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    When two people walked together, neither the red rose nor the white rose tried to approach or stay away from them.

After only two steps, there was an eerie silence in my ears, only the sound of crushing ice and soil.

All sounds seemed to be frozen.

Hua Jinmian has a pair of innocent almond eyes, and she looks very focused when walking.

"Which dungeon have you entered?"

The little girl was startled, but Linke would strike up a conversation first. She paused and replied, "The seventh."

"Well," Linke walked up, "don't be afraid." Right?"

Hua Jinmian thought for a while, "I'm not afraid."

Lin Ke smiled.

Hua Jinmian just turned her head and saw Lin Ke's profile. The smile in the young man's eyes was real, just like the kind of smile a big brother would show when he heard his sister's ignorant answer.

She couldn't help being startled again, pursed her lips and stopped talking.

The two walked a few more steps in silence, and she quietly raised her head to look at Linke.

This time Chang Lin Ke walked intently, without squinting, and didn't notice her gaze.

Hua Jinmian's lips parted and closed again, and after a while, she finally couldn't help asking: "...What about you?"

The question was endless, and it took a long time, but Lin Ke answered immediately. "It's useless to be afraid," he teased, " The one who

should come will still come."

? 】

【Barrage: The little brother and the boss can chat at the speed of light, and it's not worth making a fuss about handling a mere human being. ]

[Bullet screen: ...Friendly reminder, what you said in the previous article shows that you are not human. But there is one thing to say, if you communicate politely with people with a genuine caring attitude, you will be successful most of the time. ]

[Bullet screen: You also need a charisma! 】

Sure enough, as the two asked and answered, Hua Jinmian seemed to be much more relaxed than before.

Lin Ke learned that she had been with Ji Hong and the others since she entered the world of the main god. The "brothers and sisters" took good care of her, especially Annan, who introduced every instance to her and protected her in almost every detail. And as long as she does what Annan said, she can pass the customs smoothly.

Time passed quickly as they talked, and the two walked out for about five or six hundred meters in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the figures of the other groups were completely invisible, and the small town behind them also disappeared, and there was an endless sea of ​​ice-blue roses in all directions.

And the trace left by the flower vine moved forward, and finally stopped at a place a hundred meters away.

The flower fields there were collapsed, forming a depression less than one meter in diameter, which looked like a mess from a distance.

Both stopped cautiously.

Except for the depression, there is no abnormality on all sides.

Only under the feet, part of the flower vines and roots are exposed and entangled, looking like they have experienced a fierce battle.

Still the same question.

Huateng wants to treat people as nourishment, and can bury them anywhere, why drag people here?

"It's here, isn't it?" Lin Ke looked around and kicked the flower vine before asking.

Hua Jinmian was a little stunned by the question, and said ambiguously: "Yes."

She really knew something.

Lin Ke guessed that Annan asked her to bring him here. As for what will happen next, this little girl may not really know—it is because she doesn't know that she can do it with peace of mind and maintain this easy-to-use People are fooled by their naivety.

To a certain extent, Annan is a good hand at employing people. Not only can he make good use of Hua Jinmian, but not long ago, he was able to force Ji Hong, who puts his own interests first, to rush forward to die with him.

Lin Ke smiled from the bottom of his heart, but unfortunately, this person is really clever but was misled by his cleverness. He was just guessing at first, but now he is almost certain that Annan is still alive.

Annan is still alive, which will lead to the inconsistency of the actual number of surviving red rose players and white rose players, which is contrary to the current survival conditions. Combined with today's experience, Lin Ke can basically infer the change mode of the death conditions.

But there is no time to think about these right now.

"Wait a minute, this place looks very dangerous," Link observed Hua Jinmian's reaction, "I'll go ahead and have a look."

He said, walking slowly forward on the path.

Hua Jinmian didn't follow, but just waited for him quietly.

The surroundings fell into silence again.

[Bullet screen: ... If it wasn't for the two of them talking, I would have thought I had muted myself. ]

[Bullet screen: Where is this place? It's too spooky. How can a person die here? This dungeon is too poisonous! 】

【Barrage: It may not be a dungeon poison, I guess the little brother is suspecting it is man-made. 】

【Barrage: I have to say, the little brother's mentality is really stable. He jumped directly from the F-level dungeon to the C-level, and a hundred people came in and killed him. There are only so few people left and he didn't panic. ]

[Barrage: But I'm panicking! The inexplicable third perspective has also entered the rose field! What the hell is that ghost? 】

The barrage was talking about the strange angle of view, when the ground suddenly trembled slightly.

Sensing the shock, Lin Ke held his breath and turned around suddenly.

Looking far away, there was no abnormality in the flower field, but in the distance, there was a slight "cracking" sound, as if a rose stem was crushed somewhere.

Lin Ke concentrated and listened attentively, but everything became quiet again, and even the wind stopped leisurely, as if the shock and sound just now were just his illusion.

Lin Ke: "..."

He took a deep breath.

He had reached five or six meters in front of the left side of the pit, stretched out his hand, and touched an air wall.

The heart sank slowly.

——He guessed right, the only special thing about the rose field is that it is the entrance of the instance, and this remote, seemingly featureless but bizarre place where the accident happened is the boundary of the instance.

Lin Ke squatted down, pretending to have discovered something and was observing, but in fact his eyes slowly swept across this invisible wall of air.

The other side of the air wall is also a boundless sea of ​​flowers. If you don't touch it, no one would have thought that there would be a dead end ahead, a natural trap.

Last night, Ji Hong failed to directly kill him in the pursuit battle, firstly because there are many obstacles in the town, and secondly because people can escape in all directions.

In other words, if the pursuit battle took place here, Lin Ke might not be able to escape smoothly.

For a moment, Lin Ke's heart was as clear as a mirror about what was about to happen.

There is a high probability that Annan will ambush him here.

I'm not afraid, anyway, there are always a few people who want to kill people, and most of them still want to steal his ring, it's better to let them come earlier and deal with it all at once. There is also that Jin Qingyue, all his previous actions and the inexplicable instructions just now have reasons and basis in an instant, and he has a good plan.

It seems that only after solving the internal problems of the players can we concentrate on solving the problem of Mr. Blind.

However, the terrain here... really doesn't have much room for development. He can only hope that everything will develop as he imagined.

After confirming the idea of ​​action, Lin Ke turned his head to look at the depression, and he was really curious-these people hid in the dark and didn't shoot, just to let themselves get into the pit, which was quite interesting.

What's in the pit, another trap?

Is this trap miraculously effective, or do they think they are stupid, knowing that it is a trap, they will easily fall into it?

"I think it's a bit strange here." Link thought for a moment and then got a measure. He stood up calmly and walked towards Hua Jinmian, "It turns out that we have reached the boundary of the dungeon."

Hua Jinmian also seemed a little surprised: "Huh? Oh "

"He asked you to bring me here, did you tell me what's in the pit?" Link asked.

【Barrage:? ? ? ? who? Who asked the little girl to bring the little brother over? ]

[Bullet screen: Damn it! no one! It must be Annan, I said that the perspective is weird, one is that Annan used some weird props to follow the little brother all the way! 】

【Barrage: Although, is it okay to ask Annan's subordinates directly like this? ]

[Bullet screen: Yes, this is a player, not an npc. 】

Hua Jinmian was also stunned.

Annan did ask her to take Link to this path.

He had assigned her many similar tasks, and she was responsible for bringing some players to the designated place, and then other partners eliminated them. Annan told her that this game world is a world of opposites, and only by constantly eliminating opponents can one obtain more powerful props and survive.

Hua Jinmian is convinced of this, because other players have always shown hostility towards her—just like the team leader Jin Qingyue who said "red roses and white roses can work together" but actually wanted to kill them , just like the three Red Rose players just now.

But right now, when Lin Ke asked her this question, she was not sure.

Because Lin Ke was very polite to her along the way, and even cared about her, but Lin Ke is a member of the Red Rose team, can this be said to him?

Will it destroy Annan's plan?

Hua Jinmian's expression was written all over his face, which was basically seen through by Lin Ke at a glance.

"Understood. You stay here, don't come over." Seeing that she was really embarrassed, Lin Ke interrupted her after he had already got the answer.

Lin Ke didn't expect Hua Jinmian to say anything, even if he could tell the answer, Annan might have lied to her early in the morning, so he couldn't believe it.

He just made a judgment based on Hua Jinmian's attitude - this White Rose player does not have the ability to actively hurt others, considering the dungeon mechanism, he can stay.

That's all.

Hua Jinmian was still at a loss, and said "Ah", but saw that Lin Ke had already walked towards the depression.

She wanted to remind Lin Ke for a moment, but she quickly stopped talking, holding the bracelet terminal of her left hand with her right hand, and looked back hastily, as if waiting for someone to come.

Her series of subtle reactions were all caught by Link.

As soon as Lin Ke turned around, his complexion sank, and his whole body tensed up instantly.

Judging from Hua Jinmian's reaction, Annan would definitely attack him personally, so the trap in the depression in front should only serve as a double insurance.

This shows that Annan is not sure about killing him directly, and at the same time, the trap in front cannot kill him.

In order to kill him, Annan hid for so many days to observe him, which shows that he is very cautious. If he does not fall into the trap, Annan will definitely not show up.

To completely solve this big problem, he must activate the trap.

try it!

Lin Ke closed his eyes, raised his hand and waved away the rose bushes in front of him.

A gust of wind blew across his face, Linke prepared for an oncoming attack, and slammed aside—but nothing happened.

He pursed his lips, took two steps forward cautiously, and looked down.

I saw a person lying on the ground.

The figure of this person looked very old, and his back was slightly thick, which made Lin Ke feel inexplicably familiar, but he couldn't tell who it was from the team.

He took a deep breath, squatted down and prepared to observe carefully, suddenly his eyes blurred.

The "corpse" turned over!

The old man's ravine face was suffused with blackness, he stretched out his hand with a grinning grin.

The moment Lin Ke saw that face clearly, his whole brain went blank.

He was so blank that he couldn't give any instructions, and watched helplessly as the hand strangled his neck tightly. The strength couldn't kill him, but it made him unable to move.

[Barrage: A-level hallucinatory mousetrap! What the hell! I knew it was a scam! 】

【Bullet screen: Little brother, wake up, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 】

【Bullet screen: It's impossible, it's hopeless...Look at his eyes...it must be someone very important to him, he can't do it, it's too poisonous, too poisonous. 】

【Bullet screen: This trick is obviously aimed at the little brother, and those dogs that his relatives don't recognize are replaced. 】

How is it possible?


Link couldn't believe it at first, but when he really saw the person in front of him clearly, he gasped and trembled, his eyes were scarlet.

Uncle Chen has been gone for many years, so he didn't recognize him very much, otherwise he would be able to recognize Uncle Chen just by looking at his back.

His hands subconsciously clung to the rough hands that strangled his neck.

He rarely touched Uncle Chen's hand, the only time he held it for a long time was the day Uncle Chen left.

Of course he knew in his heart that this was an illusion, but he really couldn't do it.

Not far away, there was a burst of "cracking" sounds of branches being crushed, and the ground began to tremble again.

The ominous and disturbing sound came faster and closer.

Annan is here.

Lin Ke knew it, but he didn't seem to notice it. He just stared blankly at the person in front of him, as if he wanted to watch for a while longer.

The old man in front of him was unconscious, still pinching his neck, just muttering something, just like how he complained about Lin Ke many years ago like a cat or a dog.

The humming in the ears became louder.

Link suddenly smiled.

In the next second, his eyes went dark, and his chest was in severe pain. Prickly rose vines sprouted from under him, across his left chest.

The young man's blood stained his shirt, making him hang high in the air like a fragile red rose.

【Barrage:! ! ! ! ]

[Barrage: Annan, go to hell! ! ! ! ]

[Main God System: Congratulations to the player Lin Ke, who has obtained the dungeon-limited item Blood Rose x1. Hearing that someone in Rose Town once again used witchcraft, and got a rose that grew on the soil of life and love. The witch who had been sleeping for many years opened her eyes. She thought that such roses could no longer grow in this land, but now she feels The power of the rose, she awoke with pain. Her surging emotions cannot be restrained, and she will use her beautiful singing to express her state of mind at night. Players please pay attention to avoid the witches who walk in the night at night. ]

[Main God System: The bishop who also heard the news was furious, and vowed to eliminate all evil during the day, players please pay attention to avoid the angry bishop during the day. 】

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