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  [Barrage: Ahahaha congratulations to Annan for overturning! 】

【Barrage: Congratulations on overturning +10000! ! ]

[Barrage: Why is it so easy to subdue Annan! ]

[Bullet screen: Of course it's because the little brother and Jin Shen "coincidentally" have a good understanding~]

[Bullet screen: It's not simple at all. Annan has always been very vigilant. He was only a few tenths of a second slower. Just now, if the hand was a little faster, it is unknown who died now. ]

[Bullet screen: Correct answer! I was terrified when I saw it, and the master fought for an instant. ]

The timing just now was really ingenious.

According to Annan's level of caution, it would have been impossible to get caught so easily, but it happened that Lin Ke suddenly let go, and the witch's complete transformation not far away caused an abnormal celestial phenomenon, and his vigilance was also slightly relaxed due to the increase in the time of appearance. , Only then did he not react immediately after stepping into the radiation circle of the prop accurately, which gave Linke a chance to catch him.

The S-level imprisoning props are extremely powerful. They can not only fix the player in place, but also predict the player's next move to a certain extent and obstruct and effectively prevent it. Therefore, the rarity is also extremely high, and even Jin Qingyue only one piece.

At this time, he was maneuvering the wheelchair slowly from the side.

Annan looked at Lin Ke, and then at Jin Qingyue who suddenly appeared, his eyes turned, his embarrassed and embarrassed expression instantly became clear, and he put on a smile that knew everything: "Ah, God Jin, what, why? Is it really deliberate to kill me?"

It is obvious that as soon as Lin Ke and others leave, he will be buried by Huatian immediately, but there is no trace of panic and tension on his face.

It is rare to have such a stable mentality.

"I see, you are doing this just to get revenge, but why are you targeting me like this?" Annan even deliberately provoked, "If you think about it carefully, are you venting your anger? This is the way this world is, useful people Stay, useless people are eliminated, and you can survive by clearing the level. If you want to vent your anger, you should also vent your anger on the Lord God and the mechanism. What's the use of targeting me?"

Jin Qingyue didn't even give Annan a look. He just came to Lin Ke, turned his palms over, handed him a roll of bandages, and asked, "Are you okay?

" In general, he shook himself away in twos and threes, rolled a few volumes around Lin Ke, and wrapped him into a half mummy.

The pain all over Lin Ke's body suddenly eased, and his whole body felt much more relaxed.

He breathed out lightly, and glanced at Jin Qingyue: "Thank you."

Xu was not completely relieved when he heard the "Thank you", Jin Qingyue paused slightly: "That's good. We Let's go."

The whole process ignored Annan.

[Barrage: The scene was too harmonious, completely ignoring Annan. 】

【Barrage: I'm so mad, so is this over? What about the war of the century that I am looking forward to? 】

【Barrage: Wake up, players are forbidden to fight on the face of the dungeon, you can't see it. Unless someone becomes a ghost like Ji Hong. 】

Annan finally had a glimmer of anger on his face. It was unexpected that he would fall into the hands of Lin Ke and Jin Qingyue. Now he is still being despised like this, he can hardly suppress the anger in his heart.

He also didn't understand what kind of evil Yin Li had fallen into. He clearly possessed the most powerful props in the Lord God's world, but he still stared at Linke's broken ring.

There is also this ignorant Lin Ke, who has managed to suppress the anger in his heart and gave him enough face, but he still doesn't know how to appreciate it.

Annan became more and more ruthless, and vowed that after taking Link down, he would make him look good.

Thinking of this in his heart, Annan restrained his expression, and said to Lin Ke in a very calm tone: "Lin Ke, have you thought about it? He is just a lunatic who can do anything for revenge, except Hiding in the dark to make a profit, and you don't have any real strength, are you sure you want to go with him?"

[Bullet screen: ... the show is played in seconds, is this dungeon destined to produce such teasing and teasing? ]

[Bullet screen: It fits the occasion, hahaha. 】

[Barrage: Mom is so weird, why does this person always talk to himself? 】

【Barrage: The previous article, are you the number one yin and yang strange energy hahahaha. 】

【Barrage: Shhh, little brother is back. ]

But Lin Ke turned his head and raised his eyebrows at Annan.

Annan: "?"

Lin Ke looked him up and down, until he felt a little nervous, Annan couldn't help but said coldly: "What?"

Lin Ke lowered his raised eyebrows.

After a while, he said leisurely: "Your attitude of begging for help is very strange. I didn't go with anyone, I just didn't want to stay here to save your life. It might be more convincing if you persuade me when you are active. ? But there is a high probability that I will not cooperate with the person who almost killed me."

These few words are pure nonsense, and they sound a bit like useless sarcasm, but for some reason, Annan's face suddenly darkened, as if these few words It was the last straw that crushed him.

For him, Linke's words really stuck the needle in his eyes, even if Linke jumped up and slapped him, he wouldn't feel ashamed as he is now.

"Remember what you said today." His voice was cold, he no longer concealed malice, and no longer tried to provoke the relationship between Jin Qingyue and Lin Ke, because they seemed to have nothing to do with each other.

By now, Annan has figured it out. Today, he was simply put together by Lin Ke. Lin Ke didn't want to cooperate with him at all, and Jin Qingyue would suddenly help, but Lin Ke himself was not sure. of.

"We'll have a good 'talk' next time we meet."

Hearing this provocation, Lin Ke turned around and left without looking back.

On the other hand, Jin Qingyue followed Lin Ke in a wheelchair, turned his head and glanced at Annan. Both of them knew the meaning of that look.

Annan smiled back at him, and said to him silently: "Wait."

Jin Qingyue couldn't see whether he was satisfied, nodded, turned and left.

Without carnival, and without Annan's hysterical shouts, this victory seemed too silent and too unreal.

This caused Lin Ke to turn around and ask Jin Qingyue after walking dozens of steps and out of Annan's line of sight: "You have been following me?"

Jin Qingyue was taken aback by the question.

Then he showed a very gentle and very apologetic smile, and slightly raised his hand to signal: "It's not just me, they are all waiting for you." Link turned his head,

only to see a little girl with a flushed face running out. It's Yu Sheng.

Seeing Lin Ke, Yu Sheng asked Jin Qingyue: "Can you open the coffin?"


Without waiting for Lin Ke to ask, he saw Yu Sheng running back again, "creaking" and pushing out a large vertical coffin, and someone inside the coffin was knocking on the door.

There was also a dull voice of "little brother? Is it little brother" from inside.

Lin Ke: "..."

Which song is this sung?

Seeing the coffin board vibrating, it seemed that it could not be held down any longer. Lin Ke frowned and took half a step back slowly.

Hearing a "boom", the coffin board suddenly fell forward, shards of ice and dust rushed towards his face, Lin Ke raised his hand and waved out a disheveled Yang Yue.

The little girl with two ponytails was very excited, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Lin Ke was allergic to familiarity, so he took a step back and held her arm with one hand: "Wait, what should I say."

Yang Yue said excitedly, "It's all God Jin's plan! Now Annan is dead!"

Lin Ke Startled, then reacted immediately.

Yang Yue is also a White Rose player.

When Jin Qingyue first formed a team, he only brought Yu Sheng and Yang Yue with him. Now it seems that he used this coffin to hide Yang Yue's player identity. When he came, he asked Yang Yue and himself to form a red and white team. Team, exclude Annan, trigger Annan must die condition.

It can be regarded as a very careful plan.

Sure enough, not long after Yang Yue appeared, there was the sound of rose vines breaking through the ground not far away, followed by the sound of objects being torn apart. Presumably, they had found new nourishment. Annan was indeed different from ordinary people in this respect. , There was no scream at all.

And farther away, the witch was well nourished and satiated sobbing.

"I originally wanted to take Yang Yue directly to rescue you," Jin Qingyue listened for a moment, and then said apologetically, "But I didn't expect you to run so far." "I didn't expect that I would run so far

... "

This is also true. No one would have imagined that some players would plan to fight back under Annan's absolute suppression, but this shows...

Lin Ke is a little bit dumbfounded: "Are you using me as a bait?"

[Barrage : I figured it out, the little brother is the type to ask directly hahaha I want to know this question too! ]

[Bullet screen: Well, at first Jin Shen was not obliged to save him, even if he was used as a bait, Jin Shen really saved the little brother many times. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? Where is the confidence, Brother Lin must have thought of a countermeasure long ago! I even suspect that Jin Shen's appearance is also accounted for by Brother Lin. 】

Having been with Lin Ke for so long, Jin Qingyue naturally knows how smart he is, and he does not deny it immediately: "No matter where you are, Annan will try to hurt you. You can stay outside the copy forever, and if he doesn't show up, the danger will always exist. I'm sorry I didn't save you in time."

"I can probably guess your plan," Linke paused on the erratic knot of the bandage with his fingertips, "With you or without you, they will come to trouble me, and they are the ones who want to kill me. Nothing, that's clear to me. You did try to protect me, and I appreciate that. But I also know that since they want the ring on my finger, you're using me like bait, which I I don't like it." "You might as well tell your real purpose, and I will give you a clear answer now, whether I am willing to cooperate with you, as for protection... Maybe your former friend needs your protection, but I don't."

  [ Barrage: Brother Wuwu is still gentle, polite and well-founded. ] 

[Barrage: Are you gentle? This is too rigid, it's the first time I heard someone say that Jin Shen doesn't need protection. ]

[Bullet screen: One thing to say, one thing to say, if it's Brother Lin, it's really not necessary. ] 

[Bullet screen: Yes, Jin Shen needs props to pass the level, and the little brother kills with bare hands and no props. ] 

[Bullet screen: No, he has props...]

  Jin Qingyue stared at Lin Ke, and suddenly smiled softly: "Okay. Then I'll tell you." Link looked back with folded arms. 

"Not only do I need you, but you also need me," Jin Qingyue said, "You are being targeted by a very dangerous person. So far, that person has never met a real opponent in the world of the main gods, and no one has ever met a real opponent. I have defeated him, and more importantly, he has not entered the instance for a long time." "It just so happens that that person is my enemy, as long as I follow you, I can catch him. I have no malice towards you, you can put As an irrelevant person, I just need to remember that no matter what dangers arise, I will not let you be eliminated." Jin Qingyue promised.

  "Oh," Lin Ke understood, "it's not far from what I guessed. Next, he will find me in the dungeon, right? Who?" " His name is Yin Li," Jin Qingyue paused, "You may know Him." "I don't know him." Link ruthlessly denied.

What miles and kilometers, and he has never entered a copy, how could he know it?

But in the next second, he suddenly realized something, and slowly looked at Jin Qingyue: "... Which one?"

"The inside and outside." Jin Qingyue said.

Lin Ke: "..."

Li, field, soil. It turned out to be that Yin Tiantu!

Lin Ke's face distorted for a moment, and he understood Jin Qingyue a little bit in his heart. It's not surprising that he was tossed into such a vengeful man by that pervert.

The next second he said: "Understood, I wanted to meet him a long time ago."

Jin Qingyue relaxed for a moment, and was about to speak, but was interrupted by Lin Ke. "However," Link said, "it's still the same sentence. I don't need your protection. I can hit ten of this kind of


? ]

[Bullet screen: I'm both scared and excited now, does this count as a flag! 】

【Barrage: This, is it true that you just drifted away without winning a few games? Even if Yin Li is too much, it's not the reason for you to be a newcomer, right? Born a son of justice? Before speaking, let's understand the strength of the opponent? 】

【Barrage: No way, no way, are there still people like the former article who have a bad view alive? 】

Jin Qingyue's complexion changed slightly, and just as he was about to speak, the ground trembled violently again.

This time the tremor was far stronger than the previous two times, the soil almost cracked open, countless vines with the thickness of adult men's thighs rolled out, forming hills and hills.

Yang Yue was almost stabbed standing there, she suddenly jumped away, subconsciously complaining wildly. However, when she saw the figure in the mist clearly, all the complaints turned into one sentence: "My mother..."

I saw the hazy figure of the tall woman, turning around slowly, and walking towards the town step by step. advance.

The witch is back too.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-06-24 00:17:29~2021-06-25 00:53:34~ Thanks for the

irrigation nutrient solution Little Angel: Dace 30 bottles; Lyle 20 bottles;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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