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For a moment, under the extreme fear, everyone thought a little nervously.

Apart from worrying that they would not be able to pass the level, or that they would be punished by the bishop, they were more or less shocked by Mr. Blind's actions, and they had some sincere expectations.

Under this anticipation, I saw the rose slowly opening its petals, exuding a quiet fragrance.

The witch's petal eyelashes trembled and drooped down.

Everyone stared at her breathlessly.

As time passed by, everyone felt that the fragrance of flowers became clearer and clearer, it was not overpowering at all, it was always pure and quiet.

Just hearing the sound of "click", the witch's chest contracted and beat again. This time, everyone's heart beat faster with her.

wake up.

Almost everyone thinks so.

wake up.

[Barrage: Wake up quickly! 】

【Barrage: Hurry up, everyone is waiting! ]

[Bullet screen: Don't worry, don't worry, you have to get used to it after a long time without a heart, she doesn't attack anymore, it should be fine! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ]

[Barrage:? ? ? Wait, everyone is watching the witch, where is the little brother watching! Caught by me! ]

Link stood in the center of the crowd. Although his face was facing the witch at the moment, his peripheral vision fell on the bishop beside him.

He was a little restless.

The condition of the bishop seemed to be getting worse, or in other words, the robe on his body had completely turned dark red.

And the fibrous root inserted into his ribs hurts no matter how you look at it, but the man doesn't seem to feel anything, his face is calm and unwavering, he doesn't even frown, only his gold-like eyes move , gently catching Lin Ke's gaze in a tense and silent atmosphere.

Lin Ke's eyelids twitched, and he hurriedly turned his gaze back.

Wait, why am I watching Bishop? Why did I want to see him just now?

Oh, that's right, I want to see if there is any abnormality in him, whether he will suddenly riot or be affected by the witch's emotions, and then infer whether there is any abnormality in the witch.

A bunch of questions flashed through Lin Ke's mind, and he frantically answered them by himself.

As long as the brain is thinking, embarrassing emotions can't get in.

[Bullet screen: Squinting.jpg, wait a minute, sister, although the angle of my little brother's eyeballs is less than ten degrees, I think I have also discovered a shocking secret. ]

[Bullet screen: It's not just the eyes, even the look is suspicious. ]

[Bullet screen: No way, it's already this time, why don't you hurry up and make clearance notes, what are you still thinking about? How can a level boss really have something to do with the player, be rational, lest you get glass shards when you pass the level. 】

In the barrage room, I was looking for clues while exchanging ideas for customs clearance, but I gradually became a little anxious in my emotions.

Because the witch is really too slow.

It seems that she hasn't been in contact with such a soft thing for too long, and she hasn't experienced the beating of her chest for too long. After more than two hours, the first gleam of light appeared in the sky. When she was so tense that she couldn't hold it any longer, she let out a soft sigh.

The sigh was long and long, instantly calming everyone's restless mood and nervous tension.

Then, "swish", a new, tender green flower stalk emerged from the hole in her chest, with young leaves hanging down.

The flower stem looks so fragile, like the thinnest capillary under the human skin, it shakes uncontrollably for a few times as soon as it touches the breeze, and then slowly pokes down.

This is the heart of a boss. In any previous copy or any scene, players can easily judge that this is the most vulnerable part of her body.

As long as it is broken, the boss may lose his fighting ability and even vitality, and he may pass the level and get precious props.

But at this moment, after experiencing the long and hopeless night and facing the first ray of dawn, the hearts of all those who stayed behind were clear.

No one wants to hurt her.

It was so strange, maybe because they were exhausted after a night of tension and fighting, or maybe it was because they also raised this unique rose with their own blood, making them feel like they were participants in this scene, while Not spoilers.

Of course, more thoughts are that they believe that as long as they wait, they can get a relatively perfect result.

After all, the bishop had already demonstrated to them that as long as he didn't hide any bad intentions, the rules were very lenient to them.

Since they can pass the customs in a more peaceful and safe way, why should they take risks?

Everyone thinks so.

Nobody wants to hurt a witch.

The rose in Mr. Blind's hand finally fully bloomed.

The branches of the heart vein continued to extend in the eyes of everyone, growing at an incredible speed, countless green leaves sprang out, and at the moment when the sun rose in the early morning, they finally tremblingly connected to the end of the rose stem.

The shock came from the deep ground under the feet. On the ground, the monster-like vines were summoned and slowly retracted. The fibrous roots connected to everyone's bodies also quietly retreated and retracted to the flower stems. The witch pulled out her fingers and claws that were supporting the crowd, straightened her body backwards, and moved away from everyone in a backward posture. Her heart veins curled up with roses in mid-air, floating and shrunk into her chest. Then, her whole body collapsed from her chest. That small hole seemed to have the power to contain everything, and countless dead branches, fallen leaves, and broken petals were sucked in and disappeared, and the witch's figure shrank rapidly as a result.

I send warmth to the boss in the horror world [Unlimited]Where stories live. Discover now