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  "This is not the correct answer."

The young man in the mirror looked at the boy in the wheelchair with a serious expression, still disapproving: "You know that this is not the correct answer."

[Bullet screen: Ah, brother Cheng is helping to analyze! ]

[Barrage: Listen up! ]

"We have analyzed the meaning of the four mirrors just now," Mu Cheng said calmly, "Since I will appear in the fourth mirror, it proves that you have fear of me in your heart, because you are worried that my impression of you will change , Really?"

"I'm really worried that someone's impression of me will change, but that person is not you." Jin Qingyue said lightly.

Mu Cheng: "..."

The young man finally smiled: "Okay, even if it wasn't for me, you know that the Lord God World is a place that is hard to explain with common sense. What if that person comes back one day?

" : I was suddenly very sad when he said that. If he is the real brother Cheng, how sad it would be. 】

【Barrage: I see his expression is also a little sad. 】

"...Do you just want him to see you now?" Mu Cheng asked.

"Since he didn't want me to become like this, then he shouldn't have left me." Jin Qingyue closed his eyes, turning away the wheelchair as if he couldn't stand it.

His tone was rational and calm, but what he said was far from rational and calm. He himself knew that he was like a child making trouble for no reason, but he didn't know who he was making trouble for for a while.

Just feel ridiculous.

What are you worried about? Everything has changed.

He looked coldly at the second mirror representing the bright side.

In the mirror, the frail "Jin Qingyue" with normal legs had been waiting for him, and at this moment he hurriedly said, "You shouldn't do this. According to my analysis, the key to this dungeon should be..." His words came

suddenly But, because Jin Qingyue looked away coldly, he lost the right to speak.

Jin Qingyue slowly came to the first mirror.

[Barrage: Ah, it means that Jin Shen is ready to make a choice! Is he going to choose the number one mirror? 】

【Bullet screen: Of course choose number one. Although number two is on the bright side, won't you still die if you can't hit someone? ]

[Bullet screen: But it feels a bit dangerous to choose this way...Jin Shen in the mirror has terrifying eyes. ]

I saw that the young man in the mirror looked gloomy, and seemed to be very preoccupied. He thought for a while before raising his head, staring at Jin Qingyue who had been waiting for him outside the mirror for a long time and said: "This is not a surefire method. From the dungeon mechanism, I haven't obtained all your power." Jin Qingyue frowned


Just now, after discussing with the other two "Jin Qingyue" and "Mu Cheng", he deduced that the space access of this dungeon exists on the mirror surface, and the player can choose to enter any mirror if certain conditions are met.

Mirror No. 3, which represents safety, was excluded first, because this kind of "safety" generally means waiting for death. Mu Cheng deduced that the interior of Mirror No. 3 was a closed space.

Mirror No. 4, which represents danger, seems to be the closest passage to ghosts, but it is not the person reflected in it. Judging from the implication of the "mirror" in the content of the entire dungeon, several people thought this was the wrong answer.

In the end, only number one and number two remained.

Normally, this means that there will be double branch lines in the dungeon, waiting for players to split up, but Mu Cheng said that is not the case.

Mu Cheng's original words are: "Both sides seem incomplete, and the combat power of the two sides is very different. This may not be a team game. You have to think about the problem from the balance of the copy." Indeed, from the balance of the

copy , No. 1 is extremely aggressive, while No. 2 is too peaceful. In the dungeon world, no one dares to easily choose the peaceful side.

But that's just the way to go.

For Jin Qingyue, his trip was not to clear the customs, but to kill Yin Li.

"I don't need to think about the problem from the balance of the dungeon," Jin Qingyue replied at the time, "I just need to think about the problem from the perspective of Yin Li. Then I will understand how he is. Get so many props from this dungeon, and get such powerful power."

Yin Li will definitely not choose No. 2 mirror, and even... there may not be No. 2 mirror in his choice.

Thinking of this, Jin Qingyue raised his eyes and looked at "Jin Qingyue" in the No. 1 mirror: "I understand what you mean."

Behind him, Mu Cheng in the No. 3 and No. 4 mirrors thought of something at the same time, and his face was even. After a change, they raised their heads and tried to communicate with "Jin Qingyue" in No. 1 mirror, but unfortunately No. 1's face was covered with clouds, leaving only hatred for everything in front of them, and did not look at Mu Cheng at all.

Mu Cheng nervously looked at the No. 2 mirror.

In the mirror, the calm and rational "Jin Qingyue" turned paler and weaker, and then his body became almost translucent.

As if accepting his fate, he pursed his pale purple lips and shook his head, and said "sorry" to the other two "Mu Cheng".

Then, his whole body was like a faint smoke, quietly disappearing from the mirror... as if he had never existed.

【Barrage:! ! ! Why did Jin Shen in Mirror No. 2 disappear? ]

[Bullet screen: Damn it! I have a bold guess, the mirror surface is the projection of the person looking in the mirror himself, that is to say, this personality was obliterated by Jin Shen's restraint...] [Bullet screen:

Jin Shen is really too smart, he The method used is exactly the same as that of Yin Li! ]

[Barrage: But it's a bit creepy! 】

Following the exclamation in the bullet screen, I saw "Jin Qingyue" in the No. 1 mirror showing a rather treacherous smile, his eyes slowly turned scarlet, and then he stretched out his hand to Jin Qingyue: "Okay, come on!" Go ahead. I'll help you make your wish come true."


[Barrage: Ah, the little brother seems to be about to act, the two bosses of our team are very fast! The little brother also chooses number one? 】

【Barrage: Laughing, my little brother may not be able to choose number one. They have been arguing for fifteen minutes. ]

[Barrage: Hey! What is the little brother going to do——]

I saw Lin Ke and himself in the No. 1 mirror fought for 300 rounds, rolled up his sleeves, turned around and walked towards Uncle Chen: "Okay, I'm sure you are my foolish side, not The other monsters are too lazy to continue arguing with you."

Number One: "???"

Number One was furious in the mirror, but Lin Ke didn't look at him, so he couldn't make a sound.

Uncle Chen, who had witnessed everything, murmured at this time: "Don't say it, he really looks like you when you were young."

Linke: "..."

[Bullet screen: ...]

[Bullet screen: hahaha Little brother won't kill himself in shame and indignation hahahahaha. ]

[Bullet screen: I will, my little brother secretly looked at the terminal, he must be looking at the number of viewers, let me see... 70 million just now, now it's all garbled! Still recalculating! I suspect that the population of the entire main god world outside the copy is here! 】

【Barrage: I dare not enter this book, public execution is too scary hahahaha. 】

Sure enough, Link became angry with embarrassment: "What are you talking about, he's so stupid. It's just a few rubbish words." "

Yes, isn't it? It's rubbish and fools."

Link shut up.

Angrily, he walked to Uncle Chen's mirror, groped around against the mirror, his eyes darting around the mirror.

Seeing his ugly face, Uncle Chen felt a little nervous: "What are you going to do?"

"Take you away," Lin Ke answered while digging the mirror, without feeling that there was any problem with what he did, "Otherwise What? Put you here and wait for the perverts to catch you?"

[Barrage: Well, it turns out that besides trash and fools, there are also perverts. ]

[Bullet screen: previous article, if you laugh me to death, my friend will make you die. ]

[Barrage: Hahahahaha. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? Are you not paying attention to his operation? ]

[Bullet screen: It's okay, my little brother often gives surprises, just get used to it, let alone tearing down the mirror, I wouldn't be surprised if he got into a fight with the mirror. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? ]

Most of the players who are familiar with Lin Ke in the barrage think that the little brother's operation is understandable, but Chen Bo is obviously shocked.

His expression seemed to be saying, "I knew you were bad, but I didn't expect you to be so badass, even in the dungeon." It took a long time to stop him: "Don't move, how can you move here."

" I didn't move around." Lin Ke said seriously, squinting his eyes, he found that this strange mirror was only attached to the wall, leaving gaps on all sides.

Immediately, he seemed to see hope. The four fingers of his left hand were inserted into the gap on the left, and the four fingers of his right hand were inserted into the gap on the right. After weighing the strength, he gently pushed outward.

Only a crisp sound was heard.

Uncle Chen yelled angrily: "Stop! You are dying!"

"Don't panic... Let me see this..." Lin Ke stared at the mirror that was easily torn off the wall as if he had discovered a new world, and his heart A little surprised, he vaguely had a strange intuition - this dungeon might allow the player to remove the mirror.

[Barrage: Bull, bull, this is determined to take this mirror away hahahahaha. ]

After hearing a "click", Lin Ke completely disassembled the mirror. The back of the mirror is a simple copper base, without any fixing parts, let alone glue.

Probably the magician stuck it on the wall with magic tricks, Lin Ke complained in his heart.

That's fine, he was able to bring Uncle Chen with him after all, Lin Ke was very satisfied, he took the mirror in his hand and weighed it: "Hey, you have become lighter." Uncle

Chen, who was lying horizontally in the mirror Lin Ke was about to die of anger, and said with a livid face, "Put it back quickly, I'm afraid you'll break the mirror you're holding !


"I was very satisfied with taking it away, and besides, the person in the mirror couldn't beat him, and he was used to being scolded a few times. He found a comfortable position and was about to clamp the mirror under his right arm.

"Don't turn around! Dizziness!" Uncle Chen in the mirror yelled again.

Lin Ke hurriedly said "Oh" twice, and put the mirror upright, but immediately found that Uncle Chen's head was facing down, and in a hurry, he just moved around on the spot, changing the head and feet of the mirror.

Uncle Chen: "..."

[Bullet screen: ...]

[Bullet screen: With all due respect, if there is a brat who shakes me like this, I will beat him up too. 】

【Barrage: Enen, I understand Uncle Chen's mood very well. 】

【Bullet screen: I am different. If it is a cute kid like my little brother, I will forgive him with a smile. 】

Chen Bo's complexion changed, Lin Ke saw that he was about to curse again, so he turned the mirror quietly, but suddenly heard a very subtle sound of breaking through the silent air.

Lin Ke was very sensitive to all the abnormal sounds in the dungeon, so he stopped all movements immediately, leaned on the mirror at hand, and listened attentively.

It's a pity that the voice was only a flash in the pan, as if it was a human illusion, and it was never found again.

Lin Ke frowned, and was about to walk in the direction where the sound seemed to be coming from, when suddenly he felt cold fingers.

No, that cold feeling came from the frame.

The frame seemed to be supported by a mysterious force, and it slowly straightened its body in mid-air. Then, a chill came out of the whole body, and the mirror surface exploded with brilliant white light.

[Barrage: Damn! 】

【Barrage: Bull, bull, bull, the plot is triggered. Damn, I can still do this. I watched more than 30 players, and no one triggered this plot. 】

【Barrage: I suspect that no one has triggered this plot since the dungeon was created...Who would have thought of breaking off the mirror and taking it away. 】

In the picture, the broken mirror in front of Lin Ke happened to be facing the fourth mirror because of its special angle.

At this moment, as if there was a chemical reaction between the two mirrors, the light exploded together and connected to each other in mid-air.

Lin Ke was stunned at first, but quickly realized that he triggered the conditions for mirror fusion!

Cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and he figured it out. The one-way mirror representing safety and the one-way mirror representing danger are two sides of one mirror, but what will appear after connecting? Will Chen Bo disappear?

He didn't feel the joy and excitement of triggering the mysterious plot in his heart at all, he just felt like his heart was falling into an ice cellar.

But he didn't dare to move the mirror lightly, for fear that breaking the link between the two mirrors would bring even worse consequences.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Linke just waited stiffly.

The barrage also seemed to feel his tension, and the number dropped significantly, as if holding his breath with him and waiting for the result.

Finally, seeing that the light in the two mirrors began to weaken gradually, and slowly gathered in the middle, it condensed into a very thin and bright silk thread, and then the silk thread broke from the center of the two mirrors and dissipated in mid-air, leaving a little bit of golden light behind.

The mirror fell backwards.

Lin Ke had been holding his breath, almost suffocating himself to death. At this moment, he took a sharp breath and took a step forward to support the mirror.

I saw a vast expanse of whiteness in the mirror, and then Uncle Chen appeared, his eyes wide open, his face full of vigilance.

A big stone landed on his chest.

Uncle Chen also saw Lin Ke who hadn't recovered from his breath, and the expression on his face relaxed. After a while, he

said, "You know you're afraid now?" Only then did he really come to his senses, dumbfounding, "It really scared me to death, what did you go through inside?"

Uncle Chen knew that this matter was important, so he wrinkled his face together and thought about it for a while before he said, "It's not a big deal, just I seem to have come to a dark place, there are many ghosts in it, probably not as strong as those in horror movies, the more impressive thing is that there is a little boy whose head will fall off, and I was surprised when I was caught off guard-but still I'm quite polite, call me Uncle, and there's a little boy with sharp teeth, who's also very polite. Nothing else." At this point, seeing Lin Ke's expression changed, 

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