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Lin Ke's thoughts were completely confused for a moment. He felt that this world was too unreal, and at the same time felt that this world was too real.

The fantasy lies in the fact that he was personally tricked into the Civil Affairs Bureau by his former friends. The truth is that such a down-to-earth building can appear in the world of the main god.

This world is indeed as Lu Zhou said, made up of everyone's wishes, full of real fun.

Rather than saying that this dungeon is called "God's Wish", it is better to say that this place is a house where wishes come true.

Lin Ke turned around stiffly, and was about to leave with big strides.

Behind him, Zhou Zhao, who just got a huge amount of points, hurried up and said, "Hey, why don't you come in and take a look? Aren't you two going to get married?"

Unable to communicate with him, Lin Ke just said, "That's not the case... "

Even if it is knotted, it is not so knotted! You really come to the Civil Affairs Bureau!

Glancing at the glowing red roof from the corner of his eye, Lin Ke felt suffocated again, and hurried back, leaving Zhou Zhao behind, Erzhang King Kong confused.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did, and he thought he was the most suitable for the title of the dungeon. After all, if you want to ask for marriage, you must get a certificate, and you need a civil affairs bureau, right?

On the other side, Lin Ke, who had just left Zhou Zhao's side of the pit, never expected that the scene he saw when he returned was quite different from when he came.

The previously disorganized mushrooms, trees, and huts were now divided into harmonious residential areas, commercial areas, and miracle areas, as if they had been cleaned by a pair of big hands.

At this moment, the zombie lady with a big belly is sitting in the car driven by the zombie, holding blueprints to communicate with several players, and the players are also fine-tuning the tone, color and style of the part they are in according to the overall plan .

It turned out that due to the high degree of freedom in this world, after the players completed the construction, they found that the style was not uniform and the functional areas were not obvious. In order to make the whole world look better, everyone invited Mrs. Zombie who is an engineer. With the help of Madam Sang Shi, everything became more orderly.

Assisting in the construction of this new world obviously made Mrs. Sang Shi happy. Not only did it not look tired, but it also looked much better than before.

Sang Shi still looked very worried about his wife, and asked her to sit down from time to time, and held up the blueprint for her, but after a while, it would lower its head and talk to the baby in his wife's womb.

This child is really very happy. Everything he saw when he woke up was designed by his mother.

Lin Ke and Sang Shi and his wife greeted each other, and walked to the intersection of a section of pedestrian street full of cartoon-like colors.

Here, several players are discussing the rectification plan. Seeing Lin Ke coming, they all waved to him: "Would you like to come and see us?" "We

will strive to achieve one step at a time with a unified style. There will be two styles at night and at night, trying to make it interesting for children and adults, and also for races with special needs to have fun." Mrs. Zombie also smiled and introduced to Lin Ke, it is dressed dignifiedly and looks very attractive temperament.

Lin Ke was a little moved when he saw the clear blue sky in front of him, the constant laughter and laughter, and even opened up a small stream dedicated to mermaids.

He thought to himself, it's just a pedestrian street, can't the whole street be full of civil affairs bureaus? Besides, it is not bad to have a special design.

So he walked over with peace of mind.

The design of Mrs. Zombie did not disappoint. On the roof along the street, the flowers scattered like clouds and mist, and there were shining elf NPCs who were taking care of the branches and leaves. Their transparent and thin wings were against the background of the young leaves. It looks delicate and fragile and cute.

When some of the elves saw Lin Ke coming, their small bean-like eyes rolled around and burrowed into the branches.

Lin Ke was too busy admiring the scenery to notice their small movements. In the shops on both sides, many humans are teaching the npcs to make exquisite drinks with human characteristics, and the npcs use their unique skills to make these things more interesting, and the colorful small plates are floating along the stream Looking at it, one can imagine how beautiful and lively it should be here at night.

And now, it hasn't even been a few hours since the dungeon begins.

Lin Ke couldn't help being surprised by everyone's creativity. It seems that everyone has a dream city in their hearts, and Lu Zhou gave everyone the opportunity to realize their wishes together.

From this point of view, Lin Ke couldn't help but feel that Lu Zhou is indeed a very powerful main god, but as soon as his thoughts came here, he forced himself not to think about Lu Zhou.

At this time, the voices of several people communicating came from the nearby shop.

"Ah, this is really well done."

"Hey, congratulations. I opened a store before, and I thought about it just now. We can't live on reward points alone. If we want to live here for a long time, we have to make some contributions. I just want to go back to my old business."

"But I don't know how long this world can last..." 

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