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    When Linke found the stone lantern, the base of his neck was still hot and his heart was beating wildly.

It was more anger, the dean's words just now almost scared him to the sky.

Five minutes ago, Lin Ke, who had no idea that he was "being targeted", parted ways with the dean in the dean's office on the third floor, and finally got rid of the buff of "walking with the boss". He rushed to the kitchen immediately and found Weird stone lantern.

He frantically squeezed his left ear, and after calming down, he began to try to touch the stone lantern and try to light it.

The stone lantern remained silent.

In another space that he couldn't see, the phantom of "Lin Ke" kept appearing in the empty kitchen, and no one noticed.

The barrage went crazy.

[Barrage: Hanging! 】

【Barrage: This side is chasing, even if the S-level communication props are on, it's useless. Please, no matter who comes, look at the little brother. 】

【Barrage: Don't give up trying! 】

In the heart-piercing barrage, Lin Ke left decisively. Fifteen minutes after the barrage exploded, he came back and repeated the operation of touching the lantern and lighting the fire.

[Barrage: ... Bull. 】

【Barrage: It was a false alarm, the little brother came to check in every once in a while. ]

[Barrage: Some people are brainless about routine operations? 】

【Barrage: I laughed. Look at what your favorite little brother is doing now. Is he planning to stay in the activity room for the new year? Let your teammates chase and fight alone, cowardly. 】

Activity room.

Link carefully pushed the door open, the wooden door made an overwhelmed sound, shaking off a cloud of dust.

The fatal question pressed by the dean just now must be the key clue of the dungeon. Although the mechanism is a bit scary, it does give players the "motivation" to remember key clues.

Anyway, if you can't remember, you will die.

Lin Ke lowered his eyelids, the corners of his mouth collapsed into a line, hooked his thumb into the pocket of his jeans, and stepped into the activity room.

This time, he re-read all items other than key props.

Obviously, the puzzle is incomplete, so the way to clear the level should be to cooperate with the children to complete the puzzle. This is a game of finding puzzles.

But... can it be that simple?

The players don't know the reason, but Lin Ke is a staff member.

This is a group of npcs who have been bullied hundreds of years ago and have been waiting hopelessly for hundreds of years. No amount of emotion can turn into hatred.

This kind of emotional transfer is very common. Many children have been suffering from not having something in childhood, and they may resist that item when they grow up.

The same is true for these npc little ghosts. They have not been able to get it, so they never want it anymore. At this time, they are rushing to die.

They are the kids who never want to play games with guests again, who are sure to hide their puzzles where no one can find them, or make it hellish to find them, and die without revealing where they hide them.

Only to experience, to understand, pretend to be equally desperate, and then guess.

There is an old sewing box in the desk drawer, more than half of the thread has been used up, and only three bright colors are left. In the photo, there is a light-colored stitched scar on the head of the little bear doll. It can be seen that Xiaolan cherishes the gift given to her by the volunteers very much.

But she also used it to vent her anger.

A figure of a little girl who blames herself and is anxious slowly emerges in Linke's mind.

The backgrounds, behaviors, and supporting props of these children are too realistic, Linke's mood is a bit complicated for a while, and he can't completely treat them as NPCs.

He frowned, and found a curled kite line inside a sandbag, checked carefully, and found that the break was cut open. Searching again, I found a pair of scissors from under the bookcase, together with the sewing box.

In the bookcase, there is a leaky ball hidden in the lower layer, and various books are placed in the middle layer. There is a book whose cover is "Fairy Tales from Various Countries", but the inside is blank paper with densely written words.

It is Lin Lin's diary, there are many typos with the same pronunciation, and some completely wrong words, but the narrative is very clear, there are only a few sentences back and forth.

Lin Ke looked through it quietly.

"Today the prince and princess played with the dwarves, everyone was very happy."

"The prince and princess didn't play with the dwarves today, everyone was very sad."

"The hunter is here."

After a long time.

"The king is coming." The

words fluctuated from big to small, densely packed, repeating these four sentences, as if they were about to jump out of the paper as ghosts, Lin Ke closed the book and put it aside.

The last piece is a locked ordinary wooden box. The copper lock is very simple, Lin Ke saw it when he was a child, and it was similar to the one specially used to lock the diary.

Randomly pulling out a long needle from the sewing box, Link twirled it and pierced it into the keyhole.

After a while, the copper lock made a slight "snap" and opened, and the smell of stench and rot came to the face.

Seeing the contents of the wooden box clearly, Lin Ke's pupils shrank slightly, and his breathing fluctuated.

A chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

He even felt the ground shake slightly.


"Bang bang bang".

The knocking on the door grew louder.

Su Xue tightly covered her mouth with both hands, and shrank herself into the cabinet again.

The scene was completely out of control. The three of them thought that they would automatically enter the psychological counseling session if they lasted until ten o'clock, but they didn't expect that the children would not follow the schedule at all.

Even Ye Shi also said that he had never seen a dungeon that arranged a time link, but the npc did not follow the time link - it could only be a kind of alienation of the dungeon, Ye Shi inferred seriously.

All three are desperate.

Lin Ke didn't know how to live or die, and the alienation of the dungeon made them lose the way to obtain clues. Although they can pass the level after three days, they can still deal with the one-hour pursuit. Children's movement speed is getting faster and faster, their mentality is getting more and more excited, and their outflanking strategies are getting better and better.

A few minutes ago, they were jointly pursued by the children from both ends. In order to distract their attention, Zhou Zhao suggested that the three of them should hide separately.

Su Xue was the least experienced, accidentally broke into the utility room on the third floor, and was blocked by a little boy.

In desperation, she hid in the wooden cabinet, her mind in a mess.

The sound of the door being knocked open came from outside, Su Xue's heart was beating wildly, her face was flushed, and cold sweat was sticking to her body along her neck.

How to do? How to do?

The little boy's footsteps swayed back and forth in the utility room for a moment, stopped in front of the cabinet door, and then fell into silence.

Su Xue: "..."

Su Xue closed her eyes.

In an instant, all kinds of past life flashed through her mind again.

After an unknown amount of time, a strange sound came from outside.


Su Xue was stunned.

The little boy is crying? She opened her eyes.

The objects in the sundries room are old, including this wooden cabinet, the door of which has long been deformed, revealing a gap, leaving a blade-like light inside the cabinet.

Su Xue boldly leaned forward quietly.

Because she was sitting, she was about the same height as the little boy. Through the gap, she was caught off guard by a hollow and black pupil, and a scream almost overflowed her throat.

But for some reason, the little boy backed up a few steps, choking and wailing like a small animal in his throat, and fell to the ground, clutching his abdomen.

Su Xue took a deep breath, stared at the boy through the gap, reached out from the waste cardboard box in the corner, and found the only thing that could be used as a weapon - an unbound book, held in her hand.

I saw the boy's paws, which were as pale as bones, pressed harder and harder on his abdomen, pressing deeper and deeper.

[Barrage: Dig your own kidney? Run, Miss! ]

[Bullet screen: The awareness of newcomers is still too low, I can't bear to watch it. ]

[Barrage: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

Su Xue's stomach twitched for a while, her eyes widened, and she watched the boy scratch his shirt, and his sharp claws got into his own flesh. He was in pain, wailing, and then pulled out a sticky thing.

Su Xue's whole body seemed to be shocked by electric shock. Finally, the scream could not be held back, and it resounded throughout the third floor.

Ye Shi at the door of the psychology classroom on the second floor, and Zhou Zhao at the stairs on the first floor all looked up.

In front of Su Xue, the boy was crying and laughing at the same time, his eyes were full of madness, he grinned and smiled at the cabinet door.

"Sister, do you eat fish?"

"Brother said when he left that the fish must be eaten with its internal organs removed."


It was a rotten small yellow croaker. set aside. The hollow eyes of the yellow croaker were pitch black, staring straight up.

There are several clear words engraved on the inside of the wooden box lid, "for the little fish".

Lin Ke breathed as lightly as a feather, and he stretched out his hand after a while.

The slender fingers gently flipped the belly of the fish, and then turned the whole fish over.

He had a moment of real anger just now.

When he was still alive, he had been exposed to a lot of messy things. To put it more profoundly, he knew what a "human" was at a young age, but in his twenty years of life, there was no moment like just now. Feel the player's malice.

He felt that something was wrong when he heard "bubble machine delivery" and "like the ocean".

This kid has a mental problem and feels like a fish in his heart.

He could even imagine the scene at that time. The player said he wanted to give a gift to the child, so in front of a fish, he cut open the belly of another fish. What did he do?

The figure of the intestine-holding boy flashed across Linke's mind.

Doing such a thing in front of a child with a strong learning ability...

Lin Ke was a little dazed.

He was short of breath without realizing it. He took out the whole fish without caring about the dirt, and found several equally strange scratches on the bottom of the wooden box.

When I touched it, it looked like a masterpiece of a knife, but it was not obvious because it was stuck with the fat of the fish.

Lin Ke leaned over to have a look.


The second word is really unclear, there is a "soil" vaguely below it, like a person's name.

Lin Ke paused for a moment, put away all emotions, pursed his lips and closed the lid, but suddenly thought of something, strode back to the bookcase, and pulled out the leaky ball.

Sure enough, the brown-red rubber surface of the ball also had clear scratches, and there were many small cracks on the side of the big crack. At first, Lin Ke thought it was hit by a sharp object, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Lin Ke closes up the scored part of the ball.

See clearly this time, Yin Tiantu? Anyone else call this?

This time not only the name, but also a message like a message.

"Little friend, your head looks better."

Lin Ke's pupils shrank, and his eyes gradually became cold.

The only abnormal headless boy... The

ground shook slightly again.


"Bone Lulu".

The ball rolled down the stairs and hit Ye Shi's ankle.

Ye Shi was wearing sneakers, and when he saw what kind of "ball" it was, he almost flew out in shock. But at any rate, she still had a semblance of reason, she had never done anything like kicking someone's head, so she turned around and ran away with the last bit of strength she had.

Behind him, on the face of the boy who landed on the ground, his dull black eyes stared blankly at the woman's swiftly leaving figure. He didn't chase after him, but with a push on his forehead, he rolled two meters forward and stopped. in place.

[Barrage: It's started, it's started, it's all started to turn into ghosts, can this really last three days? 】

【Barrage: Then this way of becoming a ghost is too self-harming. ]


Lin Ke clapped his hands back and forth, not only did he not dust off the dust, but the dirty things stuck to his hands.

He had calmed down again, and carefully put all the children's toys back in place, even the broken balls were arranged as round as possible.

He is not a very sympathetic person. After all, his parents died, he was born in a gangster, and he went to college only when he met a good person. Although I have helped more people than cow hairs in my previous life, it was just work to make ends meet. When I really entered the dungeon, for other players, I have been getting along with the attitude of "don't delay or make trouble, everyone can get along peacefully and act separately".

As for the "work" that the system calls, then don't worry too much. The system asks for him, and it is impossible to punish him for failing once, and he even has many privileges.

So he wanted to pass the customs, but he didn't have the idea that he had to pass the customs.

——But now, he suddenly wanted to become friends with these children, and asked who this "Yin Tiantu" was.

Then find him and "talk" to him, it's not right to do so.

Lin Ke squeezed the joints of his left hand with his right hand, made a "click" sound, and turned around slowly.

Lin Ke: "..."

He paused on the spot, his color changing slightly.

Just now, in the same room, while saying to him, "It is forbidden to be disheveled in the courtyard, but children like to play, so forget it", while tidying his collar, the man who scared him to the point of freezing , standing at the door.

The dean's face was calm, his eyes were dark, and he just stared at Lin Ke quietly for an unknown how long.

Lin Ke took half a step back with his left foot, but then remembered that in front of this handsome man, running away was useless.

People only need one rule to let you die.

Then the evil will be born on the side of the gall, after all, this person once rubbed against him like a milk dog, Lin Ke is going to live until the moment when he recovers his memory, and smiles at him so embarrassed that he bumps into tofu.

People, whether you want to eat hard or not, you have to try both to deal with it.

Lin Ke raised his eyelids: "What do you have to do?" The

man's eyes dropped to Lin Ke's sticky hands, and he frowned.

Just when Lin Ke thought he was about to say "dirty hands are not allowed in this hospital" in the next second, he spoke very politely. "Let's go."

"This place is going to collapse."

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