eyes, so he rubbed his high nose like a big wolf dog around, almost touching Lin Ke's neck, and Lin Ke used all his strength Push away with a slap.

It wasn't that Lin Ke was vicious, it was because the monster's strength was really—too great! An ordinary slap would not move him at all, and using all his strength would only make him slightly divert his direction and interest.

Lin Ke's left hand was still hooked by the man's five fingers, and the ice-cold and powerful thumb was still gently stroking the base of his little finger.

Lin Ke's whole body went numb, and his heart felt cold.

He could see it.

——This man is not a "human" at all. This non-human does not mean that he is a system boss or npc, but that he is not human in a broad sense.

Even if the children in the orphanage copy are irrational and want to kill, at least they can talk and express their inner anger, such as "someone hit me", "hate the guests", and so on.

But this man only has very pure instincts and emotions, just like a small animal!

How can this be done, Lin Ke is confused. He is accustomed to dealing with various difficult and miscellaneous diseases, and this is the first time he finds it difficult to handle.

Seeing that he was about to be smashed into the wall, Linke tried to use the most basic body language to communicate with the man while his head was growing. He stretched out his only movable right hand and gently patted the man's head.

The touch under the palm was rough and tough, which was extremely irritating to the sensitive palm, and Lin Ke withdrew his hand like an electric shock.

The man seemed surprised and stopped for a while.

good chance!

Lin Ke turned sideways slightly and slipped out between the man and the wall, but his left hand was still pinched "unavoidably", causing a burst of pain.

The man turned to Linke, looking as if he was about to stick to him again.

Lin Ke: "..."


He realized that if this went on forever, he would be glued to death sooner or later, so he moved his eyes to the door.

If he remembered correctly, when he was strangled by the man, he had already entered another space, which was another orphanage that was not so eerie, and then the man dragged him up to the third floor and opened the door to enter this room.

In this room, the system can directly communicate with Linke, which shows that the room itself is not a copy.

Thinking from both sides, Lin Ke came to a contradictory conclusion.

He has been mediating with people of all kinds and religions all the year round, and he has developed his own unique method in finding conflicting clues-if someone does something without the most direct method, there must be hidden secrets in the middle.

Since this man wanted to kill himself, why didn't he kill him on the spot? He also deliberately dragged himself into another space.

Well, assuming he had to drag him into another dimension before he could do anything, then why would it be necessary to drag him into a small dark room to kill him?

All in all, traveling through two spaces is extremely cumbersome. The only possibility is that the man is already in another space, and if he wants to get in touch with him, he must be dragged into the "new" orphanage together, but the man's destination is actually the study space.

In the study space, the man did something to him, which had nothing to do with the plot of the orphanage.

Since the man exists in the orphanage, he must have another identity, no need to guess, it is the dean.

Lin Ke roughly figured out that they had left the orphanage at this time and entered the "backstage space" of the dungeon. Since the man is also one of the npcs in the dungeon, the only way to get rid of him is to clear the orphanage dungeon!

Lin Ke took a deep breath and made a bold decision.

He just held the man's wrist with two fingers, and led him slowly towards the door of the study.

In the darkness, a tall man in a black and white coat followed behind the young man step by step. He lowered his head slightly, his wolf-like amber eyes shone with golden light in the darkness, staring lightly at the young man's white neck. This strange posture actually made him show a bit of extraordinary bearing.


The door opened.

Lin Ke took another deep breath against the faint but numb gaze behind him.

The moment he stepped out of the room, the terminal

shook violently—the number of viewers dropped to 100,735, and instantly soared back to 357,775.

[Barrage: Damn! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Little brother is still alive! ! ! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Keeping the perspective of the black screen, sitting up in shock while dying! ! ! 】

【Bullet screen: Wait a minute, he's holding someone else, that's—what the hell? ? ]

[Barrage:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[Barrage:? ? ? ? ]

[Barrage: This... is it? ? ? ? ? ]

[Barrage: I was forced to burst into tears by my little brother. The former article believes in yourself, you read that right, this is it! ]

[Barrage: Dean? ? ? 】

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