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 Now everyone pricked up their ears.

Gao Feifan had no choice but to say: "The situation was quite special at that time. We were reasoning and discussing, but Yu Lin and the others suddenly seemed to go crazy, saying that they would die if they didn't pass the level, and then they ran to the rose field , rushed to the flower field."

This sounded ominous.

[Barrage: You must have been killed by them. 】

【Barrage: Why, aren't they all from the White Rose team? 】

【Barrage: Haha, is it a newcomer kid again? The reason is very simple. Didn't Jin Shen reason about the condition of death before? The number of Red Rose players is equal to the number of White Rose players to ensure the survival of both sides. In this case, is it true that the side with fewer numbers is more precious? If there is only one White Rose player left, will the whole audience support him? ]

[Barrage: So, that's how it is! 】

【Bullet screen: So, even if you know the conditions of death, don't say it easily. The ghost knows what other people are thinking. You treat him as a teammate, but it turns out to be a ghost who is killing you. ]

In the picture, Jin Qingyue took a deep look at Gao Feifei: "You said Yu Lin led them into the rose field?"

Gao Feifan and Chen Ming nodded repeatedly.

"Then let's go and have a look." Link said.

Dozens of people looked at him.

"Oh, what I mean is, the townspeople go crazy at night, but the players go crazy during the day, isn't it strange? What if there is a certain death condition during the day?" Linke seemed to say casually, "Since you two are awake, you can Please lead the way and let me take a look, don't worry about others."

Qin Du answered immediately: "I'll go too."

Several other players from the Red Rose team also expressed their desire to take a look.

In the dungeon, the atmosphere is mainly driven by the players. If one or two talk, everyone will stop talking. They have prepared their props and are ready to follow Gao Feifan to find out.

Gao Feifei and Chen Ming had no choice but to take a group of people to the "accident location".

The fresh air of the town no longer wafted the fragrance of flowers from last night, but was replaced by a chill. Just yesterday, the players felt that this coldness made them feel cold, but now, like all the townspeople, they felt a kind of security from it.

It is only now that they understand what the townspeople mean when they say "a beautiful frozen town makes people feel at ease"—if what they have to face at night is such a terrifying beauty and tenderness, it is better to face the plain sight of a hundred days forever. Wrapped in silver.

Along the way, the townspeople have obviously returned to normal. Seeing the players traveling together, they enthusiastically came up to strike up a conversation and learn about their travel plans. It's just that when they learned that the players were going to "watch" the rose field, they all shook their heads.

"It's too dangerous."

"Although the scenery is good, it's better to look at it from a distance."

One, two, three or four said the same thing, and some people in the team started to drag their feet, and everyone's face was ugly.

Lin Ke also showed a rare expression full of thoughts.

[Barrage: Little brother looks so serious. 】

【Barrage: Actually, I don't quite understand, why do you want everyone to go together? Isn't it dangerous? 】

【Barrage: Because everyone wants to be able to know the conditions of certain death in the first place, so that they can avoid death by themselves, and secondly, they can avoid being targeted as cannon fodder because of the conditions of certain death. 】

How can Linke fail to analyze problems that can be analyzed by barrage?

Not only did he analyze it, when he deduced the death condition, he thought of the need to protect the team with a smaller number.

But he didn't expect that in the case where the dungeon explicitly forbids players to hurt each other, there are still players who would think of killing teammates to increase their survival rate.

He felt a little chills in his heart now, and felt that the weak sense of the bottom line of these players was no longer enough to be called human. At the same time, he recalled that when he first entered the dungeon, he once told Jin Qingyue about his speculation about the conditions of death, But Jin Qingyue told him to "don't tell anyone".

That's what it means.

It turned out to be really advice.

Lin Ke looked at Jin Qingyue in a complicated mood, but unexpectedly, the latter was also looking at him and smiled slightly at him.

As if to say "Understood? Don't worry too much".

Lin Ke still felt a little embarrassed, so he nodded curtly.

It's strange, even though Jin Qingyue has reasons for everything he does and the advice he gave is now proved to be effective, Lin Ke still can't get close to him, and even instinctively pays more attention to his every move move.

Maybe it's because I've seen too many strange things after entering the world of the main god, and I'm too sensitive? Lin Ke thought.

"Here we are, that's where it is." Gao Feifei stopped far away and pointed to the front.

In front of me is the familiar, boundless field of roses, like a delicate one-piece sculpture that reaches the sky, shining like a freezing point in the sun, and the scene is spectacular.

Jin Qingyue stepped forward in the wheelchair, and Lin Ke followed to see.

I saw a series of footprints hastily arranged on the ground at the entrance of the town, mixed with mud, ice and snow, interlaced and overlapping. After careful identification, it can be vaguely seen that they are three different people.

Looking forward, the footprints seemed to be dragged by something, and turned into two traces that looked like ruts. Two parallel grooves were deeply sunken in the mud, and there was broken soil beside them.

There are irregular scratches on the inner wall of the groove, like the thorns on the rose vine passing by.

If you look further away, you can't quite understand it. You can only see from the damage to the rose field that the three of them were dragged out of five paths...that is, at least one of them was dragged away in two or three directions. up.

After imagining the scene in my brain, a skinny student-like boy in the Red Rose group scolded directly.

Gao Feifei received a lot of blank stares along the way, and at this moment he kept clearing himself: "Look, they, they were dragged away by rose vines, but we really don't know why."

"Go in and look separately." Jin Qingyue interrupted him lightly.

The scene was silent for a moment.

The players who had only followed Jin Qingyue before did not say a word this time.

[Bullet screen: I have seen it through. When Jin Shen is needed to provide information, he will praise people to the sky and listen to everyone without saying a word. Now that the task is assigned, it will be like this. 】

[Bullet screen: No wonder Jin Shen is chilled, ah, the little girl went up, so warm. ]

Sure enough, Yu Sheng walked to Jin Qingyue's side without much hesitation, and supported the back of his wheelchair with his white hands.

Yang Yue, who had been standing with Yu Sheng just now, took two steps forward: "Then God Jin, can I join you too?"

Qin Du answered, "Gao Feifan and Chen Ming follow me.

" , and two other members of the Red Rose team stood up, plus Lin Ke, a total of 26 people were divided into five groups.

Jin Qingyue only brought Yang Yue and Yu Sheng with him. According to his own opinion, his ability is relatively strong, and the number of team members needed can be relatively small.

This is naturally recognized by everyone, and no one has any objections.

In a group with Lin Ke are the three Red Rose players and Hua Jinmian.

When they were grouped, Hua Jinmian seemed to know that his status was embarrassing, and there was no Ji Hong and others to turn to. He waited until the end, seeing that there were few people on Lin Ke's side, and then came to ask him in a low voice.

Lin Ke agreed after thinking about it, and the other three didn't have much opinion. After all, the White Rose team members are all treasures now, and they don't care whether they have anything to do with Ji Hong's cancer, and they still point at them to live at night.

[Barrage: Hey, Jin Shen is not in the same group as the little brother? ]

[Barrage: sharp eyes! I also noticed. ]

[Barrage: The scene of falling out of favor? 】

【Barrage: Although, I don't quite understand why everyone should go in to find the two eliminated players. 】

【Barrage: C-level dungeon is like this, every fatal point is very important, if you don't catch it the first time it appears, the whole army will be wiped out when it appears again. No one wants to risk their lives to find the point of death, and then be reaped the rewards after returning, right? Finding the dead point is by default full participation. But this fatal point is really... how weird...]

It's too weird, because this flower field has nothing to do with the plot.

The townspeople told them not to come, and Mr. Blind didn't show up all day, but people died in the rose field.

Even though Lin Ke has excellent psychological quality, he also felt a little irritable when he stepped into the flower field - it was more than half of the second day of the seven-day dungeon, but he only talked to Mr. Blind once. Although the communication was very intense, I don't know if it will be effective in the end.

Fortunately, the background of the whole story has gradually become clear, and several key npcs have gradually surfaced, but someone was eliminated suddenly? There are not many white rose players left, nine in total, and sixteen red rose players. Even if every white rose player is protected now, at least seven red rose players will be eliminated tonight. Before, would Red Rose players betray each other?

Is this the real battle between red and white? There is no need for too many rules at all, allowing players to consume by themselves.

More importantly, nine to sixteen is not the final result, Linke still has two figures, one red and one white, dangling in his heart, which is very strange.

Moreover, Jin Qingyue's attitude was a bit strange, he didn't look like such a reckless person, but suddenly asked everyone to enter the rose field.

In Lin Ke's eyes, these players are not silent because they want to sit back and enjoy their success, but because there is indeed a problem with Jin Qingyue's order.

Not safe enough, not safe enough, contrary to his city government and his steady and steady style of action.

However, it is also possible that time is running out, and if the internal and external consumption is carried out at this rate, the players will not be able to survive the seventh day.

"Don't come down yet." Link was squatting down to study a broken flower stem, but suddenly thought of something, and raised his head to stop the other three red rose players.

Before he finished speaking, one of them immediately gave a low cry and retracted his strided legs.

I saw the rose vines suddenly rolled out from the dirt, but they caught nothing and retracted resentfully.

Hua Jinmian, who was following Lin Ke, shrank behind Lin Ke in fright.

Seeing this, Lin Ke came to a conclusion: "The death conditions in the flower field are the same as those at night, and the number of red and white rose players should be the same."

Sure enough, not far away, there were only a few red rose players half panicked and half relaxed Back to the "shore" with a grim expression.

On Lin Ke's side, the Red Rose player who just stretched his legs is called Meng Tang. He is nearly middle-aged and well maintained. His movements are as agile as a young man. After hearing Lin Ke's words, she immediately took two steps back: "Then trouble Xiao

Lin, Qiangzi and I, Ah Gang will wait up there." Link nodded, and at the end, he couldn't help but glance at the middle-aged trio . Since he entered the main god world, he rarely saw players over the age of 30 or 40, so he paid attention to them before the start.

This aunt is graceful and straightforward, while her partner Qiangzi is very upright. Ah Gang is like the younger brother of the two, a clever, slender middle-aged man.

They have always been non-existent, like a background board in the team, but they followed Lin Ke without hesitation when they chose to form a team just now. "Don't worry, Xiaolin looks reliable." At this moment, Uncle Qiangzi

is cheerful, as if he is not afraid of accidents, "Ordinary girl movies can't fool him."

Hua Jinmian was warned.

Ah Gang also smiled and said: "Yes, little girl, don't think too much. Although the rose field is covered by frost, but such a large area is connected together, the contagious power cannot be underestimated. Spiritual contagion is a matter of moving. Evil thoughts are particularly easy to fall for."

This is the most naked threat.

This middle-aged trio perfectly used the old man's way of frightening children.

Hua Jinmian was still standing beside Linke, half of her body was hidden among the rose bushes, her expression was very awkward.

Lin Ke noticed that her temperament was actually very similar to Yu Sheng's.

He had a good impression of Yu Sheng, so he knew that Hua Jinmian was from Ji Hong's side, so he didn't beat her too much, just said: "Okay, let's go in and have a look."

Hua Jinmian glanced at Lin Ke quickly and gratefully, then turned around and walked inside first.

However, this move made Lin Ke's heart sink.

The direction she was heading in seemed too clear.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angels who voted for the overlord or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during 2021-06-21 00:28:01~2021-06-22 00:53:34~

Thank you for the mines Little angel: 2 from Linyuan; 1 leg was broken by Feiyuan today;

thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles from Linyuan;

thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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