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Zhou Zhao's expression instantly became terrified, and Lin Ke's back turned cold when he saw it.

He was about to open his mouth when Zhou Zhao pulled out a rectangular kitchen knife as long as his forearm from the bracelet or the void, raised the knife and cut off the arm wearing the gold chain, letting it roll It fell and hit another body.

Lin Ke's pupils shrank slightly, he pursed his lips and took a step back.

His movement was extremely correct. In the next second, Zhou Zhao raised his foot and kicked that arm like crazy, dancing wildly with a knife in his hand. After a long while, he turned around panting heavily, eyes crimson.

"Sorry... Did I scare you?" Zhou Zhao's voice was hoarse.

Lin Ke carefully stared into his eyes, raised his eyebrows, and glanced behind him: "It's okay, what's the big hatred?"

Zhou Zhao sneered, and the expression on his face became dark and gloomy.

When a person's hatred memory is aroused in an instant, he will not be able to control his expression and behavior. His appearance reminded Lin Ke that when he first entered the dungeon, Zhou Zhao chose to stand behind the chewing gum youth and kill one side—this was completely inconsistent with Zhou Zhao's behavior afterward. There are some clues at the beginning.

Zhou Zhao didn't answer. He stretched out his toes to hook the broken arm, and said to Lin Ke, "This gold chain is an A-level item obtained in the temple dungeon. It has corrosive attack power and is quite useful. You can take it.

" Screen: Huh? Should A-level attack props also be modest? What kind of beautiful brotherhood is this? ]

[Bullet screen: ... The point is that the little brother didn't want it? Why? 】

【Barrage: But there are so many corpses here, how many props do you need? 】

【Barrage: Calm down, the little brother must think there is a problem. 】

But seeing the middle-aged and middle-aged man on the screen not only did not look happy, but took a step back, looking down at the arm: "Forget it, don't get so close to them, it's dangerous."

Lin Ke didn't take the bracelet, and let Zhou Zhao regain some sanity: "...This bracelet originally belonged to me, and he snatched my props."

Judging from the gnashing of teeth in his tone, it must be more than simply "stealing". The guest did not comment, but only looked at Zhou Zhao calmly: "Okay, he is dead now."

Zhou Zhao was silent for a moment, and in the strange "rustling" sound from downstairs, he closed his eyes and bit his teeth to death Tight, as if trying to overcome something, but still want to tell the clue: "No, he didn't die. He killed me in the last game and passed the customs smoothly. He didn't enter this orphanage copy, so it's impossible to die in the orphanage now. Here." The

implication is that it is impossible for a person who was alive in the previous game to cross into this dungeon and become a dead person. What he cut off just now was just an illusion.

"So that's it," Linke's eyes fell on the broken arm, "Do you want to take it and chop it up?"

[Bullet screen: Damn it! Little brother is so fierce? Can't afford to offend...]

[Barrage: The little brother is just stimulating the friendship of the team. His teammates are almost lost in hatred. Downstairs is the dean. How can you live if you don't cheer up? 】

【Barrage: Hahahaha the straight man woke up hahahaha. 】

Sure enough, under Lin Ke's radical death speech, Zhou Zhaomen was infected with goose bumps all over his body, and looked at Link in horror.

Lin Ke raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "How? Is it enough to relieve your anger?"

If Lin Ke didn't say that, Zhou Zhao might really do some disgusting things when he was extremely angry, but when Lin Ke said that, he suddenly felt that it was a big deal No, this is not a real person, not to mention there is a third person watching, he can't be such a pervert!

Zhou Zhao raised his hand to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead: "I'll move them away, let's go down."

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, Linke was not in a hurry to go downstairs, he took a few steps back, and walked to a side window.

What Zhou Zhao said just now reminded him that these people are players, not NPCs or bosses, so his ring has no effect on them.

And since these players didn't die in the dungeon, it was only the imaginary world of the children, and it only appeared at night.

At night... They slept for a few hours just now, and it should be past nine o'clock by now. That is, the children are already asleep.

There is also a fragment of the orphanage gate missing.

It's a dream.

Lin Ke grabbed the window sill with both hands. Outside the window, the dark open space in front of the courtyard was densely packed with people.

Crowds poured in from the border of the dungeon. They twisted and stumbled, and they marched towards the open gate of the orphanage like a group of zombies attacking the city. Just looking at the number was enough to make one's scalp tingle.

Lin Ke squinted his eyes and scanned the crowd, and he saw a figure holding a long knife. When he approached, he saw that the clothes were the young people who were chewing gum during the day, but their faces were blurred. When you look outside, you can't look carefully.

It turned out that the children saw them draw their swords at that time...

Link took a deep breath: "I know what these are, they are all players who have entered this instance for hundreds of years, they don't really exist, they just As soon as children dream, the things in their dreams will be projected into the imaginary world before we can see them."

No matter how optimistic the day is, at night, they still cannot escape the nightmare.

[Bullet screen: That's it. No wonder the dormitory arranged for the players is so strange. It overlaps with the children's dormitory in the real world. It should be that the dean will protect the children's dormitory... It's rare to be a human in an F-level dungeon. Put it in a safe house. ]

[Bullet screen: So these props exist in dreams, even if you hold them in your hand, they will be useless in the daytime? Sure enough, there is no such thing as a big cake from the sky. 】

Zhou Zhao nodded sullenly: "I guessed it too, it should be like this."

He has completely calmed down, feeling ashamed of his gaffe just now, and at the same time thinking of the dean's "night watch" behavior last night, he boldly reasoned: "The remaining two-twelfths of the task, could it be that we help you?" The dean drives the players out, and then closes the gate of the orphanage? As long as you do this, the orphanage will be completely safe, and the dean can leave with peace of mind."

[Bullet screen: Hey, this reasoning works! The straight male uncle feels like a small cosmic explosion. ]

[Bullet screen: Nine out of ten times it is the correct answer, but the workload is too much, right? Can so many "zombies" be done in one night? This copy is really full of pits. 】

【Barrage: The truth is revealed, it must be endless! 】

The cold and beautiful moonlight is reflected from the window, making the young man's face as white as porcelain and indifferent. Lin Ke's dark pupils reflected a group of crazy and irritable figures. Even though this is just a dream, and the images of the players are demonized, this is precisely the most real appearance of the players in the eyes of the children.

To put it bluntly, if you can appear in this world of the main gods, you have already died, and you will not change your nature after death. Human beings never forget to "conquer" wherever they go.

This kind of concrete greed is too shocking.

"Try it." Link looked back, turned around and said.

He has already thought of what Zhou Zhao said, and there is no logical problem, especially the jigsaw puzzle that is still in the activity room, which happens to lack the fragments of the orphanage gate, which can correspond to "close the orphanage gate".

It just doesn't feel like the final answer.

[Barrage: The little brother said "try", he must have found that the customs clearance conditions are too harsh, and he can't finish it in one night. ]

[Bullet screen: But today is the last night...]

[Bullet screen: Ahhh, the camera zooms in, these players look too much like zombies, and I feel a chill. 】

【Barrage: You might as well think about whether you are one of the zombies...】

Zhou Zhao really didn't have any props left. The kitchen knife just now was hidden by him to save his life. Lin Ke searched around on the third floor, and because the copy of the orphanage was very simple, he didn't arrange any detailed props, so he had to find it from the sundries. I found a broom in the room and brought it out.

After such an uproar, Zhou Zhao was no longer a back-row soldier, and the two went hand in hand and sang together, "untying" the wall of people without much effort.

From the stairs on the third floor to the corridor entrance on the second floor, Lin Ke put his index finger in front of his lips, signaling Zhou Zhao to keep quiet, while he quietly poked his head out towards the corridor.

Facing a pair of dark eyes.

Lin Ke: "..."

Dean: "..." The

dean seems to have no emotion, very indifferent. He was holding a shriveled corpse in his hand. The flesh of the corpse was almost completely corroded, half-broken and glued to the bone, looking like a dried fish.

He only glanced at Lin Ke, then turned his head, and dragged the corpse downstairs with a rustle.

Lin Ke and Zhou Zhao looked at each other, Zhou Zhao swallowed a mouthful, nodded heavily, and the two followed lightly.

I saw the door on the first floor was open, and the "players" who rushed in were facing the dean who was leaving indifferently. Before they could get close to the snow-white coat in the dark, they immediately uttered screams and ran into each other while stepping back. Companions, soon entangled and piled up, losing the ability to move.

It was densely packed, and blocked the door of the orphanage again.

But they obviously couldn't stop the dean's footsteps. The tall man kept walking forward, as if every step forward, his body became more massive, and a wall of flesh collapsed under the impact.

In the chaos, the dean also grabbed a body with his left hand and stepped out.

In this scenario, what the dean wants to do is already clear at a glance.

"Start work!" Lin Ke and Zhou Zhao didn't care about the disgust, immediately started, dragged the player who had softened into mud by the door, and strode after the dean.

One trip, another trip.

They first dragged out all the players who were blocking the entrance on the first floor, and then returned to the third floor. Lin Ke opened the window, threw the players piled up in the corridor down, and kicked the players in the corridors on the second and third floors back to the second floor , and then threw it from the window on the second floor.

In less than three or five times, both Lin Ke and Zhou Zhao were sweating profusely, their arms were sore and their bodies were stiff.

Only the tall figure of the dean continued to come and go tirelessly. At this time, he didn't look like a boss at all, but looked like a mechanical npc.

On the seventh trip, Lin Ke stood on the third floor and looked down.

Because of the dean's suppression, fewer and fewer players were pouring into the orphanage area, and the speed of turning into immobile corpses became faster and faster. Fortunately, the open space in front of the orphanage is not large, and there are only the last batch of player corpses piled up outside the door.

The sky has been faintly white.

The sun is about to rise.

"The last trip, if you work harder, it will definitely work." Panting, Zhou Zhao threw a player who had escaped to the third floor from the window.

——Only heard a heavy blunt sound coming from the bottom of the building. So far, there are no more terrifying players in the entire orphanage.

The two returned to the gate of the orphanage again. The moment they stepped out of the gate, there was only a "creak" sound, and the dilapidated door slowly closed, and then it was locked with a "click".

In front of him, the dean who was throwing the last half of his body out of the boundary of the dungeon seemed to sense something, turned around, and looked at the two from a distance.

The sky was getting brighter and brighter, but the dean's eyes were still as dark as night.

He looked at the two quietly, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he turned and walked towards the boundary of the copy.

For some reason, Lin Ke's heart sank suddenly.

Zhou Zhao next to him didn't notice it, but heaved a sigh of relief: "Finally—"

His words were cut off by his own surprise: "——what are you doing?"

At the moment when the dean was about to cross the boundary of the dungeon, Lin Ke rushed up and grabbed him.

The dean's dark pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared at Lin Ke gloomyly. At this time, the golden clouds broke through the sky, and the first ray of sunlight cut into the copy, and the entire orphanage building was washed like new at the moment of being illuminated.

Lin Ke's bold and ignorant behavior made Zhou Zhao full of cold sweat. He stared at the dean closely, for fear that he would end up with Lin Ke if he raised his hand.

Slowly, I saw that the sun seemed to be shining into the dean's eyes, reflecting a little golden light under the boundless dark abyss.

Because Lin Ke ran too fast suddenly, and because he acted subconsciously and didn't think about the consequences, he would pant slightly and his left hand trembled slightly.

Just when he was about to let go, Leng Buding's little finger was gently pinched.

The dean's calloused thumb lightly stroked his phalanx.

[Jin Qingyue: I escaped a catastrophe. 】

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or the irrigation nutrient solution during 2021-05-29 19:31:01~2021-05-30 20:58:50~

Thank you for the irrigation nutrient solution My little angel: 20 bottles of Mengmingkong; 2 bottles of mona; 1 bottle of Qingshan Yinyin;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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