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    Link just asked casually, but unexpectedly the bishop reacted violently. He glanced at Link with his dark eyes, then turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait a minute, I'm a guest, I want to go in and have a look." Lin Ke noticed the clue and called the bishop.

The bishop paused.

The tall man turned around and said in a stiff tone, "Please."

It seemed that he was determined not to enter this hut, but for some reason, he couldn't stop Lin Ke from entering.

Perhaps it was because of the fright that Fen/body had brought to Linke too much, and against the backdrop of this scene looking extremely well-behaved, Linke was in a rare joyful mood seeing the bishop slumped.

He dragged his voice lazily: "Then please wait for me, thank you." The

bishop froze in place, then turned his eyes away from Linke.

[Barrage: Wait a minute, where is my domineering bishop brother? Who is this little cutie? ]

[Bullet screen: As long as you don't look into his eyes, he's still pretty cute...]

Indeed, the bishop's eyes always carry a certain kind of irrepressible malice, and as the time for Linke to disappear in front of him grows, it becomes Even more terrifying.

After about fifteen minutes, the last trace of reason disappeared from his pupils.

He first walked to the door quietly, staring at the door, as if he was going to burn through the wooden door.

[Bullet screen: This look really scares me, the little brother won't be eaten by him when he comes out, right? 】

【Barrage: Haven't you noticed the most frightening point? 】

【Barrage: The little brother has already entered the door, and we can still see the bishop. Whose perspective are we in? ? ]


Lin Ke, who entered the brick house cautiously, knew nothing about the bishop's impatience.

He is still in the joy of successfully communicating with his primary client and guiding him to wait.

In the last dungeon, the dean would arrest him into the small dark room whenever he had emotional problems, but in this dungeon, the bishop obviously had a certain dependence on him, and tried to stabilize his mood by getting close to him from the beginning.

This is not allowed!

As Lin Ke said to the main god system before, he can't just act as an emotional outlet for the client. He will gradually use this dependence as an entry point to guide the client to increase the waiting time for the calm down time, teach the other party to restrain their emotions, and first Treat the symptoms, wait until you can communicate smoothly, and then treat the root cause.

Linke was very satisfied with his plan, took back his thoughts, and began to seriously explore the housing of the clients this time.

This hut has only two floors. The first floor is the kitchen, dining room, reception room and stairs. It is full of dust, and there is a strange smell in the air, whether it is fragrant or not.

Obviously it looks like no one lives there, but Lin Ke found some strange things.

The first is the straw woven flower basket on the dining table, which is covered with dirty pink check cloth, and various dried fruits are placed on the check cloth. The blame lies in the state of the fruits. Although they are dark in color and have sunken skins, compared with the whole room, they are extremely fresh.

Does anyone still come to change the fruit regularly?

There is also less dust on the tables and chairs in the reception room than in other places, and there are even some scraps of paper on the table, perhaps the former owner of the house wrote a letter here.

In terms of details alone, the level of detail of this C-level dungeon is obviously far superior to that of the orphanage. Although it creates a more realistic atmosphere, it also makes it more difficult to find accurate clues.

Lin Ke roughly remembered a few key points, turned around and went upstairs.

[Bullet screen: Damn, this room looks so weird, with broken letters, half-new apples, and the stairs still ringing like this, wouldn't you open the door to hell? ]

[Bullet screen: No, that's the way to die for a low-level book

. 】

There are no windows on the second floor.

No, the windows are covered?

When Lin Ke stepped onto the last step, the surroundings were so quiet that only his own "thumping" and "thumping" heartbeat remained.

Even though it was still daytime outside, the corridor was dark, and dense shadows clinged to the walls, making it look uneven.

The vague smell downstairs just now gradually became stronger, as if it came from the room at the end.

People are particularly prone to nervousness in this kind of darkness. For a moment, Linke thought of the night he experienced in the orphanage. Standing here, he subconsciously clicked on the terminal to confirm that Xiaoyu's promise was still in effect. He didn't pay attention before, but this time, he saw nearly ten million onlookers, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

It is surprising that the number of onlookers is too high, but this cold and shining number gave Linke a feeling of "not alone".

He raised his eyes and glanced at the front that he couldn't see clearly, then raised his feet and walked inside.

——When I stepped on the first step, I immediately felt that something was wrong.

The soles of the feet are soft, not like bricks and wood, but like soft leather, not even smooth skin, as if there are countless scars and raised flesh and blood on it.

Lin Ke endured the discomfort in his heart, and strode forward. The more he walked, the more strange the feeling became, and the complete silence seemed to pull him into another world.

[Bullet screen: This room... used to be like this? ]

[Bullet screen: This player, please take it as a brand new copy...]

[Bullet screen: I understand, I understand, I'm sorry I'm not in the fight, it's just this scene that makes me so nervous woo woo woo I beg for comfort. ]

[Bullet screen: touch. 】

The barrage can also relieve tension by asking for comfort and chatting more, but Lin Ke is getting more and more suffocated.

The most primitive fear of human beings comes from the unknown. When he entered the last room and found that the ground inside was softer and thicker, the walls were more uneven, and the strange smell was more pungent, he finally couldn't help it. .

If you don't explode in silence, you die in silence. I'll tell you what the hell you are!

Link switched Rose to his right hand, and his left hand touched the wall like lightning.

With the slight pain in the root of the left finger, something soft fell down from the wall and stuck to Linke's palm.

Lin Ke: "!!!"

He shook his hand subconsciously, and did not shake it off a few times. When he was feeling cold all over, he heard a "pop" in the darkness, and an oil lamp lit up from the center of the room. Next, Lin Ke saw the whole picture of the room clearly, and couldn't help being stunned. He held his breath.

A dark red.

Lin Ke had never seen so many delicate rose petals. They are pasted on the ground, on the wall, on the roof, on the small wooden round table in the center, on the bed... Layer upon layer, various types, thick and thin, stacking layers of fresh and tender thin red into a gloomy It was so dark red that it made people dizzy, and the tip of their noses could even smell a fake bloody smell.

The oil lamp stood on the round table, surrounded by roses, like a small tomb.

Just standing here makes people feel oppressed and hopeless.

Suddenly, Linke walked towards the small round table step by step as if he had been guided by something.

He stood still in front of the round table, lowered his head and couldn't see his eyebrows clearly, and stretched out his hand to sweep away the petals on the table little by little.

Under Lin Ke's movements, the petals "swished" to the ground, and then annihilated, as if they only had a short life.

[Bullet screen: I'm convinced, this room is very spiritually contagious at first glance, you can't resist it if you don't open the pure heart props above B level? 】

【Barrage: Little brother really shouldn't have come in alone. 】

[Barrage: So what are you looking forward to? Looking forward to a person who perfectly clears the F-level book and beats the A-level book? It's not that they look down on him, it's that they really don't have a foundation in props. Annan and the others all came in with S-level pure heart props. Even if he teamed up with Jin Shen, Jin Shen can only use passives for him. 】

Cannot be taken to run.


Lin Ke clenched his teeth, and his jaw stretched into a sharp arc.

The moment he realized that he couldn't control his behavior, he chose to stretch out his left hand. The ring shone with silver light, and the petals shuddered and avoided falling, without causing any harm to him.

Suddenly, Lin Ke felt a pain in his fingertips, he subconsciously withdrew his hand, but suddenly opened his eyes wide.

——In the sea of ​​red in front of my eyes, there was a touch of paleness.

It was a huge rose covered with sharp thorns, half bright red and half white.


Outside the brick-red hut.

The Archbishop looked up slowly.

As if he finally realized that Link would not appear because of his waiting, the Bishop's face was extremely pale. He turned around, facing the shining sun, and raised his palms flat——then his whole body radiated a holy white light.

For a moment, the whole town seemed to tremble.

The electronic sound of the main god system suddenly sounded.

[The main god system: the bishop formulated the first town rule that must not be violated. As townspeople who yearn for light and avoid darkness, they are not allowed to trespass into other people's houses without permission. ]

[Barrage:? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

[Bullet screen: Damn it! ! ! ! ]

[Bullet screen: Little brother! ! ]

Just when the bullet screen was so panicked that it almost swiped the screen, only the sound of a broken window sounded, and Linke jumped out from the window on the second floor.

He was so agile, a pile of bright red petals chased him out behind him, falling like a red rain.

The bishop suddenly looked up when he heard the sound, and saw a young man with disheveled hair and disheveled clothes holding a cold rose he had made himself, and it rained down from the sky.

[The barrage little brother is extremely skilled! ! Someone in Annan's team next door just killed a townsman and was about to enter the house, but he disappeared. Now there are only 22 people left in White Rose. ]

[Barrage:? ? It's poisonous, why kill the townspeople! 】

【Barrage: It seems that Ji Hong likes that house and wants to live in it. Aren't they always like this? Anyway, the whole world is theirs, so killing and grabbing what they want is not a routine operation? This can be regarded as stepping on the pit. 】

【Barrage: Pfft, does this count as laying a gun? 】

Lin Kefei was flying in mid-air, his mentality also exploded.

It turns out that the way to overcome mind control is to conquer it with another extreme fear!

Just now, after the huge mutated rose absorbed the blood droplet from his fingertips, it emitted a sweet fragrance, and then the petals of the red roses in the whole room came to him like crazy.

Lin Ke was unavoidable at first, but thanks to the timely electronic sound from the system.

When he heard the words "the bishop enacted the first rule", he almost subconsciously felt chills all over his body. The extreme fear made him completely ignore the surrounding environment and get out of control for a certain moment.

Realizing this, Lin Ke made a decisive decision and immediately smashed the window with his hand.

But now he is escaping, so he won't kill people directly, right?

Lin Ke thought sadly as he landed.

Just as he was thinking, his wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone, and then his whole body sank in the other's strong embrace.

Lin Ke: "?"

In the center of the picture, the bishop in white is able to catch the flying young man, his shoulders, cuffs, fine clothes and teaching crown are covered with dazzling bright red roses.

The moment of sudden awakening was accompanied by self-blame for almost killing the other party.

The bishop's body was trembling, and his hands were exerting more force. Lin Ke only felt that he was about to be crushed. He opened his eyes, and met those same bright red eyes.

The bishop's voice was full of malice and pain at the same time: "... Link." Linke's

eyes widened instantly.

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