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Ji Hong was finally so angry that he was on the verge of dementia.

She almost let out a hiss from her body, and then she used some props, and with an aura of death, she suddenly moved back tens of meters, and then shot towards the window like a bomb.

When her body hit the glass, the whole small brick house trembled, and the glass shattered suddenly. Inside, Yu Lin shouted: "She's crazy! Run!"

But Linke just dragged Mr. Blind into the house quickly. The corner farthest from the bedside and broken glass.

Ji Hong's speed can be described as fast, but her momentum was suddenly stopped when she entered the room, as if she smashed through the glass and hit another wall even harder, and the rose vines behind her immediately squeezed into the room. Together, they crushed hard on Ji Hong's body and became entangled into a ball.

Then there was a "squeak" sound in the air, accompanied by a sudden chill, a layer of hoarfrost covered Ji Hong's ferocious face.

The frost spread quickly against her skin, and within ten seconds, her whole body turned into a fuzzy ball of ice.

Another "click" sound was heard.

The puck cracked, and shattered into many pieces as it tumbled from the rose vine like a flower-bud that died before it bloomed.

It's the familiar, clean way of elimination.

The remaining rose vines seemed to have lost their leader. They writhed in a daze for a while, then slowly exited the window and disappeared into the night again.

In a hidden corner not far away, another cluster of vines swayed dissatisfiedly, and finally quietly drilled into the ground veins and left, leaving a trace of contempt.


Yu Lin was dumbfounded by the series of incidents just now.

The fearful eyes he looked at Ji Hong fell on Lin Ke in front of him.

Yu Lin couldn't figure out how this young man who seemed to do everything casually and only had a close-range attack ring on his body, could connect all the clues in the dungeon the moment he saw Ji Hong, and then take the risk Use all the rules, conditions, and even the psychological character of the copy boss to complete this counterattack.

Or in other words, the one who cut a way out in a desperate situation that must die?

Cold sweat slowly came out from Yu Lin's back. He even wondered if Lin Ke had already found out...

Suddenly, the young man turned his head slightly, his eyes met his for a moment, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

Yu Lin was shocked.

Then Lin Ke said to Mr. Blind: "Okay, it's over. Look, no one can enter your room casually."

Mr. Blind: "..."

As a C-level dungeon boss, although he looks thin, he is also It's always been one player - these bastards lie to him, he can kill them easily, at least in this respect, Mr. Blind is confident.

But after being held down by Linke, he lost even this confidence.

Mr. Blind shut himself up.

He had a pale face, blank eyes looking forward, and tight lips.

When Lin Ke saw his expression, he knew that what he said just now was in vain, and he was speechless for a while.

This is a C-level dungeon, why is the boss' mentality still so fragile?

But then he caught a glimpse of Yu Lin next to him staring at Mr. Blind very vigilantly, his face was like an enemy, and even his hands were trembling a little.

Lin Ke: "..."

It's all C-level dungeons, why are players still so vulnerable!

[Barrage: ... Only the little brother is wrong in the painting style of the audience. 】

【Barrage: I'm used to it, he probably doesn't know that Mr. Blind's close-range physical attack is a one-hit kill. 】

[Bullet screen: Nonsense, he held someone down at once, do you know? But what kind of fetish is his ring... No wonder others want to snatch it. ]

[Barrage:? The world of the main gods lives a long time, and the basic values ​​​​can't be lost. Other people's things don't belong to you. Thank you. ]

Both of them need to be resolved, but the more important one is Mr. Blind, so Lin Ke turned to Yu Lin and said, "You go first."

Yu Lin froze, with a trace of embarrassment flashing across his face.

"It's not safe here," Link said. "I told Mr. Blind when I entered the door just now. I want to give him something, and it has nothing to do with you. You can go first. Mr. Blind is very reasonable and won't let you go." " The

very reasonable Mr. Blind: "..."

Mr. Blind didn't express his opinion, and while Yu Lin was getting more and more nervous, he didn't try to stop him either.

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows: "Don't you want to go?" The soft knife was approaching, Yu Lin's tall shoulders slowly relaxed, his face showed a red and white embarrassment expression, and his lips squirmed for a moment.

Then, as if he had made up his mind, he bit the bullet and said, "I'm sorry, I hid something from you before. The condition of death tonight requires that I be by your side to be safe."

Linke grinned.

Yu Lin was even more embarrassed, that smile clearly meant "I'm still not honest about the matter so far, should I avoid the serious and take the light of it?". Indeed, what he said still concealed the conditions of death, mainly because Jin Qingyue refused to let it be said.

Yu Lin murmured: "But we know you are not safe, and we are indeed here to save you. This can be considered a win-win situation."

"Yes, that's right, thank you," Link said, "If you didn't call me first Wake up, that mysterious person who wants to kill me may catch me off guard."

Hearing Lin Ke's sudden thanks, Yu Lin was startled, looked up and looked at the other person's expression carefully, and confirmed that there was no irony or sarcasm.

"Win-win cooperation is okay," Lin Ke said again, "Why do you have to be sneaky?"

This question gets to the point, but to be honest, Yu Lin just obeyed Jin Qingyue's arrangement. He only knew that Jin Qingyue told him to protect Lin Ke—so before he met Lin Ke, he only regarded Lin Ke as a helpless man. A young man with the strength to bind a chicken.

What's more, Jin Qingyue's original plan can be said to be watertight.

The first is to use the rule of death to drag Ji Hong into the water, but if you do this, Yu Lin, who is used as a bait, is bound to be in deep danger. Lin Ke, who happened to be targeted by Annan, Ji Hong and others, was captured by the bishop and also did not enter the dormitory cabin.

In this situation, he ran out to rescue Lin Ke, which could not only ensure the safety of Linke, but also ensure his own safety, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Is there a better plan in the world than this?

But Yu Lin didn't expect that Ji Hong, who is so selfish to the extreme and only cares about her own interests in everything, would be so determined to use suicide props on herself, which completely violated Ji Hong's principles of conduct.

Of course, Jin Qingyue also thought that Ji Hong might make a similar astonishing move in a desperate situation. 

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